Call for financial support of AntiRep!Net

Supporting and participating in AntiRep!Net is showing your solidarity in maintaining a wide variety of tools and act with other networks in resisting and fighting back different forms of repression and oppression.

The project is maintained by anonymous and autonomous people. Some with no (legal) income or papers or no national attachment. It would be nice to share a bit of solidarity if you like the projects and ideas we put in place. We work with very modest and very limited financial resources, mostly from visitors or other occupants of the zone, and especially with a lot of heart. We put our skills to use in sharing and maintaining tools and resources, in workshops and exchanges for radical (H)Activists and other rebels. Help us resist repression, fight back and attack all forms of oppression from all sides !

Online and international options to support AntiRep!Net financially :
Crowdfunding / PayPal / BitCoin – 12QEmdkZJ4UcxbsfinCUPaVRuWWvwcRxgm
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ZAD: Call-out for fortification at La Grée

After three weeks of the police operation of ZAD nddl, our struggle to resist continues even as others negotiate with the state.

The next wave if evictions is said to start on the 14th of May, but they continue to harrass us. We are surrounded almost every day; they come to destroy both permanent and moveable barricades, as well as our cabins. We are rebuilding them bigger and better, making barricades become cabins and walls of permaculture. To do this we need hands, ideas, energy and enthusiasm. We want to use this socalled «peace » to prepare ourselves as best we can for the next wave of eviction. We can provide food and sleeping places for anyone who comes to support us.

Come as many as you can and bring tools. You can find the list of tools needed here.

Translator note : IF you do not speak any french, it is still possible to be involved. Just approach someonne with a radio as you arrive and let them know what language you speak, and we will connect you with people who can translate.


ZAD: Cat and mouse with the cops

We woke up early [April29], although we had a long day yesterday. We walked to the cop zone, the part of ZAD that was evicted earlier this month. Today people started to restore some of the vegetable gardens that were destroyed during the Evictions. Different groups went into the cop zone to restore damage that was being done by the state action.

Cops again and again tried to prevent some of the groups in the cop zone from returning to the parts of ZAD that are still squatted. At one point our group was not able to cross the road where the cops were positioned. The group wasn’t big enough to fight their way through. We waited for about an hour and tried again but failed.

After that we went to a small lake and suddenly one squad of Riot cops came into the fields near to the lake. We positioned ourself on two sides, ready to defend ourselves if necessary. But the cops retreated after only a few minutes.
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Amsterdam: Antifa activists forced Generation Identity fascists to leave “squat”

Generation Identity fascists claimed to have squatted an apartment next to the “We Are Here” refugee squats in Amsterdam. Squatted or not, the fascists had to leave after antifa activists attacked the fascists in their “squat”.

The Generation Identity claimed that they had squatted a house in the Rudolf Dieselstraat in Amsterdam, Netherlands. But the city council of Ymere in Amsterdam’s Watergraafsmeer district, denied that the house was squatted. The fascists were invited by somebody who has a temporary rent contract to avoid a squatting action.
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Notre Dame des Landes: And what if Macron would finally shut his mouth?

Call for reinforcements from saturday, April 21st on the #ZAD at #NDDL

Monday, 9th april, the evictions of la zad at Notre-Dame-des-Landes in fRance, began. We received a lot of support from everywhere and even beyond the French borders. A new deadline before total eviction of la ZAD was imposed for the 23rd of April. Namely, the squaters must leave a territory that they have liberated and defended with their hearts and their deepest convictions.

Call for a meeting to put a beating to the state as it should, here or elsewhere, make our voices heard, it’s a good spring to make barricades bloom. Put on your helmet, your gas mask, your gloves and join us.

They are trying to scare us, but do not back down, let us continue together to build a future of solidarity.

We did not choose to be born, but we can become who we want. The zad must not return to the state. She must remain a space for us all.

Let’s be there this weekend, the party may be great.


Notre Dame des Landes: Evictions Have Begun, the ZAD Calls for Mobilization

Kept at bay for years by the movement, a new attempt at eviction of the residents of the ZAD at Notre-Dame-des-Landes has begun. [english live ticker, FR, twitter] Starting at 3 a.m. today, the operation began deploying in all its brutality: Interminable lines of blue police vans, armored vehicles, tear gas, the first injuries and the first arrests. Gendarmes announced that reporters were strictly forbidden “throughout the operation” and blocked their access to the site. They declared that the press was prohibited from taking photos and that the media would have access only to images supplied by the Gendarmerie. The expulsions confirm the government’s pretense of re-establishing the rule of law while in fact grossly flouting the law. The Prefecture has not even granted the inhabitants of the ZAD access to the minimum guaranteed by the law on the right to housing, in this case the right to individual procedures and the right to contest an eviction decision. Yet the residents of most areas within the ZAD have identified themselves by name on several occasions over the past few years. The Prefecture’s outrageous duplicity is visible today in all its hypocrisy: After announcing it would seek a “serene and peaceful evolution of the situation” it sends 2,500 police/army to destroy residents’ homes. We are told that a selection will be made on the basis of categories that are pure fiction and have no bearing on anything but the needs of the repressive storytelling the government has locked itself into. There is no false division here between radicals on the one hand and farmers on the other; what exists are a number of different and intertwined ways of sharing this land. Contrary to what Gérard Collomb [Minister of Interior] claims, in fact no one has been individually legalized over the recent weeks at the expense of the others. The movement as a whole has proposed a framework for a collective agreement involving all residents and all their projects. But the government could not simply admit that the proposed airport was useless; they were bent on taking revenge against those who had forced the abandonment of the project. The land is dying, the most brutal forms of economic processes are atrophying our lives, and everywhere, people aspire to alternatives to that situation. On February 10 30,000 people had committed to supporting the future of the ZAD. But the government’s political message is very clear this morning: It will allow no possibility for spaces where alternative experiments can take place.
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Trespass Journal Issue 2

Trespass Journal is self-managed, open access, and unfunded. It is multidisciplinary and publishes work in different languages. It is an online journal which also publishes selected works in print.

Trespass collects together reflections on personal experiences, essays, papers, conference proceedings, interviews, discussions, letters and other interventions from individual squatters and collectives who are using squatting to promote social change. We aim to publish submissions of peer-reviewed articles and working papers on research topics connected to squatting struggles worldwide

In issue 2:
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Berlin: Ohlauer evicted

Gerhart-Hauptmann Schule, a school building on Ohlauer Straße in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district squatted in 2012 by a group of refugees and activists, was evicted today [jan11].

The vacant school was first occupied during a particularly harsh Winter in December 2012 in order to house homeless refugees camping at Berlin’s streets. Initially, the occupation was tolerated by the district office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, and it housed hundreds of people. In 2014, 211 refugees were registered as residents of the school. In the months since the announcement that the building is scheduled for eviction, this number decreased.
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Proposal to create an International Anarchist Defence Fund

In summer of 2017 a few activists discussed the idea of creating an International Anarchist Defense Fund.

Why is it needed?
Basically, it is a Fund that is supposed to financially help anarchist who got in trouble for their activism (either repression or medical problems). It’s true, there are a bunch of ABC chapters or other support groups all over the world, but in many places there are still not enough money or activists to maintain a solidarity campaign on their own. Thus, this fund is seen as a way to complement the work existing solidarity groups and to provide support to individuals with no or little support.
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German Government Shuts Down Indymedia

The German government has shut down the German Indymedia site, the most widely used German-language platform for radical politics and organizing. They have also conducted raids in Freiburg to seize computers and harass those they accuse of maintaining the site, absurdly justifying this on the grounds that the alleged administrators constitute an illegal organization for the sake of destroying the German Constitution. This represents a massive escalation in state repression against what the authorities call “left-wing extremism,” disingenuously suggesting an equivalence between those who seek to build communities beyond the reach of state violence and Neo-Nazis organizing to carry out attacks and murders like the ones in Charlottesville last week.
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Manchester: Shock eviction of Cornerhouse centre puts 20 people on streets

Homeless people rounded on Andy Burnham’s Labour administation in Manchester today after 20 people were rousted out of the well-regarded Cornerhouse squatted centre in an early-morning raid.

Manchester Activist Network, which has been heavily involved in the space, said today they will be looking to hold highly-paid council bosses to account for promises made during Mayor Burnham’s election campaign in May that his team would “end rough sleeping by 2020”:
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Amsterdam: ADM update

‘Will the ADM disappear?’ – Berk and the ADM, with intro SUBTITLED (August 2nd. 2017)

BREAKING (August 16): All your submitted views (and ours) have been dismissed. The municipality still wants to evict us in February 2018

BREAKING: We won the appeal court case about penalties we’re supposedly had to pay to the Chidda’s (The heirs of Bertus Lüske), for not giving them access to our terrain.
Chidda’s bailiff has forcibly collected some €20,000 from us so far and it all has to be given back now. (And of course they’ve to pay for this court case and our lawyers as well!)

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