Calais: Police break-in to squat to serve bailiff’s court papers

At around 2.30pm a bailiff arrived at a squat near the theatre accompanied with around 25+ Police Nationale and PAF, supposedly – the bailiff said – just to serve court papers on the squat. Instead of posting the court papers through the letterbox, they smashed the bottom half of the front door from the outside. Again breaking an entry without a court order. Most of the cops entered the building, taking pictures and asking all non-european people their name and nationality. Racist profiling once more. There was about 40 people in the house… many from Sudan, Syria, Eqypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. After around one hour, the cops left the building.

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Hamburg, Germany: Demonstration in solidarity with struggles in Greece and everywhere

Demonstration on 27.4.2013, starting at 15.00 from Achidi-John-Platz, Rote Flora, in Hamburg

For the social uprising! Solidarity with self-organized struggles in Greece and worldwide! For the destruction of Power!

March against the economic crisis of the system, the rise of neo-fascism, the increased state repression, the eviction of squats and the crackdowns on migrants… but also in solidarity with self-organized struggles and attacks against the State, in solidarity with comrades who continue to fight by all means to destroy the civilization of Power.

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London, UK: Communiqué to the owners of Colorama: We will resist any attempt to make us homeless. We will resist any attempt to further gentrify this area.

jayesh patel,

you’ve been acting on behalf of flamingo holdings limited (a property development company based out of the cayman islands).
you’ve asked that we vacate these premises after a possession order was issued and claim granted on march 20th by lambeth county court. you’ve told us you don’t want to waste money on bailiffs and that we should not act like “savage animals”.

for us, this is not a matter for civilized dialogue and action. this is about political and social struggle.

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UK: Damned Lies and No Useful Statistics – The Criminalisation of Squatting in England and Wales

To tie in with the courtcase starting Monday in Brighton, when three squatters are going on trial under s144 and will not be pleading guilty, here’s some analysis of the criminalisation of squatting in England and Wales..

In 2012, as we all know, new offence of squatting in a residential building was created by the Government, following a moral panic in the media whipped up by a few right-wing politicians. After a rushed consultation, a last-minute clause was added to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill (LASPO) which meant that it was never properly discussed in the House of Commons. The bill was then pushed through the House of Lords at midnight. Section144 criminalises trespass in a residential building with up to 6 months in prison and/or £5000 fine. Previous campaigns to criminalise squatting in the late 1970s and mid 1990s had failed, unfortunately this time it partially succeeded.

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Cologne (DE): 30.04.2013 Warm up for resistance – Demonstration – Prelude of the campaign “Kein Tag Ohne”

Demo: Tuesday, 30. April, 2013, 20h (punctual!)

Meeting point: is going to be announced shortly beforehand
Last infos:

The Autonomous Centre Köln (AZ Köln) has been founded three years ago with a squatting action of an empty building in Köln-Kalk. Since then it has been shaped by a huge variety of people into a self-organized and self-determined space for emancipatory politics, for non-commercial art and culture. In the meantime a use contract has been eked out in confrontations with the cities authorities. This contract has now been cancelled and is going to end on the 30th of June 2013. According to the plans of the local ruling parties, here especially on pressure of the social democrats (SPD), the building shall be evicted by police and a park ( or better a green stripe ) shall be established on top of its debris. This has to be resisted and averted.

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Oslo: Call-out for international solidarity for threatened Borgen building

Thursday, 18th of april 2013

Borgen in the ‘old city’ in Oslo is a gigantic building which since ’93 has been used as offices for the national railway and later as a cultural fortress with studios and workshops for artists etc. The building has been, and still is a vital part of the borough; it’s a landmark and housing extintionthreathened bats.

The national railway wants to tear down the building with the excuse of constructing a new railway line which could be built underground instead. The former users of Borgen as well as local authorities said no to the destruction of the building. When they weren’t able to stop the process (the Oslo Council Plan- and building department gave permission to deconstruct without a single reasonable democratic hearing) Boligaksjonen (the housingaction) took the baton Friday april 5th.
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Barcelona: La Nave Espacial, INVITATION for the guests from abroad for the revindication week (23 May – 02 June 2013)

La Nave Espacial, the artistic collective that leads self-run social center in the heart of Barcelona is inviting squatters, street artists, acrobats to join in the forces for the REVINDICATION WEEK ( 23 may – 02 June 2013).

After 5 years of successful occupation of the abandoned warehouse in the Barcelona’s Poblenou neighborhood, it is now facing the threat of eviction.

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Cyprus: Action in solidarity with the 6 prosecuted anarchists of Delta squat

On Monday, April 8th, 2013, at around 1pm, comrades made a surprise intervention outside the Greek Embassy in Nicosia, which lasted about an hour. A solidarity banner was placed at the entrance of the building and many slogans were chanted.

The banner reads: “Solidarity to the 6 fighters of Delta squat, to all squats and self-organized spaces – 10, 100, 1000 Squats – No prosecution against fighters!”

Earlier in Thessaloniki, Greece, the trial against the 6 anarchists of Delta squat was postponed to October 2nd, 2013. Approximately 150 solidarians were gathered outside the courts.

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Bristol, UK: Solidarity benefit for Greek autonomous spaces

In Greece a social and ideological war is  being conducted, with global consequences for the current economic and political governance model. The state has pulled off the mask of neo-liberalism. Now It Nazi salutes and cannibalizes; it attacks basic social and labor rights, represses violently any form of resistance, as only these totalitarian methods that will guarantee its survival. Currently the anti-authoritarian community receives regular brutal attacks from both the State and Fascists. Anarchists are portrayed as terrorists, many of whom face heavy prison penalties. Their spaces are being violently evicted and their infrastructures and means of communication; (printing presses, radio stations) destroyed. Social centres within neighbourhoods with many immigrants, act as bulwarks against the Neo-Nazi’s and their murderous practices, where reactionaries are motivated by a fascist paramilitary organization / political party which holds 18 parliamentary seats; Golden Dawn.

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UK: Basildon Council orders Dale Farm families to pay for their own eviction

In October 2011, Basildon Council violently evicted 83 families from land they owned (at Dale Farm) because they did not have planning permission. Now, Basildon Council has told families who have virtually nothing left that they must pay £4.3 million for the cost of the eviction!

Many of the families had lived in Basildon for over 10 years: their children were born in the borough, attend the local school and were the first generation in the community to learn to read and write. The bulldozers turned this once thriving and close-knit community into a virtual wasteland, creating deep troughs and huge banks of earth to make it uninhabitable.

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Liebig14, Berlin: Reflections on an Eviction – For the Joyful Militants

On the second anniversary of the eviction of Liebig 14

“An event can be turned around, repressed, co-opted, betrayed, but there is still something in it that cannot be outdated. Only renegades would say: it’s outdated. But even if the event is ancient, it can never be outdated: it is an opening onto the possible. It passes as much into the interior of individuals as into the depths of society” -Gilles Deleuze

Struggle and Repression

The second of February 2011: a Berlin house project is evicted by several thousand cops. This event paradoxically marks a moment that is both a recent high-point of struggle in Berlin, as well as a highpoint of repression. Thousands take to the streets to demonstrate a collective refusal: we do not accept this eviction, nor the eviction of any other emancipatory space, nor the eviction of any individual or family from their home as a result of a city politics that is so clearly rotten, twisted in its pursuit of financial gain. We refuse the power of this city politics, and its neo-liberal yea-sayers, have over urban space. We will continue to fight for this space – the city we live in – to be a collective creation and not an object of financial speculation.

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New York City, USA: Shelters Not So Sweet: A Letter to the Editor of the New York Post

For the last two weeks, the New York Post has been running a bunch of really inflammatory articles about how shifty homeless people are coming to this city for supposedly luxurious free shelter accommodations. Obviously, this is totally ridiculous – anyone who has ever stepped foot inside a shelter knows they’re awful. But the Post doesn’t care about the truth; they just want to scare & stir up conservative readers who already think homeless people are a public menace.

So PTH member Maria Walles wrote a letter to the editor, saying “If you think homeless people are living it up in the shelters, you can take my spot there.”

Surprise, surprise, the Post didn’t run it. But we don’t need them. WE ARE THE MEDIA. Here’s Maria’s letter.

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