Gent (Belgium): Kraaiennest, new squatted social center

On 15 february 2018, a few hundred people were demonstrating in Gent against the squatting ban. They ended up occupying a big empty building for people in need of housing. The banner on the squatted building is stating: “What is not allowed is still possible“. From 23 till 25 February, the action weekend against the squatting ban will take place in Gent. This new social center is called Kraaiennest. More events in Gent are to be found on Chiropractor.

Sociaal Centrum ‘T Kraaiennest
Brabantdam 33, 9000 Gent, Belgium
kraaiennest [at] riseup [dot] net

Belgium: Call to demonstrate against the anti squat law. International call out for solidarity

Call to demonstrate against the anti squat law, against the war of the poor – Thursday 15 February 2018 – 19:00 – BLANDIJNBERG – GENT

On 3rd November 2017, a squat on Stapelplein in Gent was attacked. A family with young kids was living in a house, not to have to sleep in the park as they did before. A group assaulted them with sticks and fireworks. This was an act of racially motivated hatred against Roma. This hatred is fueled by a media campaign, spreading a lie from the owner. The house was left empty, and later nobody was living there.

On 26th November, a racist demonstration walked through Gent. In their own words, the mob took the streets “against injustice”, “against politics”. Slogans anti Roma were screamed during hours. In the prostitution district, sex workers were insulted. Homeless people at the Baudelopark shelter were also intimidated. This orgy of racism, misogyny, hatred towards the poor went on without meeting any resistance. Het Laatste Nieuws only titled a “demonstration against injustice” on their website. [Read More]

Liège, Belgium: Opening of new squat, La Boucanière

Because we need spaces to exist and as numerous empty buildings are subject to property speculation, we decided to occupy La Boucanière.

La Boucanière is a space self-managed, anarchist, feminist and queer, organised in an affinity manner.

A space where we would especially like to de-construct and revolutionize our relationships to animals, genders, the environment, and towards others… [Read More]

Brussels: Banner drop in solidarity with anarchists arrested raided in Spain

Recently, a banner was displayed on the entrance of the Botanique tunnel reading:


Signed off: “Until all are free! Death to the state and long live anarchy, now and always!”

Full communique: Brussels Indymedia

Gent: Closing event for gym – Fight Training Weekend

The Van Monck Autonomous Gym is the first autonomous gym in Ghent. It is a place where anarchists / activists can work to form, both physically and mentally, a strong group who’s able to defend itself.

The gym is a small room with boxing equipment and gym mats. It is an autonomous place, no membership fee, but voluntary contribution. Without leaders, but with shared responsibility. This shared responsibility means that the gym is ran by volunteers, and that everyone has his or her part to contribute to this. Everyone training regularly, has a say on how the club is being runned.
[Read More]

Belgium: Re-occupation of the Lappersfort forest! Call out for support

In the dark chilly woods, a new wind is stirring; winter is moving in, and with the cold nights come a new band of pirates and elves tiptoeing their way between the trees.

After 14 months of okupation, and a pointless pact with the devil signed by 3 previous okupants stating that the forest should be voluntarily packed up by November the 30th 2009, it seemed that the struggle to save the Lappersfort was coming to an end…

But all ends are new beginnings in disguise, and a new seed of mutiny has been sewn in the fertile soil of the forest.As long as it stands threatened, the Lappersfort will be okupied by humans to defend it.

[Read More]

Brussels: Gathering against repression in Calais, sept. 25th 2009

25/09: Assembly against repression in Calais

Solidarity with the migrants in Calais and Belgium. Gathering against the repression of migrants in Calais, this Friday September 25th 5 pm at French embassy in Brussels. Address : boulevard du Régent 42, 1000 Brussels.

The “dismantlement” of “the jungle” has started this tuesday (September 22nd). Police and military have evacuated several hundred persons and destroyed the homes of hundreds of migrants (not withstanding the resistance of many activists). [Read More]

Brussels: first squat opening of a week of pro-squat actions

Yesterday saw the first opening. About 150 people gathered and walked around, giving away newspapers in town towards the place and got in. Stuck themselves in with barricades and started the whole shit.

The building is an old chocolate factory with six floors right in the center of town. The kitchen started running, some people came and played music, the place was brushed and cleaned. Colours cover the walls. Banners were hung from the windows. A few habitations are being set up on the top floor.

The neighbors look quite happy, the police looks quite frustrated, passing by down the street and unable to do anything. A few lawyers are supporting us and working quite hard, as the last places were evicted illegally.

[Read More]

Brussels : the 39 rue du Fort’ squat has been evicted

This morning, around 8:00 am, the “39rue du Fort” squat has been evicted, without any justice decision. The cops came in the morning while almost everybody was sleeping. No resistance could have happened.

Concerning the week of actions in Brussels, the meetings are going to happen in another place. Write to unesemaineabruxelles [at] linuxmail [dot] org to know more.

1 eviction = 153 000 new squats



Brussels : Great Squats opening week in october 2003

you, dreaming of freedom, dreaming of space,


let’s open the doors, let’s free the space…

from the 15th of oktober


according to the difficulty to keep a squat a few time, according to the senseless crisis that duplicated the prices of the rents in 5 years, according to the number of buildings at random, according to the fact that the popular Brussels it was, is now a city of business and tourism, according to the pressure of the police to face at the underground parties, we’ve kept the idea of our dutch colleagues who already practised week of opening in 4 cities with good results, thank to all the people who joined for the rejoicings…

(there is an anti squatt law which is proposed for the nexts few days, a law that says that you can make 6 months and get a statute of criminal for beeing squatting…)

SO, JOIN US!! results of the first meeting of july:

[Read More]

Belgium: Opening of a new squat

  Belgium: Opening of a new squat

The Collectif “Le Boulet” presents: a new collective, creative and active living space.

For a few days now, we, a group of people of various origins and from different scenes – students, unemployed, artists etc – occupied the buildings located at the 23-25 rue du Boulet in the center of Brussels. Because of our precarious means of subsistence, we needed a space where we could develop our projects, be they political or artistic, and liva a collective life.

The buildings which we have taken over belong to the Sofidev company. These buildings were being left to rot by the owner but are nonetheless completely viable. Although the need for housing with affordable rent is significant, certain companies, in collusion with the city authorities, practise a policy of real-estate speculation by expropriating the inhabitants of various Brussels districts in order to “raise the tone” of the city centre with luxury shops and high-rent housing.

In reaction to this, we want to put some life back into those unoccupied spaces, and make them suitable for living and for the devolpent of non-lucrative activities:

– soundproof rehearsal rooms for theatre, music and dance projects.
– spaces for political and cultural activities, with an ethos of solidarity, and not the traditional commercial ethos (infopoint: distribution and sharing of knowledge through booklets and fanzines, video projections, meetings and discussions, etc).

As of now, you can come and visit us at n° 23-25, rue du Boulet, 1000 Brusselss.

Tel : 0472 650112 E-mail : leboulet [at] linuxmail [dot] org

[trans. NMcN/ainfos]

nestor mcnab <nestor_mcnab [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk>

New squat in Leuven (Be)


  New squat in Leuven (Be)


A new building has been squatted in Leuven (Belgium) and we’re gonna do a ‘Boycot marktrock-fest’ in it, during ‘Marktrock’ (commercial mainstream festival) with lots of local bands and parties. The address is: Scapenstraat 29, 3000 Leuven, Belgium (for all your moral support 🙂

We have a small website we use to give updates about the squat and the festival.



13 augustus 2000. Start: 15.00 h Mangenerated (Evil Noise Project from Tienen) Chipmunks (Shake it, Alvin!) Mutual Aid (Punk’s Not Dead!) Ulrike’s Dream (trashing grind from Leuven. LCBC) De Boze Geest (Wait and see) System To Nowhere (Great metalcore!) Intestinal Disease (back from touring in Brazil- welcome!) Restons Sobres (Portugese HC-band)

14 augustus 2000. Start: 22.00 h Discoparty (come dressed and shake it baby!!!)

15 augustus 2000. Start 22.00 h Reggae/Dub-party with great Live act!

16 augustus 2000. Start: 22.00 h hiphopparty of kaartwedstrijd: we still can’t decide what would be the coolest thing to do, play cards or party ’till dawn. making up your mind is a hard thing to do.

Entrance: 50 BEF to cover the cost that have been made when we tried to isolate the place.
