Four Sydney squats are faced with eviction on Monday morning


Around thirty squatters refused council orders to leave by last Thursday, despite a heavy police presence and the threat of criminal trespass charges. The buildings – which have been occupied since February – are owned by South Sydney Council. The Council have signed a deal with a multinational construction corporation to demolish the buildings and build 130 exclusive apartments.

The squatters remain defiant. They will not be leaving until the buildings are demolished.






On the 3rd of august several policemen broke into the squat CSO HOSTAL DEL SOL in Tarragona (Spain) and evicted the building. They arrested the tow people that were inside.

There was a demo the same day and another one on the 5th with almost 100 people both.




Barcelona: Opening of a new squat

Last saturday, 5th of august, about 20 people squatted a new house in La Bordeta, in Sants district in Barcelona.

The people living previously in these houses had been kicked out because they want to speculate with the building, to re-construct it and then to sell them more expensive and so on…

There was a street party this day and brochures were given to the people explaining the reasons of having squated the building.

Blitz (Oslo) threatened with eviction


  Blitz (Oslo) threatened with eviction


The Oslo council wants to evict the autonomous youth house ‘Blitz’in Oslo. Grete Horntvedt wants the Cafe Blitz, Radiostation Radiorakel, rehearsalrooms, concerthall etc.etc. to move out. After a renovation some youth activities are allowed to find a place in the building but they should be for a ‘broader audience’.

The people who are active at Blitzhuset hope there still is a possibility to solve the problem via the council. If this offers no solution Blitz is prepared to put Oslo upside down The situation in Oslo looks peacefully. This is mainly due to the fact that there are some autonomous spaces. Taking away a very important one will change the balance. Blitz: If we have got nothing to loose anymore we don’t have to fear anything anymore.

Blitz is existing for 18 years now and was given to the people after a squataction somewhere else in Oslo. Since then there has been some attempts to get the people out of the youth house again. Some historical information in norwegian is available at

recent newspaper articles in norwegian:

contactaddress for the scandinavian part of squat!net: scan [at] squat [dot] net




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Southern African leaders have come out strongly in support of Mugabe’s controversial land reform program

SADC leaders back Zim land grabs


SOUTHERN African leaders have come out strongly in support of Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe’s controversial land reform program, saying Britain should “honour its obligations” and provide resources for land reform in the embattled country. Ending two-day talks on the region’s simmering conflicts and tepid economic growth, the leaders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) called on rich nations to write off foreign debt and expressed concern over unending civil wars in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [Read More]


New squat in Leuven (Be)


  New squat in Leuven (Be)


A new building has been squatted in Leuven (Belgium) and we’re gonna do a ‘Boycot marktrock-fest’ in it, during ‘Marktrock’ (commercial mainstream festival) with lots of local bands and parties. The address is: Scapenstraat 29, 3000 Leuven, Belgium (for all your moral support 🙂

We have a small website we use to give updates about the squat and the festival.



13 augustus 2000. Start: 15.00 h Mangenerated (Evil Noise Project from Tienen) Chipmunks (Shake it, Alvin!) Mutual Aid (Punk’s Not Dead!) Ulrike’s Dream (trashing grind from Leuven. LCBC) De Boze Geest (Wait and see) System To Nowhere (Great metalcore!) Intestinal Disease (back from touring in Brazil- welcome!) Restons Sobres (Portugese HC-band)

14 augustus 2000. Start: 22.00 h Discoparty (come dressed and shake it baby!!!)

15 augustus 2000. Start 22.00 h Reggae/Dub-party with great Live act!

16 augustus 2000. Start: 22.00 h hiphopparty of kaartwedstrijd: we still can’t decide what would be the coolest thing to do, play cards or party ’till dawn. making up your mind is a hard thing to do.

Entrance: 50 BEF to cover the cost that have been made when we tried to isolate the place.



Eviction of the squat LA DESKARREGA, Sabadell, Spain.


  Eviction of the squat LA DESKARREGA, Sabadell, Spain.


On the 19th of july, at 9 in the morning, the police evicted LA DESKARREGA in Sabadell, Spain.

There was a demo against it on the 21st with about 50 people which ended throwing bullshit to the townhall.





Squatting in Lisbon




The squat in São Mamede street is about to be evicted by “la Santa Casa Da Misericórdia” (it is an organitation that is supposed “to help” homeless people). It is the first time that a case about squatting is taken to court in Portugal.


In 1974 about 10000 houses were squated and part of them legalized. Nevertheless, squatting is forbiden in Portugal nowadays.

There are 5 squats in Lisboa at the moment. The new movement started 3 years ago squatting “la casa enkantada”.



Barcelona: Eviction of CSO Torreblanca

On the 18th of july the police evicted the squat “cso TORREBLANCA”, but already in the afternoon the people managed to squat the house again. Great!

At 8 in the evening there was a demo against police actions.

This squat is having many problems not only with the police, but also with fascist attacks. This mounth some people have tried to set the house on fire twice.

Some news about squats in Lisbon


  Some news about squats in Lissabon


After the resistance hold by the São Mamede street squaters, the Santa Casa Da Misericórdia (institute with lots of power that helps the homless and detains national lottary) who reclaims the 4 floor building, is freghtning fathers from residents of the squat. They show to their parents photos and films from their day-life, explainig that they don´t have any cahance in court.

Is the first time in Lisbon and Portugal that a juridiscional case is made. So people(squaters) are a litle bit apreensive with that. After the 1974 revolution about 10000 houses have been squated… years passed and the new neo-liberal and anti-revolutionary legislation permited the legalization of house that have been done in the revolutionary process. Even tough, today, the neo-liberal laws and policys no longer permits squating.

There are 5 squats in lisbon. A new movement that starts 3 years and half ago with the ocupation of Kasa Enkantada.


Squaters from Lisbon






Molins de Rei/Baix Llobregat.

Last friday (7th of july) about 30 policemen evicted the squat FEDERACION OBRERA when no one was there and without any warning. They knocked down the building and did not even take the stuff out.

There was a demonstration the following day to protest against it.





Barcelona: Camping protest against the eviction of a squat

Last weekend (7, 8 and 9 of july) there was a great camping protest in Orfilia square in Barcelona. The squat “EL PALOMAR” is about to be evicted.
