Milan: Demo Saturday 14 october 2000


  Demo Milano Saturday 14 october


This is a document wrote by grrlz and guyz from the student’s lab. Deposito Bulk in Milano, evicted last year and re-squatted at new year’s eve Y2K. It’s a call for participation to a demo in Milano saturday 14.10.00, but also (at least) a supercall for support-on-line. The situation in Milano is getting shitty because of the elections climate: in spring we’ll vote our new major. The actual government is pretty right wing, let’s say fascist indeed and the electoral campaign runs (literally!!) over our squats and our bodies. More, they try to criminalize us for being ‘riot-people’ while we try to passively resist to their attacks, they say we don’t want to talk while we’re calling for dialogue every time we have the chance… The last month saw the mobilization of all the squats that are under threat of eviction in milano (at least 5) for a series of events and demos that were aimed to rise at-tension on the topic: ‘squats-quality of life-safety’ which is a kind of electoral slogan for the right wing bastards, which we can turn upside down in its meaning without changing the words… Now it’s time for direct confrontation, we need the broadest attention we can gather, we do need to feel the support of our fellows around the whole word, because we believe the point is not only focused on Milano… To send support, write a message to : bulk [at] ecn [dot] org or movimento [at] ecn [dot] org

WILL WE WALK ALONE? We don’t fear this scenario but are we sure this is right? We’re used, since quite a while, to the idea of giving surprises and thrills to our fellow citizens: we always tried to carry our way with creativity, giving nothing for granted and always being unexpected. We walked in demonstrations hands up on our heads, we squatted empty buildings in the daylight and publically (even if we were risking jail ’cause squatting in Italy is a crime), we always jumped out of the frame in which someone else wanted us to fit. We always took full responsibility of our choices and actions. What we have today is three evictions in almost one year, and the complete deafness of the city institutions to our calls: we’re part of an urban community ruled by some elected representatives, but is pretty clear that our complete (physical?) elimination from this city would be a dream becoming true for a number of these representatives Who’s the one who refuse the dialogue?? Who’s the one who’s looking for it?? Since years we’re concentrating our time and our energies on the possibility of developing projects, paths of growth and self-training and a web of relationships among different peoples, cultures, genders, planets we’ve always believed that what’s useful to enhance the cultural level of our metropolis, Milano, but also the one of all the other big and small cities ’round the world is openness and dialogue, more than defending our place or ourselves from attacks. But patience doesn’t last forever, we’re not dumb and not even subordinated to the ‘peaceful-living’ game. Time has come when everybody has to play his/her role in the game, taking position and responsibility. The ‘democratic, left wing society of Milano’, people always ready to mobilitate for the rights of the (average) citizen, that we do support as well, is getting more and more silent: this is a dangerous behaviour in front of the hunger of police control, xenophobia and unlawfulness that is seizing with cramps our city. It’s time for a turinig point, it’s time for something strong: who’s gonna carry the responsability of making us loose our temper? Everybody must know that we’re not going to refuse this last challenge of the fascist power that rules our city: we’ll be there this time as usual: united, smart, and most of all really fucked up!! Saturday 14 october Global demo in Milano LSOA DEPOSITO BULK – SQUATTED HOUSES AUS, HATA, MI CASA Contacts, info, support at: bulk [at] ecn [dot] org, 0039-02-34934549, 0039-338-2826191, 0039-338-4323945, 0039-339-2744441





Amsterdam: Anti-eviction exhibition at Weetwee squat gallery

Fuck rich – we squated at the middle of Leidseplein-Amsterdam where they have to pay 80 000 guilders to stay- but- ? it was fucking empty for TWO YEARS? because they don’t mind about MONEY !! WE DO NOT ALSO!? SO NOW THEY WANT TO THROW US OUT: WE ORGANISED MORETHAN 20 EXPOSITIONS AND EVENTS for fucking free for poor beginners etc. [Read More]


Amsterdam: 2500 people show support for the Kalenderpanden

Today the action weekend against the evictions was ended with a big demonstration. About 2500 people showed up at Dam square in the rain. This were 1000 people more than a previous demonstration in january this year.

Since there was no police intimidation the demonstration went through Amsterdam without problems. Just about 30 cops accompanied the demonstration and four busses of riot cops were guarding the major’s house. [Read More]

Squatters action week-end in Amsterdam

Last night supporters of the squatted buildings at the Entrepotdok paid a visit to the houses of councilmembers and put glue in their locks. According to the action group the council members are responsible for the planned eviction of the Kalenderpanden.

The kalenderpanden were squatted in 1996. Since then an active environment developed with a free radio station, bar, concert hall, art exhibition and last but not least housing for about 15 people. The last project which was started at the Entrepotdok was the Counter information agency. Their English homepage is [Read More]


Action days in Amsterdam: Kick off

Background information about the Kalenderpanden

The action days in Amsterdam against the planned evictions started already on thursday. Some people can’t wait… The main action will be on sunday 14.00h when a demonstration will go through Amsterdam. On tuesday the 3rd the president of the worldbank will visit Amsterdam. According to the Amsterdam squatters he is responsible for most evictions in the world so he will be welcomed by protesters. [Read More]

Program for the squatters Days in Amsterdam this week-end

Friday, 29.09.00 Saturday, 30.09.00 Sunday, 01.10.00
Multiple Actions… Information available at the infopoint in the city – see address below. 14:00 Meeting on Damsquare, have fun with bam 13:00 Gothik-Picnic at Damsquare
about 7:30 pm Concert at Leidseplein 2:00 pm Demonstration – “Kalenderpanden blijven”
9:00 pm Concert & Party at Kalenderpanden

Of course this are not all actions, much more is going on, but by some reason not published on this page 😉

Infopoints for all the actions: [Read More]

Sydney: Squatters threatened with eviction

Yesterday (26 sept. 2000), squatters and their supporters joined with workers and members of the CFMEU Construction and Energy Union to successfully picket outside the squats – preventing Council tradespeople from smashing in and boarding the places up.

South Sydney Council – which owns the four squatted buildings – took the squatters to court, claiming that the squats wre ‘life threatening fire hazards’ and the squatters were to leave immediately.

The Council won in court on two of the buildings, and the squatters were to leave by 12 noon Monday 25/9/00. However, Council were confronted by a large group of supporters and were forced to leave for the day. [Read More]

Milan: Metropolix has been evicted

This morning on the 17th of September Carabinieri and cops evicted the squat and youth-hostel Metropolix, in Zara street. The eviction, which was carried out by a complex squad of 80 Carabinieri’s and cops, happened as a result of an execution of a decree of “confiscation” by the court, and started this morning right after 7.30, ending without any “incidents”.


Amsterdam: No eviction for the Kalenderpanden!

Eviction possible from 3rd October

WEEKEND OF ACTION: Saturday 30th September and Sunday 1st October

DEMONSTRATION: Sunday 1st October, 2pm, Dam Square, Amsterdam

Luxury apartments in the “Kalenderpanden”, whatever next?! In these squatted warehouses in Amsterdam you can find concerts, performances, food, an infocafe and giveaway shop, information evenings, parties and many other activities – something happening almost every day. But if the city council get their way, in the very near future there will be, instead of all these cultural activities, 47 luxury apartments with private parking spaces… [Read More]

Sydney squatters remain defiant

Four Sydney squats faced with evcition on the eve of the Olympics are remaining defiant and resisting South Sydney Council’s plans to kick them out.

At a special council meeting last thursday, councillors voted 8 to 1 to start legal proceedings immediately to evict us. The next day we were served with notices to leave and threatened with fines of up to $1.1 million if we did not go.

Instead of using the criminal tresspass laws to evict, the council are using “fire safety” regulations to say that we are in a “life threatening” situation and a “danger to the neighbourhood”. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Weetwee squat-art gallery evicted in October!?

Next to our place (wETERINGSCHANS 2) city goes to build a bicycle underground garage. City council already rented the place – and after the building of the bicycle garage they will rent the place to Mac Bike -the “bestemingSplan” for next 10 years is: fietsenonderhoud en reparatie. (THEY PAID ALREADY 170 000 FL. TO THE OWNER!) Looks like we have no chance but: WE GO ON: TOMORROW 9. SEPT. 15 P.M. OPENING OF ROBODOCK EXPOSITION IN wEETWEE: ROBOTS, PHOTOS, OBJECTS, HISTORY OF FESTIVAL AND ADM SQUAT, LOGHT, PROJECTIONS, BIER… (STILL OPEN EVERY DAY 1 TILL 6 P.M. AND MORE. SO COME BEFORE WE ARE GONE (PROCESS AT THE COURT SOON – MORE INFO COMES – ALSO ABOUT THE LAST EXPO = 20 TIMES 99 THINGS = 1980 PIECES OF “ANTIART)…. 23. SEPT.)




Sydney: Broadway evictions halted by residents

Monday aug. 28th 2000 – this afternoon residents who squatted empty south sydney council buildings in broadway successfully defended their homes against the Council’s plan to evict them. Council had given the residents until 9am this morning to vacate the buildings. But the residents went into action building lots of support and getting mass media attention which has effectively forced the council to back down for now… maybe council will honour its commitment to assist homeless in south sydney area during the olympics year (we’re holdin our breath).

And big congrats to the broadway squatters!

pictures and information:

Yesterday’s news:

Sydney Housing Action Collective (SHAC):
