Amsterdam: Mokum Kraakt squats former windows in the Red Light District

Mokum Kraakt squats on the Dollebegijnensteeg in the Red Light District in solidarity with the sex workers and against the arrival of the erotic center. During a protest against the planned erotic centre, squatting collective Mokum Kraakt announced it has squatted a number of former sex work windows in De Wallen, Amsterdam’s red light district.

The squatters say the windows were squatted in solidarity with sex workers who fight against plans for an erotic centre on the outskirts of the city. Sex work has been a part of De Wallen for over 400 years and sex workers have clearly and repeatedly said they want to stay in the city centre. The people living close to the location of the prospective location of the erotic centre are also against it. And still, mayor Halsema is pushing through her plans. [Read More]

Netherlands: Vogelvrij Newsletter #2

Vogelvrij brings you a bunch of news from squats all around the Netherlands. There is always space for more news in the newsletter, so mail us your updates or publish them on a open publishing platform such as, or send your statements to, and announce your events on [Read More]

Amsterdam: Court case Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 302, demonstration

Thursday 1st December 2022, demonstration, 18:00, Het Monument, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 302.

Right now, we are housing four people. If we are evicted, they are without a home, and the Monument would be left empty yet again. Once again, Slumlord Hagedoorn would get get his eviction, while he leaves property empty all over the country. The past has shown that the authorities tend to side with property against the right to housing. Nevertheless, we’re ready to fight. We demand housing justice and an end to vacancy for financial speculation! Thursday, after our court case, we’re organising a MEGA demo. If we win, we celebrate the Monument. If we don’t, we’ll show that we’re not leaving quietly. Join our demo!!!!! [Read More]

Amsterdam: Housing justice now! Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 302 squatted

Sunday 23 october, rolling out a giant banner, squatters’ collective Mokum Kraakt announced that it has squatted four days ago Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 302. House peace is set, preventing the police to immediately evict. Here their public statement:

The city is cracking at the seams. The housing crisis is far from over. On top of that the energy and inflation crises are causing daily life as such to be unaffordable. At the same time, real estate investors, landlords and speculators are being pampered while mass tourism and gentrification are wrecking the liveability of the city.

The people of Amsterdam are succumbing under capital’s dead weight. Mokum is succumbing under the lack of space for young people, working people, poor people, refugees and old people. Mokum is succumbing under the stranglehold of the rich and the proprietors and the slow suffocation of alternative culture.

But Mokum fights back. We no longer accept that our city is for the rich only. That the economic and commercial interests of real estate owners are unassailable. That we can no longer give shape to our own city, its culture, the way that we live. And that living space is wasted on vacancy and neglect when most Amsterdammers may soon not be able to afford their flats, their energy or their food. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Mokum Kraakt starts fundraising for comrades arrested during Hotel Mokum eviction!

We are Mokum Krrraakt, a squatting collective regrouping Hotel Mokum, Kinderen van Mokum, and other squatters.

We are currently located at Nicole (Kinkerstraat 304). We house people and organize nonprofit, open and free cultural and political events to fight against the growing monoculture of the city. We squat as a protest against violently incompetent urban housing and planning policy, against gentrification, and against the unaffordability of the city.

On the 26th of November 2021, Hotel Mokum on Marnixstraat was evicted. During the eviction, several people were arrested for peacefully demonstrating, some of them violently. For their solidarity with Hotel Mokum and the squatting movement, they were violently arrested and threatened with fines and court cases.

We want to support these people by covering their juridical costs. But we can’t do this alone. The little income we generate goes to cleaning and rebuilding Nicole, where we organize free events. That’s why we’re organizing this fundraiser, and we need your help! [Read More]

Amsterdam: Mokum Kraakt squats on the Kinkerstraat

Statement from Mokum Kraakt on 13 March 2022 after the squatting of Kinkerstraat 304 ground floor.

We are action group Mokum Kraakt. We are a mix of Hotel Mokum, Kinderen van Mokum and other squatters: young and old, experienced and new, but we’re all angry, full of love for Amsterdam and ready to fight for our city. Since 10th of march we are settled on Kinkerstraat, in one of the many empty shops in Amsterdam. Because Amsterdam belongs to its residents, not to big capital. We demand radical change. We demand accessible, livable and affordable housing. We demand a just and free city.

Underneath the clean and smooth streets, the city is collapsing. It’s almost invisible how the foundation of a lively city is beginning to burst under a layer of monoculture. In the cracks that Mokum Squats, spaces for counterculture are forming themselves. Spaces to experiment, to meet and to live. [Read More]