Uppenbergschool in Münster (Germany) evicted

“Squatted for the next 1000 years” was one of the important slogans of the squatted “Uppenbergschule” – But there was obviously no way to realize this. On thursday, the 10. February 200 policemen woke up the inhabitants of the squatted house.

After a few discussions the squatters and the police decided to end the squatting action peacefully – the squatters went out of the house and the police didn’t get their identity. [Read More]


Fresh news from Austria


Photos HERE

Sat. Feb. 5

After the escalation of the protests into violence of the previous night, the President and other politicians (SPO Gruene) the quality of the protests changed last night. Highly organized by SMS and cellphonemessage chains, all kinds of groups and sympathizers found their way to last night’s rally. All in all an estimated number of 2000-5000 (always depending who you ask 😉 people were present at the protest rally winding it’s way through the inner districts of Vienna. Absolutelynothing happened that was openly violent. The government and conservative and/or right wing media as well as the FPO politicians were hard pressed tofind reasons to discredit the conduct of the people present. In the end it boiled down to the following. [Read More]

Netherlands: Groenfront-squats will be evicted on tuesday 8.2

Next tuesday we are expecting police to start eviction of the eight squats/camps in the Betuwe area (Netherlands), considering info from several reliable sources. You’ve seen all the info, if not check our site.

Please come and assist. Defense will be very fierce and lengthy but nonviolent. [Read More]

Vienna (Austria): Actions against the new government

Since the decision of the Austrian president to swear in the new governement, containing 6 ministers of the neo fascist “freedom”party protests in the streets of vienna and the other big cities of the country do not stop. In the nights from friday to saturday and saturday to sunday the capital has seen the most violent clashes between demonstrators and the police in austria since the 30s.

A little chronic

1.2.2000 from 10 00 am on 40 to 60 protesters occupy the offices of the OEVP (conservatives in coalition with the Fascist party) in the evening:Demontrations in front of the austrian parliament> >

2.2.2000 from 17 00 pm on Demo with 20000! participants in front of OEVP central marching towards the chancellors office. [Read More]

Geneva (Switzerland): Eviction of Alesia squat

In the night of Feb.04.00, 1 year after the evacuation of Guillame-Tell after two month occupation (Commercial Building belonging to Credit Suisse), a gathering took place.

The Purpose, condem the 300 000 m2 of Commercial Space left empty in Geneva, Guillame-Tell is still unused…At the same time Alesia (Squat 300m from U.N.) was about to be evicted to make Space for the Multinational ABB (income 2,66 Billion Sfr. for 1999) new Administrative Building.

The Gathering mobelized to Alesia for the last Dinner, once the Food was finished the Games started…Streetpaintings and destruction of Garden-Wall, making our territory much bigger…the neighbouring Haus had been occupied by private Security forces since a couple of weeks (to prevent further Squatting-Resistance), they were forced to leave due to our bottle-throuwing Contest and guerilla-tactical Assaults…No Riot Cops came…

Finally we said goodbye to Alesia, leaving the Street on Flames…the BlackBlock continued walking!!! and making traffic jams…till Ford Barreau (Commercial Squatted Building evicted 4 Years ago)…still no Riot-Pigs…all windows were smashed for the second time this Year… enough for the night…


Sydney: The Biscuit has been evicted

On monday morning around 10:30 AM a longstanding Sydney squat was raided and the squatters were forced to leave. The building – a huge heritage-listed old factory warehouse – was owned by the Shell corporation and been empty for nearly four years before the squatters moved in last February.

Shell had workers force their way in through the back of the building, opening the Biscuit up for shell representatives, solicitors, private security guards and state police to seize control. Only a handful of squatters were present at the time and those who were there agreed to leave by 3pm the following afternoon rather than face criminal tresspass charges. [Read More]

Amsterdam: E-mail action against eviction of the ‘Kalenderpanden’ Entrepotdok



IMPORTANT: SEND A COPY (CC) OF THIS EMAIL TO THE RESPONSIBLE PERSONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Rob [dot] Sardeman [at] dwa [dot] amsterdam [dot] nl (Cultural Department) jraschew [at] bestuursdienst [dot] amsterdam [dot] nl (personal secretary of the mayor) [Read More]

Berlin: Solidarios con Itoiz’ actions

24 Jan. 2000


Today, Monday 24th of January 00, the direct action group SOLIDARIOS CON ITOIZ (Basque Country) did an action on the worldwide famous Brandenburg gate in Berlin – against the itoiz reservoir project and for criticizing th e penalty of 5 years of prison that 8 of their comrades got for another peaceful and public direct action. At 11 o’clock in the morning seven activist stepped on top of a lateral roof of the building using a 9 m ladder. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Squatters from Entrepotdok squat part of the City Hall

Today, about 60 people squatted a part of the City Hall in Amsterdam. This part used to be a police office.

The squatters are going to use it as an informationpoint about the ‘Kalenderpanden’ at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam.

The council threathens to evict the squatters and sell the site to a project developer.

More information about the ‘Kalenderpanden’: http://squat.net/kalenderpanden/


Squatters barricade the house of the mayor of Amsterdam

Today 40 squatters barricaded the the mayor’s residence. They did this by screwing a big board on the door. On the board was a summary of a letter to the council. The council of Amsterdam wants to evict the squatted warehouses at the Entrepotdok and sell the land to ‘BAM’ building company. The buildingcompany has plans for making 47 luxury apartments.

On 29.1 there will be a demonstration against these plans. 14.00h Westermarkt square.

Sleepingplaces via entrepot [at] dds [dot] nl

Milleniums-Squat in Muenster (Germany)

About 50 left radicals, anarchists and alternative people made a Millenium squat in Muenster. They occupied in the night of 31.12.99/1.1.2000 an old school building to protest the destroying of old houses and to make the building a left selforganized social center for cultural and alternative activities. Until now the police keeps quiet and the squat could become a success.



Letter from Collectif Solidarios con Itoiz

Revolutionary greetings

Lets begin by introducing ourselves We are the collectif Solidarios con Itoiz, from Euskalerria (the basque country). We are currently fighting against a dam/electric powerplant project in the north east of the province of Navarra. The Dam project would drown 9 villages and along with those 5 natural reserve areas,3 of them being special bird protection zones. Few regions in Europe have such a rich fauna and flora than those where they now want tobuild their monstruos dam! It is important to note that apart from the 9 villages that would disapear, 6 others would become completely unreachable. [Read More]

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