Besançon, France: Developers repainted against gentrification

Between Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th March 2015, the offices of the property developers SMCI – Pierre&Vie, located on Gambetta street, were stained with black paint.

This is a small response to the disgusting activity in recent years of SMCI in Besançon. With the many projects destined to attract investors and the bourgeois, SMCI is an ideal target for anyone wanting to resist gentrification of working-class neighbourhoods. [Read More]

Lille, France: Paint attacks against gentrification and evictions

On the night of 23th-24th [March] we attacked suddenly with paint the front of the Mayor’s office, the gendarmerie [military police], the formerly occupied Mangouste and the house of hip-hop. We chose these targets to oppose the ‘regeneration’ of poor neighbourhoods and the city policy that evicts the poor, to make these neighbourhoods more profitable for developers.

Le Chti d’Arras, a former event space for several years and of illegally occupied existence (in particular where concerts and other hip-hop events took place) saw itself evicted and replaced by “the house of hip-hop” or “European Centre for Urban Culture”. A good way for the Mayor to recuperate what was already being done without her, to relieve her of all that was subversively done there, and to instead make a commercial-cultural product. [Read More]

Calais: The womens house is evicted, mass evictions due to start this week – callout from No Borders

The evictions have already started. Eviction is not just the moment when the police come to the jungles and squats and kick people out through a physical confrontation, but it begins way before. The women’s house Victor Hugo is a good example of this. The eviction on the 25th of March happened in a subtle way. The women and children living within Victor Hugo did not want to leave, but instead have been forced to move to the Jules Ferry Day Centre. They were evicted under the threat of violence. This imposed and non consensual arrangement has happened without considering the wishes, opinions, needs or safety of the women living in the Victor Hugo house. The media have supported this by talking about the eviction in terms of “moving out”, therefore this violence has been ignored and made invisible. This forced relocation is an example of how the state controls movement and physical bodies and how it perpetuates and reproduces violence against women. [Read More]

Lyon, France: “Immediate Eviction” Festival from 21st-28th March 2015

21st-28th March: around Gérard Collomb’s Worst Year [Mayor of Lyon] !

The end of March is the end of their “trève hivernale” [the legal ‘truce’ which ‘forbids’ evictions during the winter period], therefore it is expected that the return of spring marks the resumption of eviction frenzies. The increasingly repressive climate, suddenly illegal evictions, excessive sentences; to show their determination to shatter the initiatives beyond  their reach.

We have not said our last word!

One week of concerts, activities, workshops, meals, meetings and surprises.
In the squats; outside the walls; in the street! [Read More]

Sivens, France: Eviction of the ZAD of Testet!

Since the morning of the 6th March, the situation at Sivens has rapidly evolved…after some days of tension and repetitive aggressions from members of the FNSEA [*] towards the occupants of the ZAD of Testet, all has accelerated. Here is information about what happened, as taken from the website Tant qu’il y aura des bouilles and from an info of AFP, among other sources.

-Early this morning, the Maison des Druides [House of Druids] was “softly” evicted.
-Rally at 9:30, Griffoul place, Gaillac, to regroup and move towards the zone to recuperate friends of the ZAD. The eviction has already begun. But visibly, we are all waiting for the decision of the Council: will they abandon the dam project, or not? [Read More]

Sivens (France): Demo on March 7th… save the Forest… Support ZAD Testet!

Act now… Don’t let the ZAD Testet die ! Demo March 7th

Come to save the Valley of Sivens, now or later on March 7, the day after the decision of the General Council of the Tarn !!!


ZAD the Testet, more alive, beautiful and angry than ever, is already condemned to death by all the powers (local, regional, centra) who all said it was necessary to “eliminate” the illegal occupation of the valley of Sivens by a bunch of “peluts”, “to anarcho-terrorism”, the “jihadist-greens”, “foreigners to the region”, the “drug-assisted”, “handled by experienced activists to sow disorder at home, etc.
The qualifiers which our enemies use are extremely diverse. [Read More]

France: Of the necessity to find ourselves – Call-out for a camp in Bure for Summer 2015

We come from counter-summits, Climate Action camps, No Border villages; struggles in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the Susa Valley or in the Sivens; anti-nuclear struggles such as in Valognes, Montabot or Bure; social, feminist and anti-authoritarian struggles…

If all these struggles are singular, many of us will bear the same horizontality structured ideals and reflections to combat all forms of domination. We also find common ground in modes of life and action. These battles sometimes intersect and reinforce each other.

The capitalist logic transforms the territory, devastates our environments, seeking to reduce our lives at work and by consumption. Faced with this we respond with squatting, blockades, sabotage; by practices that acquire autonomy outside of this world. [Read More]

Toulouse: February 21st demonstration in support of the ZADs and against the world of concreters

On the 25th of October 2014, the death of a man by the police on the ZAD of Testet marked the beginning of two months of struggle in Toulouse, that continued with demonstrations, public actions and occupations. This movement echoes those of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Testet, and elsewhere where an occupation was set up to confront detrimental State projects. The different ways of organising and communal life practiced on the ZADs have been put in practice in Toulouse, in spaces momentarily snatched away from the control of the Metropol.

By the Metropole, we are speaking about the authoritarian and destructive organisation of territory, put in place by the State and the multinationals that determine our lives. A real steamroller; reducing environments to their ability to be converted and economically managed, modeling spaces and practices for the market imperatives, and extending in all directions their infrastructural tentacles of steel and concrete. Here an airport, there a fast lane, a dam or a touristic park. [Read More]

Calais (France): Upcoming Evictions, expected March 2015

In April 2015 the municipality of Calais in collaboration with the socialist state government intends to open the Day Centre Jules Ferry for all migrants living in and around the city. This centre is sold by the government and its media as a humanitarian gesture. This is bullshit! This is a poor attempt to alleviate the catastrophic situation of the migrants here. A situation that is created by the very policies the government have put in place. The opening of the day centre will go along with the mass eviction of 2000 people and the destruction of their homes: the squats and jungles of Calais. [Read More]

Marseille: Food & film in solidarity with those implicated in Operation Pandora

Thursday 12th February, at 18:30:
Film screening of the documentary “Caso Bombas” on anarchists in Chile
(the film is in Spanish but the subtitles are in English)

Vegan food, liberated price
For the address: blancarde2015 [at] riseup [dot] net

International solidarity with those implicated in Operation Pandora [Read More]

Marseille: Occupation of the Park Michel Levy



Since May 2013, the collective “Michel Lévy” took over legal challenges brought to the court by residents near the park. They are fighting to avoid the square Michel Levy and it’s trees, centuries old, from disappearing. Notably a “remarkable” tree is listed in the national register of the association ARBES [Remarkable Trees: Appraisal, Research, Study and Protection]. [Read More]

Roybon, France: Open Barricade Festival

The 7th, 8th and 9th February 2015 an OPEN BARRICADE Festival will take place on the zone à défendre (ZAD) of Chambarans, against deforestation and the construction of a Center Parcs. Two days of building original barricades of course.

Meet Saturday 7th February at 10am at Lake Roybon, starting at midday for a picnic at 1pm on the zone, then building barricades and cabins to occupy and defend the zone. [Read More]