France: Baliff’s visit on occupied land in the ZAD

For some time already, the expropriation judge has been coming under military escort to evaluate the agrigultural land which AGO-Vinci still have to expropriate.

This morning (5th of april), a new step has been taken in their attempt to empty the zone.
A bailiff passed by almost all of the pieces of land occupied by people in cabins, tents, vans and caravans, under the distant but vigilant eyes of at least 5 or 6 vans of riot pigs.
He stayed at the entrance of most of the terrains he visited, he entered into some others, took photos sometime, sometimes asked for the name of the people living there (which were never given), sometimes asked nothing. All this under the pretexte of working for land registry, verifying if the land is occupied, evaluating the « sanitary conditions », of the living space, all the while playing the role of the simple worker who happily carries out his filthy job… [Read More]

France: 3 busy days on the ZAD

In the afternoon of monday March 5th the tenants of a house at les Ardillières moved out and left the house to the Conseil général (the owner). Two hours later the CG had a company board up the house. A few squatters came by and decided to have a word with the workers. Three cops show up and the squatters decide to call their mates. About twenty people show up and decide to squat the house. The workers and cops move out and call backup. The police had their tires stabbed.

At 7 PM 5 sections of riot cops arrived (from the direction of la Paquelais) who escorted the local gendarmes who first beat everyone out the garden and next evicted the house violently. A physiongnomist called several people by their supposed names. Several people got injured. [Read More]

France: Warning on the ZAD?

From the outcomes of the court trials in September and October, the situation had seemed clear:

The houses under the jurisdiction of Nantes who presented a defence (Le Rosier, La Sècherie, La Saulce) have a delay until November, while those that were not defended (Saint-Jean du Tertre, Le Pré Failli, L’Après Faillite) are evictable as of the 9th January. Houses under the jurisdiction of Saint-Nazaire (Les Planchettes, Bel Air, La Gaité, Le Tertre) are, in contrast, entitled to the winter truce (until 15th March). The judge acknowledged the absence of break and entry and found that “[the buildings] and their occupants are not at risk and [the properties] are not intended for immediate use.” As for the occupied land without surveyed and registered houses, no procedure is in progress, which doesn’t mean they’re not threatened with eviction!

However, since early January 2012, it feels like things are heating up: passing helicopters, constant rotation of police patrols and even a civil “crisis management” team! Worse, the bailiffs went Les Planchettes, in Bel Air, la Gaité and le Tertre to give the command to leave, “if necessary with the assistance of the Police Force, a locksmith and removal men». [Read More]

Calais: Demonstrators storm public housing office

Yesterday at 3pm over thirty people demonstrated at a social housing organisation, the Office Public de l’Habitat de Calais (OPH), to demand that they do not go through with the planned imminent eviction which will make many people in Calais, both with and without papers, homeless in the middle of winter.

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France: ZAD, Eviction document converted into eviction attempt

The 13th of January, “Les Planchettes”, “Bel-Air”, “Le Tertre” and “La Gaité” received a letter from the baliff announcing that he had come to deliver a “document of eviction converted to an attempt at eviction” on the 10th, but hadn’t found anyone to give it to.

He would also ask the police chief for help from the “forces of order”, but we still haven’t managed to know the response of the police chief.

It seems they are going to try to not apply the “winter truce” (which means no evictions until March 15) that the judge seems to have given. [Read More]

La Salamane (FR): Call for occupation!

CALL FOR OCCUPATION, La Salamane (40 min from Montpellier, France) The municipalities community of the Clermontais is planning to build a commercial area of 70 Ha on agrarian land between la Salamane and Clermont l’Hérault (40 min from Montpellier, France). About 30 Ha are already owner by Système U, a French supermarket chain, to build a gigantic center for storage that has already been classified under the French SEVESO rating as slightly environmentally dangerous. This area contains a few empty houses, some vineyards and some fruit trees. The land expropriations already started for the few owners that didn’t sell their propriety yet and the bulldozers are starting to tear down the vineyards. [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes/Nantes (France): Communiqué of the autonomous camp NoG2011, “No airplanes, no evictions”

Press Release
July 28th, 2011

No airplanes! No evictions!

Today at the Nantes Atlantic airport several hundred activists opposed to the construction of an airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes occupied the terminals in a festive fashion. The protesters are against the project to construct a second airport in the Nantes region. [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes/Nantes (France): Truncheon beatings on the Rollfield

>Press release – July 27th, 2011

Truncheon beatings on the Rollfield

Today at the airport Nantes Atlantique, the opponents to the construction of the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes met up for a peacefully protest at the terminal. They wanted to raise their voice against the construction of the second airport in Nantes. [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes / Nantes (France): A land occupation to make an autonomous village

The ZAD, July 9, 2011,

We are a hundred, we just occupied the land in order to make a autonomous village, to overcome the fight against G8 we gathered together to start to build up a concrete moment of alternatives and struggles.

It’s been a while that we think about the idea to change the way of protest against G8 summits, against pressure, the expected appointment, police traps and event hopping.
By preparing this long term “Camp” which we want to call village, here on La ZAD (Zone to defend) we want to expand this mobilization, take our time for reflection and exchange, linking the global and local struggle…. Our rage is intact: our energy too! [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes / Nantes (France): News from the No G camp

July 8th, 2011

A lot of energy right now !

If there are not much news from our side actually, it means that we are up to running after material instead of computers…

Things take shape, apart a mix of problems which always appear last minute, there are much more nice “last minute” surprises, the pleasure of being more and more numerous every day since our arrival here on La ZAD (“Lasad”) and the amazing shelter from our friends from the squat l’InterMinables and our neighbours on “Lasad”.

Final preparations are underway, the land will be invested this Saturday the 9 July, the more we will be the better it is ! [Read More]

Paris: Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8


Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8

Thursday, May 26, the activists occupy Standard & Poor’s

While the financial crisis hits a nearly bancrupt Europe, things have yet to change. The problem remains the same: Faced with private financial crisis, the only proposed solution is a policy of public austerity. It ensures that the cost of economic irresponsibility is assumed by the majority of the population, including the most vulnerable. Globalizing austerity for the people, expanding the playground of multinationals, thus the project of the G8 and G20 could be summarized. In response to this logic, at the time when the powerful gather at the G8 meeting in Deauville, we decided to occupy the Standard & Poor’s rating agency. [Read More]

Nantes (France): Call-Out to Reclaim the Fields against an airport project, on 7th of may 2011

7th MAY 2011,


Contact: reclaimthezad[AT]riseup[DOT]net [Read More]