Milan, Italy: Corvetto eviction of the Corvaccio Squat and clashes against eviction and police

Riots are back in the town! Violent clashes erupted in 2 different popular suburbs ‪”Giambellino”‬ and “Corvetto”‬ against eviction and police militarization (and by Carabinieri too).

On Monday [17th November], in Giambellino eviction of 2 families from flats. Many people has joined the barricades from the popular houses of the area: barricades, clashes, teargas (head height), cops and people injured, cops run to beat people too!

2 people of the neighbourhood were imprisoned (now free!). After this, demonstration of all people started then (in heavy rain) in the suburb of Giambellino. [Read More]

Leytonstone, London: Police station occupied

Squatters have moved into a former police station, it has been confirmed. Yesterday, police received a report that the old Leytonstone police station, in Kirkdale Road, haad been occupied. The station was closed on October 23 and has been boarded up and empty since. [Read More]

Bristol: Revenge for Rémi killed by police at the ZAD of Testest, street fires from FAI / ELF

325 receives and transmits:

French police have killed Rémi Fraisse while they try to rout a combative forest occupation that prevents the Sivens dam. We have burned a vehicle in the service of the French multinational GDF (who work towards the new nuclear reactor not far away at Hinkley Point on top of other nuclear projects in many countries, force dams on irreplaceable Amazonian indigenous lands with the support of Brazil’s military, provide facility management for the police force in this region, run utilities on the Shetland Islands for one of the biggest oil and gas terminals in Europe, manage multiple French prisons, and all around design technologies which attempt to disguise industrial capitalism as sustainable development for the same banks and commercial entities as always). [Read More]

Montreal (Canada): vandalism against gentrification

For several years, the St. Henri neighbourhood has been undergoing many changes: a walk along any part of rue Notre Dame will bring you face to face with the new foodie restaurants, high-end boutiques, art galleries, and “drinkeries” catering to the residents of all the canal-side condos, replacing the dollar stores and flea markets.

Although gentrification of a neighbourhood is more than just new businesses and nice-looking storefronts, we decided to render some of our disgust with gentrification by vandalizing two such examples with fire extinguishers filled with paint. [Read More]

Hamburg: Attacks against probation & court in solidarity with prisoners of the Breite Strasse case

In the night of November 21st, 2014, the Office of probation services and juvenile court assistance located in the Museumstrasse in Altona, Hamburg, was attacked with stones, and many windows were broken.

Against the State, its Justice and minions!

Solidarity with the accused and the imprisoned in the case of squatting in the Breite Strasse in Hamburg!*

Solidarity with the squatters, who really showed the cops! [Read More]

Maastricht: November 29th, squatters demo, De Vloek stays!

Squatters, alternative people, artists, vegans, students, grown-ups, children, youngsters, employed, unemployed and everything else that lives!

We invite you to join us the 29th of November at 13:00 hs to protest in Maastricht! We are taking our voices to the streets, because we no longer stand it that freezone after freezone is is taken away from us. Hotel de Ossekop and Mandril have been erased from the Boschstraat last year, recently De Valreep in Amsterdam has been evicted and now De Vloek in Scheveningen faces the same threat…

De Vloek has been squatted 12.5 years ago and in this time the building has been developed to an amazing space where everyone can go for cultural, social and political activities or to enjoy some nice food. Now De Vloek has to make space for a top sailing centre, while another new sailing centre in the same street for a big part is empty. Again a bottom-up social initiative has to move for a propaganda image of the elite, so the social, open vibe of the location will disappear. When will we start creating a society in which solidarity and great initiatives from the people come before money, power and elitist behaviour? [Read More]

Utrecht: Nov. 29th/30th, squatters gathering weekend

Coming 29 and 30th of November a squatters gathering will take place in Utrecht! This weekend will be filled with workshops and discussions, including a LOK (landelijk overleg kraken – a meeting and discussion on squatting between people from different cities). Due to the recent wave of evictions we have seen in Utrecht, but also in different cities in the Netherlands, we feel it is time to all meet up to exchange ideas and discuss the future of squatting.

Practical points:
– The LOK part of this gathering will start on Saturday at 12:30 and will take up most of the day.
– Workshops on Sunday will start at 11:30, breakfast will be available before.
– For people that do not know where to go, gather on Saturday at 11:30/Sunday at 11:00 sharp at ACU (Voorstraat 71, Utrecht). There will be people to help you on your way.
– If you plan to spend the night, be aware that there are a limited amount of mattresses and blankets available so bring your own! [Read More]

Rio de Janeiro: Large eviction

From mainstream press, pic from here

Brazilian police on Wednesday evicted almost 200 families who had occupied a public housing development in Rio de Janeiro’s Guadalupe neighborhood.

The squatters were served with an eviction notice at 9:00 a.m. and soon were seen streaming out of the complex loaded down with mattresses, stoves, televisions and other belongings.
[Read More]

Berlin: Our Own Private Germany

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a group of squatters from East and West set out to build their own unified Germany. And, despite endless parties, questionable hygiene, and neo-Nazi turf wars, they pulled it off.
[Read More]

Cardiff: Gower Pub squatters resist eviction

Squatters and supporters at the Gower Pub in Cathays today [November 21st] successfully resisted an eviction attempt. The squatters were told that they were about to commit a criminal offence by staying in the building as an Interim Position Order had been granted by the County Court. The squatters pointed out that the IPO was invalid as there were at least 4 mistakes. This was after the court case the day before in which mistakes in the paperwork were admitted by the judge and the solicitor was asked to take the stand to give evidence under oath to support their claim to the building. [Read More]

New York City: Lower East Side documentary on the battle of East 13th Street with the NYPD

Lower East Side squatter history remains a fascinating, if not controversial chapter in the book of New York’s life. So much so that there is even a museum dedicated, at least partially, to preserving the cultural significance of the bygone movement – the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space.

One upstart filmmaker hopes to capture the essence of the war between squatters and the city of New York in the last three decades. Anytime, Baby! is the result of that quest, an independent documentary on the subject through the lens of one particular battle that was endemic of the times. That of 545 East 13th Street. [Read More]

Haringey, London: Magistrates Court occupied

Squatters with “large dogs” have moved into an empty magistrates’ court and police station due for redevelopment.

Haringey Magistrates’ Court in Bishops Road, Highgate, has lain empty since December 2012 when it was closed by the Ministry of Justice following a round of cuts. It is thought the squatters moved into the derelict building with at least two “large-sounding dogs” over the weekend. [Read More]