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Dublin: Squatting, Urban Politics & the Dublin Housing Action Committee, 1968-71

The contemporary crisis of capitalism has made markedly visible the relationship between finance capital and property speculation, between the concentrated money-power of bankers and speculators and the shaping of the built environment in our towns and cities. This relationship has had all manner of disastrous consequences for the working class (inflated rents or mortgages, lower […]

Heavy Riots rocked Zurich, Switzerland. BINZ squat under eviction threat.

Last night, as 2.500 – 4.000 people took the streets for a “Reclaim the Streets” parade in solidarity with the biggest squat of the city, BINZ, which exists since 2006 and shall be evicted in April! Colourful dressed and with several sound systems and even a car with a live punk band on it, the […]

Violent Squat Eviction in St Petersburg: Three Activists Face 10 Years in Prison

On 4th February, at around 10pm local time, riot police brutally evicted a group of anarchists, community activists and local history enthusiasts who had been occupying a disused railway station, Warsaw station, in St Petersburg, Russia. Hearing that the site would soon be demolished to make way for a multi-storey housing complex, the activists had […]

Köln (Germany): Solidarity with Villa Amalias, Skaramaga, radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil)

dear beloved friends of all squats and self-organised spaces, we are absolutely impressed by the 10000+ people that have been on the streets last saturday in athens and other cities[1], showing their solidarity with all squats and self-organised spaces, with the 92 prisoners of the evicted and re-squatted Villa Amalias[2], the evicted Skaramanga squat[3] and […]

Amsterdam (The Netherlands): December 2012 Joe’s Garage program

The weather may be cooling down but the conflicts are still heating up: The French Prime Minister is green in the gills about his Green coalition partners opposition to his private airport, not to mention his private security police cutting out the supports of the platform they stand on like their political masters do. The […]

France: Rural Rebels and Useless Airports. La ZAD, Europe’s largest Postcapitalist land occupation

October 2012, Notre dames des Landes, France. Chris leans forward, her long fingers play with the dial of the car radio “I’m trying to find 107.7 FM“ … a burst of Classical music, a fragment of cheesy pop. “ Ah ! Here we go ! I think I’ve got it ?” The plastic pitch of […]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Reoccupy the ZAD! Demonstration 17 November 2012

Here we go, we’re on!! The reoccupation demo will be on the 17 November! We are already appealing for communal kitchens, marquees, musicians, batucudas, hut kits, materials, tools, tractors… looking forward for the reoccupation. All enquiries to: reclaimthezad@@@riseup…net Some occupants of the ZAD and supporting collectives, who won’t give up.

Montréal, Canada: Police violence and retaliation

Since the last February14th, a vast strike movement is shaking the post-secondary studies sector (colleges and universities) in the province of Québec. This general strike movement, mostly lead by a left-wing coalition of student unions – the CLASSE (French acronym for Broad Coalition of the Association for Student Syndicalist Solidarity) – has set itself, as […]

United States: Initial actions in solidarity with Oakland rebels

Several immediate actions that we know about have taken place in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Atlanta, New York City and Seattle in solidarity with the rebels in Oakland, hundreds of whom were arrested and many injured during a long series of clashes with the police on January 28. More actions have been publicly announced, others may […]

Occupying housing from the Pope Squat to Occupy Toronto

It was a sweltering afternoon in late July 2002 when the armoured vehicles of the Toronto Police Emergency Task Force pulled up in front of our building. Quickly we started barricading the door with an old desk, if they were coming to kick us out we weren’t going to make it easy for them. We […]

Barcelona: Almost two months in CSOA Castillo

For almost two months we have occupied the Castillo (Castle) in Les Planes on top of the Collserola mountain range in Barcelona. Since then a lot has happened, with this we would like to inform you about recent developments. Firstly most of the cleaning and rennovation work is, in parts completed and the social centre […]

Seattle: Informal Update On Situation

The Turritopsis Nutricula house (named after an immortal jellyfish), located on 23rd and Alder in the Central District of Seattle, has now been in existence for a month. Within the span of that same month, over a dozen squats have also sprung into existence in as diverse places as Bellevue and White Center. One of […]