“The Workshop” squat-in-making has been forcibly evicted yesterday (8/29/2012) in Poznań, western Poland by the police, followed by property owner. The announced opening party was planned on Friday, 8/31.
There were ridiculously substantial police forces present (heavily armed SWAT-like squad, which is unprecedented in .pl), local police commanders came to the scene, police brutality occurred.
Eviction legality is disputed, based on fact, that no warrants whatsoever were issued to the squatters before bringing in the police, and that the owner, who remained unknown to-date, didn’t warn the squatters beforehand. That said, squatting is illegal in Poland and further legal prosecution is possible. [Read More]
Poznan (Poland): eviction of the Workshop squat
Bristol: Illegal eviction
There has been an illegal eviction tonight by Avon & Somerset police of 66 Queen Square, a former Building Society, in Bristol City Centre – several people are resisting on the roof overnight – support is needed tonight and tomorrow – including food, water, rope and clothing.
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Milano: eviction threat for the Villa Vegan Squat
In mid-July, 2012, patrols of the carabinieri appeared at the residences of two inhabitants of the Villa Vegan Squat in Milano, to deliver “closure of the investigation” papers related to the occupation of the Squat. The Villa Vegan is an anarchist vegan space that has existed for the past 14 years, serving as a venue for countless events, benefit concerts, mobilizations and ongoing debates and dialogues over many aspects of antiauthoritarian struggle and resistance. The space and its inhabitants have supported feminist and anticapitalist struggles, animal and earth liberation, prison abolition, opposition to the CIE (detention centers for immigrants), anti-civilization movements, and resistance to all forms of repression. The Villa has also operated as an DIY community resource with a bicycle workshop, rehearsal space and recording room, and served as a locus for other forms of underground and non-market cultural production. [Read More]
Birmingham – Pebble Mill Social Centre evicted
Yesterday morning High Court Bailiffs came without warning, broke in and closed us down. We managed to get most of our stuff out (we’re getting pretty good at last minute evacuations) but unfortunately this was the same day as the Spanish miners benefit gig. However we were able to quickly squat a temporary venue for the event which went ahead without any problems and raised over £300 for the miners.
Film of the bailiffs breaking in can be seen here.
London: Finsbury Square Eviction
At 1am this morning, 14th June 2012, over a dozen police vans raced down City Road, towards Finsbury Square. Accompanied by two or three coaches of bailiffs in orange jackets. They quickly formed a line round the site and dragged those asleep out of their tents. Some being aware of the police coming climbed into the barricade built over three of the wooden pallet houses, with one masked protester at the top of a tree in the square.
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Athens (Greece): Major police operation in Exarcheia, K-VOX social centre sealed off
Major police operation in Exarcheia, Athens sees two anarchist social centres evicted; the entire neighbourhood is currently under curfew and cut off by heavy police forces
At approximately 06.50 GMT+2 on Friday morning, heavy police forces conducted simultaneous raids at two newly occupied anarchist spaces in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia: the building at 60, Valtetsiou str and the building of the abandoned VOX cinema by Exarcheia square. The latter had been occupied for a few weeks and its opening event was planned for this Saturday.
It is speculated that the raids took place following the order of I. Tentes, a prosecutor of the High Court in Athens, who launched his career after being appointed in the judiciary by the Junta regime in the early seventies. History, in case it should be noted, does seem to have a peculiar sense of irony. [Read More]
Porto: Autonomous social center Es.Col.A evicted on April 19th
The Squatted autonomous neighbourhood center in Porto, Es.Col.A was evicted this morning during a violent police action. An illegal act without notice. 3 people got detained and about 5 people badly injured.
Please support us with solidarity actions, translating and spreading the news! We need a strong international support, as the movement here in Portugal is weak and police still acts as in the times of dictatorship. [Read More]
Warsaw: Elba squat violent eviction
Today/now.., without warning, Elba squat in Warsaw is being violently evicted. Elba is the longest running and largest independent cultural center in Warsaw.
This is a part of a Polish live report, translated with g00gl, source: http://poland.indymedia.org/pl/2012/03/55240.shtml
Please share info if you know more!
London: 100 police illegally evict social centre
One of London’s largest and most active social centres was evicted Friday morning by around 100 police from the Territorial Support Group. According to reports, occupants were rudely awakened by an unruly mob of riot police breaking the inner door to their sleeping area. As no legal process had been initiated, an old warrant for the building was used as a pretext for the eviction. Occupants were in shock with the latest move by the authorities which allegedly defies nearly all the basic rights for every person to justice, as well as contravening Section 6 of the Criminal Law Act 1977.
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Italy: Eviction of Baita Clarea
Eviction of “Baita Clarea”(a house constructed by activists which is in the area of the future highspeed train line) and murder attempt in Val Susa.
On saturday a peaceful nationwide demonstration of more than 50,000 participants against the construction of a highspeed train line between Torino and Lyon took place in Val Susa in the west of Torino. After the demonstration the police started beating up about 500 participants of the demonstration on their way home to Milano at the central train station in Torino.
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UK: Reclaim Hinkley Eviction – Occupiers Arrested
The occupation of Langborough Barn on EDF’s Hinkley Point Development site came to an end today, as over 20 Bailiffs and 10 police officers began the eviction at 6am this morning. It took around three hours for them to remove the Barnstormers.
Sydney: A better squat eviction
For 3 months some homeless students, anarchists & workers had been squatting the massive 3 story St Michael’s Cathedral in Darlington, Sydney and had plans to turn it into a social centre and accessible accommodation. The occupiers had been able to build a properly functioning kitchen for community dinners, had rigged the electricity to provide lighting and fixed many of the rooms to create a liveable space out of a building that had been empty for some 7 years or so. [Read More]