Copenhagen: Pictures from the Ungdomshuset Demo, 20 May 1999

Picture: Ungdomshuset Demonstration, 20.05.99
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Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset is fighting for survival

On the sixth of May 1999 the City Counsel voted to close the Youth House, an autonomous youth centre i Copenhagen (Denmark. The house is historic and was build by the workers movement over 100 years ago. In 1982 it was given to the squatters movement by the mayor (he later stated that it was biggest mistake in his career), and since then it has been working as a social centre, with concerts, rehearsal space for bands, performance art, peoples kitchen, cafe, infoshop and a lot of other things. [Read More]

Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset threatened by eviction

We call up for a demonstration thursday the 20th of May 1999, 17 o´clock from Ungdomshuset tagtvet 69 Copenhagen, Denmark.

To The cityhall of Neoliberalistic Politics. Fell free to wear mask and join the black block.

  Bring the noise!!!!!

We do not want a violent demo but if we`re attacked we´ll defend the right to demonstrate and the right to live in our house!

There will be places to sleep for people from outside. [Read More]

Surrey (UK): Diggers leave St-Georges Hill

The Diggers left their camp at Saint George’s Hill at 2.30 on Thursday 15 April [1999] after losing a possession order for the site.

The land rights activists took the memorial stone to the original Diggers to Elmbridge Museum, where it will stay until a permanent site has been found for it on Saint George’s Hill. They have left a temporary wooden memorial planted in the earth at their camp on the hill. The High Court master ordered that no eviction could happen before Friday 16 April, so the Diggers left this afternoon to avoid confrontation. They waved banners and were accompanied by musicians as they left. NOTES TO EDITORS Eviction notice — The originating summons was served at 7.15am on Thursday 8th April by agents for the North Surrey Water Company, whose land the Diggers occupied. It was heard in the Chancery Division of the High Court in The Strand on Tuesday 13th April at 10.15am by Master Muncaster. Camp contacts: Tony Gosling or Annie Merry 0961 460171. Background info:

Pictures of the procession are available from photographer Ben White, 0956 141016



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London: Reminder – 121 Street Party


We have been preparing this super-duper bailiff-bustin’ event at full steam all this week and it’s gonna rock…. in case you forgot or we fucked up on the e-mail side of things..heres the details again…

Saturday 10th April 1999 – STREET PARTY for 121 CENTRE, BRIXTON – 2pm There will be DJ’s, music, free food, painting 121, no cars, dancing, performers, acts of the imagination, info tables, BIG PUPPETS, street art,creative resistance..oh a whole host of temporary autonomous zone activity. [Read More]

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London: 121 Social Center needs help

Hello friends

Here is the latest message from the occupied 121 Centre in Brixton. London.

We have now been in occupation, behind barricades, for 54 days but are expecting an eviction to happen at any time. The case was sneakily moved up from the jurisdiction of the County Court to the High Court last week so now the stakes are a little bit higher. [Read More]

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Berlin: Charges Against ‘Interim’ Magazine Have Been Dropped

German authorities have suffered an embarrassing failure in their attempts to criminalize the Berlin autonomist periodical ‘Interim’. All charges against 14 individuals targeted in a series of highly-publicized raids in Berlin last year have been dropped. It seems the state’s intelligence agency could not find anything useful in the massive amounts of confiscated materials. Last June, 500 police raided a total of nine houses and workplaces in Berlin, looking for the alleged editors of Interim magazine. [Read More]

Maloka in Dijon (France)

Maloka is a french anarchist collective based in Dijon. We organize concerts (mostly punk/hardcore/ska bands but also tekno and raggae sound-systems, or anything independent and political), weekly vegan restaurants, a mailorder catalogue (records, books, fanzines…), some lectures/debates and some demonstrations from time to time. We also run an infoshop, along with the mailorder thing, and a small alternative library. We own a place in Dijon’s city center, which is fairly small, but which hosts most of the activities listed. We’ve been having this place for more than 10 years now, and it has become a nice anarchist center, which we share with other collectives: the CNT, le “Collectif pour des villes sans voitures” (Reclaim The Streets), “La Strumpetoj Ridegas” (an Esperanto group), both a feminist group and a pro-feminist male group.

From these different groups came the idea of squatting a place that would be bigger than the one we already had, in order to do more activities… That’s why the social center “Les Tanneries” was created. Here’s a brief summary of how it all happened… [Read More]

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News from Amsterdam

25-4-98The owner of the ADM squat in Amsterdam tried to get the squatters out of the building by using a bulldozer to demolish the building while 20 squatters were sleeping inside.

2-5-98 Bertus Lüske, the owner was arrested by the police last wednesday for attempted murder. He will remain in jail at least 10 more days.



Berlin: Eviction on Pfarrstraße (February 24th, 1998)

 Squat Evicted, Dog Shot And Killed

Police Fired Shots During Squat Eviction In Berlin

On Tuesday morning, February 24, a masked special police unit with automatic pistols burst into the squatted house at Pfarrstrasse 104 in the Lichtenberg district of East Berlin. One squatter watched as his bull terrier dog was shot three times and killed. Local authorities said the eviction proceeded “with few incidents”. 260 police were called in to evict 15 people from the house. Berlin’s right-wing Interior Minister, Jorg Schonbohm, commented: “With our action, we have made it clear that illegal conditions will not be tolerated in the capital. As Interior Minister, I will see to it that there are no more squats in the future.” [Read More]

New York City: South Bronx Squats Evicted

672 and 674 are the last two buildings left standing on 136th Street in the South Bronx. All the other buildings were leveled to “make room” for Robert Moses’ Bruckner Expressway. Allowed to become derelict, and then abandoned completely by their owner in the mid-1970s, these two buildings were taken over by a core group of tenants and urban homesteaders, who transformed it into the oasis known as ‘Casa Del Sol’ (House of the Sun). In 1985, New York City’s Department of Housing Development and Preservation declined to serve the residents of Casa Del Sol with an eviction order on the grounds that the residents had gained adverse possession of the buildings. Over the next decade, Casa Del Sol — in addition to providing affordable housing for over 50 low-income individuals and families — grew to become the home base for the Cherry Tree Association, the Casa Del Sol Spirituality Center, the Blackout Books Zine Library (since moved to ABC No Rio), and the United We Stand Garden. [Read More]

Rampage in Hamburg

Hamburg:On late monday night around 30 people vandalised in the area of the Hamburger Schanzenviertel. In the course of the evening a police car was set on fire.The police later informed the public that the car had burned out compleately. Nobody was hurt and the suspects escaped and remain unknown.

8 Oct. 1997 TAZ
