Amsterdam: 1 year party of the squat Barcelona!

Whoa, never thought we’d actually get this far… But yep, we managed to survive a whole year. Time for a parrrrrty!

Good music, bad coffee, cheap beer and expensive cocktails, dj’s, fireshow and all that shite.

Saturday 8 sept. 2007
And, naturally, it doesn’t cost anything!

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Geneva (CH): Eradication of alternative culture…

End of July 2007, Geneva: Cave12 is homeless, as are the inhabitants of the squats Rhino and La Tour !

100 people are deprived of their home; three concert venues, one alternative restaurant which was used for debates and meetings, and a day nursery have disappeared within ten days; the squatters are percieved as profit-makers and criminals; the right of private property has become a justification for everything – This is the current situation in Geneva.

Dear friends, who in a way or another have been linked to one of these collective and autonomous spaces – now a rare and endangered species in Geneva’s wildlife.

We ask for your participation in this very simple action. We cannot remain silent observers of the ongoing eradication of Geneva’s alternative culture.

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Romania: Some Impressions from the first Squat “Rebil” in Romania

On Friday the 6th of July a group of anarchists squatted an old “cinema” building in the city of Iasi, close to the ukrainian/moldavien borders. This first Romanian squat is named “Rebil” as an anagram for “liber” meaning free in Romanian.
Since 4 (?) years the building in the center of Iasi is abandond, belonging to the Ministry of Culture and Cults (means the orthodox and catholic churches), at the same time under the maintainance of RADEF (Autonomous Society for Movie Distribution and Commercialization), both situated in Bucharest.
In 2007 the ministry announced a new law, which supports the selling out of the state cinema spaces to private businesses under the direction of using it for “somekind of art or cultural event”. RADEF announced that under this law it will probably dissolve itself by the end of 2007.

At the time of squatting people had the information that there are two cases in court claiming for the right to use the building.
One, in court since 12 years, is between the ministry and the orthodox priest Merticarie, who claims that the building was originally builded on the grounds of the church. [Read More]


Geneva (CH): Call for mobilization against evictions

Thank you for passing on the message to as many as possible

Evacuation of the Squat, La Tour“
July 10th 2007

On Tuesday morning at 10:00, the police invaded “LA TOUR“ under the pretext of carrying out an identity control!

This, so called, identity verification was followed by the arrival of a bailif who preceeded to proclaim that the house was abandoned (the inhabitants being held at the police station).

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Helsinki (Finland): Telakkakatu 6 was evicted

Today (28th of June 2007) early in the morning police evicted squat in Telakkakatu 6 with help of a helicopter of border guards. Squat in Telakkakatu 6 was at least 4th action in a row in ongoing struggle for a new social center in Helsinki during this year. Both formerly existing autonomous social centres in Helsinki were lost last year, when Siperia burned down in unclear conditions and city bureaucrats gave Vuoritalo conditions which were impossible to fulfill.

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London: Free Spaces, Squats and Social Centres

May 15th 2007

The social centers movement in the UK has grown considerably in the last four or five years with spaces springing up all over the country. London projects tend to use squatted buildings and come and go in a cycle of occupation and eviction. Check out the UK Social Centres Network website or join the London SCN mailing list for news about events taking place in current spaces:

Evicted spaces: Radical Dairy | Fortress Rd | Use Your Loaf | ex-Grand Banks | Institute For Autonomy | Square | Vortex.

Current spaces:
56a infoshop



Dijon (France): Let’s defend the autonomous space “Les Tanneries”

Let’s defend the autonomous space “Les Tanneries”

After nearly 9 years of existence, the squatted autonomous space “Les Tanneries” (in Dijon, France) is being threatened by a private medical pole, secretely planned by the city council.

Without any public consultation, but with the typical secrecy that goes with electoral periods when it comes to hot topics, the “socialist” city council of Dijon is taking decisions that could lead to the end of the autonomous space “Les Tanneries”, a self-managed political, social, cultural centre that was squatted in 1998, and has since become an important node for anarchist organizing and radical activism throughout France and Europe. Needless to mention that we won’t let the council carry out their plans!

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Venice and Milan (Italy): Occupation of Danish consulates

Tuesday March 6th, 2007 – Venice and Milan – Occupation of Danish consulates

Today in Venice and Milan two actions of occupations of Danish consolates took place to claim the end of the heavy repression held by the Danish government and city council of Copenhagen towards activists who are fighting and resisting to defend social spaces (over 600 arrests, and many activists in custody).

In Venice – this morning – claiming the end of the heavy acts of repression held by the Danish government against the danish activists (700 arrested ,250 of which imprisoned for 2 or 3 weeks), after the eviction and demolition of the Social Centre Ungdomhuset, 80 italian activists, occupied the Danish consulate in Venice. The banner of the activists quotes “From Venice to Copenhagen. Hands off Free Spaces”. The symbol of the Danish consulate was painted pink. After a few hours of occupation the Danish consul accepted the activists’ call to send, from the offices of the consulate, a fax to the Danish government to inform Danish authorities on the protests and demand the immediate releasment of the 700 arrested in Denmarck after the riots of Copenhagen.

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Copenhagen: Police evicts social centre ‘Ungdomshuset’

Ungdomshuset Information | 01.03.2007 – 19:32

After a long political and legal battle the basis-democratic, alternative political and cultural centre ‘Ungdomshuset’ was forcefully evicted by riot police and airborne anti-terror squads this morning. Ensuing demonstrations have seen large-scale confrontations between protestors and heavy-handed police, here is the full story from Copenhagen.

After serious social conflicts and uprisings by the autonomist and squatting movements in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the subsequent ‘Ungdomshuset’ was offered as part of a political compromise to the activists. The mainly young activists dubbed it ‘Ungdomshuset’ (‘The Youth House’), and started running various cultural and political activities out of there. It has for many years served as one of the only multicultural, basis-democratic collectives/community centres in Copenhagen, with the exception of the Freetown Christiania. Property rights remained in the hands of the local council, which in 1999 decided to disregard the previous political compromise and sell the house to the highest bidder. [Read More]

Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset eviction

At 7 ‘o’ clock this morning. Danish police, together with anti-terror para military forces, arrived at Ungdomshuset to begin the eviction. Tear gas was spray through windows and firefigthing equipment was used to spray the building. 4 Anti-terror police was lowered from a helicopter, while bulldozers stared to clear the barricades from below.

The police has arrested 20 people inside the house, and about 35 outside so far, one german activist was rushed to the hospital, along with 2 others. The police now holds the house, and riots and battles is taking place in the streets all over Copenhagen. The borders are being watched for travelling activist.

There are rumors about the plans to tear the house down soon will take place.

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Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset communique

February 27th, 2007

Dear friends from near and far. WE’RE STILL HERE!

We stay strong and in high spirits despite the pressures of our current situation. The political negotiations have broken down since the city council has refused to accept our demands and we have refused their sorry offer.

The last six months have been an endless man ifestation of strength, and the level of activity in and around the house has never been as high as now. This is thanks to the massive local and international support we have recieved.

Our hearts are warmed by the news of solidarity actions in Denmark, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Japan, Australia, Canada, USA, Germany, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Great Britain, Spain, Norway, Finland and Holland among many others.

We send out a huge thanks for all the actions taken by so many.YOU are the reason why Ungdomshuset still exists as an active autonomous freespace. [Read More]

Alcorcón, Madrid: Demonstration supporting CSO Eskuela Taller, the squatters and occupied spaces

Video-chronicle by La Plataforma

Last february 24th, 2007, 1000 people participated in a demonstration for the defense of the CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters and ocuppied spaces. The mobilization claimed self-organization, self-management, and autonomy as fighting weapons against institutional repression and capitalism.

Video and music produced by La Plataforma:

Watch video:

Download video in high quality:[Indymedia]_(2007-02-26)_La_Plataforma_alkorcon.okupado.avi

Download Soundtrack:

Watch photo galery of the demonstration:

La Plataforma