Reykjavík: This is what we call solidarity!

Anarchists Squat in the Center of Reykjavík …

Last Thursday, 9th of April, an empty house in the center of Reykjavík was squatted by Icelandic anarchists. The house has been empty for over a year and is only one of many houses that are owned by a construction company that plans to tear down all it’s old houses and replace with big shopping and office center.

When inside the house, the squatters cleaned a part of the house and opened it up for an opening party. Food was served, music played and talks given on the ideas behind squatting. The party was well attended and met with positive reactions by the guests, including the neighbours.
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Bath: Illegal evicition of a new squat

On Monday the 9th February, at 2.15pm, British Transport Police & Bath constabulary conspired to commit an illegal eviction of a new short-lived squat on the edge of Twerton, in Bath.

The former Twerton-on-Avon railway station fell out of use in 1917, and was briefly the site of Andromeda Gardening Services owned by R. Potter. R. Potter was arrested and found guilty of a huge cannibis growing operation in the loft of the building in 2003, and was believed to have been forced to sell the property to pay off the fine. The building was later occupied by European squatters in 2006 & 2007, whom the local residents mistakenly assumed were the cannibis dealers. Contending with that and confusing the issue, Network Rail also claimed squatters’ rights to the building, and their twelve years’ were due to be up in August 2008, except for the intervention of our European friends.

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Flensburg: K4 evicted

27th january 2009

Today midday the cops evicted the K4 in a fast move, without any warning. The first supporters arrived about 15 minutes later. The people living in the K4 managed to get away. Supporters got the personal belongings short time after. 5 hours later there was a spontaneous demonstration through the inner city with about 80 people. The cops tried to block the demo from moving to the K4. The demo managed to trick the cops and moved around them. The cops tried to arrest some people later, but they didn’t succeed. It all ended with a speech in front of the K4, where supporters and the people who lived there said to continue the fight. There is more to come, the K4 was just the beginning. Solidarity for the K4! Soli-demo in Hamburg wednesday the 28.01.09 at 19 o’clock at the Rote Flora. The struggle continues!


Poznan: Eviction of a new squat

News from 22 January 2009

Eviction of a new squat in Poznan

8 squatters from Poznan were arrested today morning during an eviction of a new squat in Poznan city centre (the building was squatted for 2 months). The people arrested were not only the squatters from this squat but also people from Poznan’s oldest squat Rozbrat (, who came to support them. There is a picket in front of the cop station taking place right now. The eviction of the squat was announced by cops few days ago, but it was also illegal, they had no warrant to come into the building. Media were called and they filmed everything.

The cops told the people showing solidarity that if they protest in front of the cop shop then the arrestees will be kept inside longer. Also, there are 10 people demonstrating in front of the police station so they are fully legal, as only gatherings of over 15 ppl can be called illegal in Poland. The cops really want to threaten all the comrades involved, but I don’t think they will succeed.

All of the squatters got charged with a breach of house peace. They should be released soon.

Video from corporate media:

Cheltenham (UK): Squatters illegally evicted from abandoned pub

July 18th 2008

On July 17th at 14.00, squatters were illegally evicted from the Duke of York Inn, 315-317 London Road, Cheltenham, GL52 6YY.

The squatters had gained entry on the 15th July through an open window after being informed by local residents that the pub was accessible without causing any damage.

They spent the next two days securing the squat, cleaning filth from the pub area, repairing fixtures, furniture and fittings and repairing damage caused by vandals including cleaning graffiti from the walls. The intention of the squatters was to turn the pub into a community arts centre, providing space for local people to meet, converse and express themselves freely.

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Hackney (London): Squatter’s Protest at Stoke Newington Police Station

18th July, 2008

Two people were arrested as police evicted a squat in Hackney today. Friends and supporters gathered at Stoke Newington Police station to demand their release.

The police said that both people were arrested for criminal damage and abstracting electricity, but they decided not to charge either. One was released, but the other was said to be wanted over a separate allegation in Poland, and is facing extradition.

A flyer distributed at the protest said:

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Larissa (Greece): IKA squat evicted and demolished

April 25th, 2008

Heavy police forces raided the recently squatted building of IKA

On Wednesday morning (april 23rd), IKA squat in Larissa was evicted and partially demolished. At 6am the criminality suppresion police raided the building and attacked those who were inside. They were violently taken to the police department. Part of the building was demolished.

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Geneva (CH): Call for mobilization against evictions

Thank you for passing on the message to as many as possible

Evacuation of the Squat, La Tour“
July 10th 2007

On Tuesday morning at 10:00, the police invaded “LA TOUR“ under the pretext of carrying out an identity control!

This, so called, identity verification was followed by the arrival of a bailif who preceeded to proclaim that the house was abandoned (the inhabitants being held at the police station).

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Helsinki (Finland): Telakkakatu 6 was evicted

Today (28th of June 2007) early in the morning police evicted squat in Telakkakatu 6 with help of a helicopter of border guards. Squat in Telakkakatu 6 was at least 4th action in a row in ongoing struggle for a new social center in Helsinki during this year. Both formerly existing autonomous social centres in Helsinki were lost last year, when Siperia burned down in unclear conditions and city bureaucrats gave Vuoritalo conditions which were impossible to fulfill.

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Copenhagen: Police evicts social centre ‘Ungdomshuset’

Ungdomshuset Information | 01.03.2007 – 19:32

After a long political and legal battle the basis-democratic, alternative political and cultural centre ‘Ungdomshuset’ was forcefully evicted by riot police and airborne anti-terror squads this morning. Ensuing demonstrations have seen large-scale confrontations between protestors and heavy-handed police, here is the full story from Copenhagen.

After serious social conflicts and uprisings by the autonomist and squatting movements in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the subsequent ‘Ungdomshuset’ was offered as part of a political compromise to the activists. The mainly young activists dubbed it ‘Ungdomshuset’ (‘The Youth House’), and started running various cultural and political activities out of there. It has for many years served as one of the only multicultural, basis-democratic collectives/community centres in Copenhagen, with the exception of the Freetown Christiania. Property rights remained in the hands of the local council, which in 1999 decided to disregard the previous political compromise and sell the house to the highest bidder. [Read More]

Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset eviction

At 7 ‘o’ clock this morning. Danish police, together with anti-terror para military forces, arrived at Ungdomshuset to begin the eviction. Tear gas was spray through windows and firefigthing equipment was used to spray the building. 4 Anti-terror police was lowered from a helicopter, while bulldozers stared to clear the barricades from below.

The police has arrested 20 people inside the house, and about 35 outside so far, one german activist was rushed to the hospital, along with 2 others. The police now holds the house, and riots and battles is taking place in the streets all over Copenhagen. The borders are being watched for travelling activist.

There are rumors about the plans to tear the house down soon will take place.

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Dalston Lane Theatre Evicted, Hackney, London

Today police forces evicted the occupied Dalston Theatre in Dalston Lane, Hackney, London. Police came around 4.30 in the morning, climbing the massive building from several sides with ladders.

By 9.00h everyone was evicted from the theatre, with police surrounding the whole building. Full Story with Pictures and Video on UK Indymedia
