Thessaloniki: The Orfanotrofio was resquatted and reevicted; mass detentions

20130928_Thessaloniki_The_Orfanotrofio_was_resquatted_and_reevictedOn Saturday morning, September 28th, 2013 a group of comrades reoccupied the evicted Orfanotrofio squat in the district of Toumba, Thessaloniki. Shortly afterwards, they released a collective communiqué about their action, and went out on the rooftop of the building unfolding a banner reading “RESQUATTED.” In the meantime, solidarians on the street were kettled by heavy police force. The squat was eventually raided at midday. All squatters were detained chanting “The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!” [Read More]

Greece: Update about the crackdown on squats around the country. Keli squat re-squatted in Igoumenitsa

igoumenitsa_keli_squatOn September 3, the Keli (Cell of Freedom) squat was reoccupied.* This was our short response to the ongoing state repression against anarchists and squatters.

As we have already said, the fight goes on and will continue.

In addition, three more students occupied the empty dormitory cells at the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Igoumenitsa. The housing project continues, and we invite all students who have financial problems to do the same.

Shame on academics for bringing the cops into the TEI premises. Shame on cowards who choose to keep silent when faced with state repression.

Solidarity with evicted squats—Villa Amalias squat, and Skaramaga squat in Athens; Delta squat, and Orfanotrofio squat in Thessaloniki; Maragopouleio squat, Parartima squat, and the self-managed hangout of TEI in Patras; Valveios squat in Messolonghi—as well as with the Nadir anarchist hangout in Thessaloniki, Draka squat in Corfu, radio98fm, indymedia, and the hangout in Xanthi… [Read More]

Thessaloniki (Greece): Cops evicted the Orfanotrofio squat


In the morning hours of September 2nd, 2013 the Greek police conducted another anti-squatting operation, this time against the Orfanotrofio squat, a former orphanage in the district of Toumba, Thessaloniki.

Seven squatters were arrested inside the building and charged with violating the law regarding occupation of public buildings, as well as weapon possession (an air pistol was allegedly found at the squatted house). All comrades were held in custody, scheduled to appear in the Thessaloniki courts.

Last year, it was announced that the ministry of Health handed over the squatted Orfanotrofio to the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki.
Fuck the State and the Church!
Immediate release of our comrades! [Read More]

Ioannina (Greece): Antiviosi squat evicted

Yet another antiauthoritarian space has been sealed off by the Greek State.

On Thursday, August 29th, at 7am, heavy police forces and fire brigade officers evicted the Antiviosi squat in the city of Ioannina, in the presence of a prosecutor. There was no one inside the squat. Cops, however, were confronted by nearly 60 solidarians on the street; no arrests were reported.

This afternoon, at 7pm, a PA’s gathering will be held in front of the former Prefecture building in Ioannina. Details about the eviction will be released later on.

Strength to the comrades from Antiviosi squat! [Read More]

Cardiff (Wales): Solidarity with squats under attack in Greece and raids in Berlin from ACAB

On August 5th cops in Greece continued their campaign of repression against squats by raiding three squatted spaces in Patras: Parartima, Maragopouleio and the Self-managed Hangout inside the Technological Educational Institute (TEI). 16 comrades were detained in total; 5 squatters and 11 supporters.

While those showing solidarity were later released, the 5 occupants faced charges in court on the 13th. Therefore the next day we painted a banner to express our solidarity with squatters facing charges and evicted from their homes.

Additionally today we hung another banner to show solidarity with the squat Rigaer 94 and all those arrested during raids in Berlin on the 14th. The raids were supposedly related to arson attacks of various job centres and a Molotov attack against police, in solidarity with the revolts in Turkey after the eviction of Gezi Park in Istanbul. [Read More]

Bielefeld (Germany): Banner drop in solidarity with the evicted squats in Patras, Greece


We heard about the eviction of the squats in Patras/Greece. So we put up a banner on the local autonomous centre to show our solidarity and inform the people here.

The banner reads: “Squats Parartima, Maragopouleio, Steki at TEI evicted in Patras. Fight back the state attacks! Freedom for all!”.

Keep on fighting!

Rage and lots of regards from Bielefeld/Germany

Source – Contra Info

Greece: Crackdown against three squatted spaces in the port city of Patras

On August 5th, 2013, at about 6.30am, uniformed and plainclothes cops raided and evicted three squatted spaces in Patras, namely Parartima squat on the corner of Corinthou and Aratou streets, Maragopouleio squat on Gounari street, and the Self-managed Hangout inside the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Patras. All three squatted spaces were evicted and sealed off by police.

The repressive forces, aided by municipal authorities, confiscated various materials from the squats, and even sealed up the entrance of Parartima squat with bricks. [Update: The Patras free radio station Radio-Katalipsi 93.7FM announced that their equipment was NOT confiscated.]
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Chania (Crete): 9 years of occupation for the Rosa Nera squat

Rosa Nera

Greece: Athens Indymedia and 98FM are back online

The following statement was issued by the Occupiers:

 Athens.indymedia and 98fm radio are emiting RIGHT NOW throught NTUA s occupied  rector.  Athens imc collective called people to come over  to the university now “Those who consider themselves as being solidarious with counter-information projects  are invited to support us with  their physical presence  to intervene so as to keep those projects to emit through their physical space, as much as this is possible” the two media that were targeted by the state repression (through the intervention of the rector Simopoulos) from April 11, managed to emit because of the decisive action of solidarity.
 For the same reason, a solidarity march/ demonstration will take place, starting from Monastiraki square, on Thursday the 25th of April at 18:00
We will win

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Cyprus: Action in solidarity with the 6 prosecuted anarchists of Delta squat

On Monday, April 8th, 2013, at around 1pm, comrades made a surprise intervention outside the Greek Embassy in Nicosia, which lasted about an hour. A solidarity banner was placed at the entrance of the building and many slogans were chanted.

The banner reads: “Solidarity to the 6 fighters of Delta squat, to all squats and self-organized spaces – 10, 100, 1000 Squats – No prosecution against fighters!”

Earlier in Thessaloniki, Greece, the trial against the 6 anarchists of Delta squat was postponed to October 2nd, 2013. Approximately 150 solidarians were gathered outside the courts.

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Patras, Greece : Joint attack by cops and nazis outside the Maragopouleio occupation

On the night of Monday, April 8th a group of comrades who were at the Ipsila Alonia square [in Patras] came under attack by fascists who frequent the Psitalonia grill-house (owned by the Golden Dawn member Sipsas). The attack was sparked by a t-shirt with an anti-fascist symbol wore by one of the comrades. The fascists attacked our comrades with stones, bottles and chairs from the inside of the grill-house. The comrades resisted and then moved toward the Maragopouleio occupation, where they pushed them back despite being fewer in numbers. The neonazis moved toward the occupation, where they were pushed back for a second time, effectively. The intervention of the cops was instant, supportive and salvational for the parastatists, who were causing damage to parked cars for that reason. In the next few hours, and in perfect coordination between them, the cops attacked the gathered comrades with tear gas shots in a straight line and stun grenades onto the heads of those at the occupation’s entrance, while at the same time offering cover to the neonazis who were hurdling stones and flash-grenades into the courtyard of the occupation, from a side street.

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Thessaloniki: New trial against 6 comrades of Delta squat, that was evicted in September 2012

Delta squat, in Thessaloniki, was violently evicted on the 12th of September 2012. In the subsequent trial-farce, ten arrested comrades received suspended sentences and were ordered to pay fines (7,950 euros in total). One of the arrestees, anarchist immigrant Gustavo Quiroga, remained incarcerated and was even deported to Colombia on the 4th of November. That same month, the Greek State unleashed a new round of prosecutions against 6 of the anarchists that were arrested during the eviction. The 6 comrades are now accused of disturbance of the domestic peace (since 2008), as well as aggravated damages on the building of Delta squat. What’s more, the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, which claims legal ownership of the evicted building, is letting it rot while its administrative board is seeking compensation of 3.5 million euros for alleged damages caused by the squatters.

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