Bristol: Callout for 2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009

As the global economy grinds to a halt so too do the big capital development projects, luxury apartment blocks and shopping complexes that have threatened us with displacement for so long.

Meanwhile, this new round of crisis capitalism leaves thousands out of work, buried in debt and facing immanent home repossession. Instead of housing the homeless in these empties or canceling the debts of millions governments pump billions into the banks to save this rotten system and violently repress those that resist. [Read More]

Poznan, Poland: Rozbrat demo and a wide support from abroad

On Saturday, 9th May, at around 3 p.m. a demonstration organized by Rozbrat Collective took place, it started in front of the Opera House. Around 1,000-1,500 took part in it. The participants of the demonstration were also people from different organizations and groups such as Anarchist Federation, members of different groups of protests from Poznan neighborhoods, including those protesting against the F-16 airport, anti-eviction organizations, alternative theaters’ members, trade unionists from different unions, representatives of the Berlin autonomous communities, squatters from different cities in Poland and abroad and loads of other supporters of Rozbrat from Poznan, Poland and abroad…..MORE INFO ABOUT THE DEMONSTRATION AND ACTIONS ABROAD, PHOTOS:

Rozbrat stays!

Berlin: 5000 people on the streets

15.03.2009 The police estimated that 2500 people attended the demo (on 14th March) but the organisers claimed the the actual number was twice that. The demonstration started in Hermannplatz and moved slowly through Kreuzberg, across the river and into Friedrichshein. Towards the end some people shot fireworks of a roof and did a banner drop. The police tried to enter the building at which point people started fighting the police shaking the nearby police van and throwing rocks. After this many masked up, dug cobblestones from the streets and broke away from the demo, attacking police cars and normal cars and a McDonalds. After the McDonalds was attacked with paintbombs and rocks a police car was overturned on the intersection of Warschauer Straße and Frankfurter Allee. About 10 people were arrested and two people were injured-possibly seriously.

for photos check and links to videos, check out:

Lotek for Indy UK

Berlin: Call for Autonomous Demonstration on 14th March 2009

Call for Autonomous Demonstration 3/14/2009

United we stay- Collective, offensive, subversive.

Berlin beginning 2009: The process of gentrification continues. In the early 90’s there were more than 100 squats and now there remains only a few autonomous spaces. They are living culture projects. As redevelopments, modernisation and refurbishments continue, so does the attack on our remaining free spaces. We are being expelled from the city. There are currently about 10 projects endangered in Berlin. Gentrification is a process which doesn´t just attack, it also chases away parts of the population from their living areas, their social environment.

There are many who cannot and do not want to fit into the beautiful image of Berlin and its rich city centre of Neo liberal capitalism. Not just Berlin, everywhere. We do not want to be chased away without resistance. Our projects are colourful, diverse and also we as individuals are loud and powerful. We want to go to the streets together and demand:

-A political solution for all house projects.

-Detailed solutions for the current endangered house projects and wagon places now. Immediatly!

-We demand an end to the neo liberal city reorganisation.

The city belongs to everybody! Berlin should stay colourful, political, creative, full of solidarity, lively, diverse, but also affordable for everybody. United we stay-collective, offensive, subversive!

To find expression for our rage organise creative actions outside of the demonstration within the city, we welcome solidary actions in the entire country and everywhere. Come to Berlin, organise yourself, stay spontanious.

We need to stay together, full in solidarity for our autonomous spaces, for emancipatory projects and uncommercial culture. Make your own “redevelopments“ and reorganise the city in rebellion against the expulsion of our living projects!!!!!!!

Against expulsion and repression! For more self organisated life in Berlin and worldwide!!!!!

Fr. 3/13 from 6 pm, Rigaerstr. 78: Infos, Worshops, Food Sat. 3/14 3 pm, Hermannplatz/Neukölln: DEMO! Sun. 3/15 from 2 pm, Køpi: Breakfast, 3pm Plenum

Watch out for infopresentations nearby!!!

The demo concept and more, you can find information at: or


Manchester: “Freedom of movement for all & Defend autonomous spaces” demo

No Borders demo and mass action
April 17th 2008
Report by Manchester No Borders of the “FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT” and “DEFEND AUTONOMOUS SPACES” demonstration on Saturday, April 12th. See also

Last Saturday evening, up to 200 squatters and supporters followed our call for an unauthorised demonstration in the city centre. We were accompanied by a samba band (Rhythms of Resistance) and two soundsystems mounted on bike trailers. With the cops not bothering to show up, we marched undisturbed from Victoria Station into the Northern Quarter, along Market Street and Kings Street , through Spinningfields into Castlefields.

[Read More]

Alcorcón, Madrid: Demonstration supporting CSO Eskuela Taller, the squatters and occupied spaces

Video-chronicle by La Plataforma

Last february 24th, 2007, 1000 people participated in a demonstration for the defense of the CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters and ocuppied spaces. The mobilization claimed self-organization, self-management, and autonomy as fighting weapons against institutional repression and capitalism.

Video and music produced by La Plataforma:

Watch video:

Download video in high quality:[Indymedia]_(2007-02-26)_La_Plataforma_alkorcon.okupado.avi

Download Soundtrack:

Watch photo galery of the demonstration:

La Plataforma


Grenoble, France: Demonstration against the eviction of “Les 400 couverts” squatted street, on april 30th


This is an invitation for a gigamega support demonstration for the threatened squatted street, the « 400 couverts » in grenoble.


Since a few months, the squatted street « les 400 couverts » have launched a campaign of resistance against their eviction.

The « 400 couverts » is a little street located in Grenoble city centre, squatted for over 3 years, the 400 Couverts houses 20 people permanently, a public space dedicated to free activities (debates, gigs, projections, meeting space used by various groups), including a free library, a garden, a home-made outdoor baking-oven, as well as more or less successful experiments (garden roof, vegetable plot, compost, organic pharmacy, free hardware base). All these spaces and activities were set up independently and autonomously, without any institutional incentives and hardly any money. The « 400 couverts » is one of the active basis of grenoble’s squatting, anti-capitalist,anti-authoritarian orfeminist initiatives and actions.

The owner of the buildings, the Socialist Party city council of grenoble is threatening to evict them since a year.

[Read More]

Barcelona : Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions.

Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions

Nou Barris, Barcelona, 30th september 2003

Some 30 persons, from Can Masdeu and from the Miles de Viviendas collective, gathered on tueday 30th of september at 6pm, in the barrio Nou Barris in Barcelona, to denounce housing speculation and evictions. This demonstr-action was part of the Forthnights of action in support to the local okupas, threatened of eviction (Kasa de la Muntanya, l’Hamsa…). The program of the actions days invited everyone to go out for a tour of the empty houses in each district.

[Read More]

Sweden: Squat action in Malmö

On the 11th of June, a squat opened its doors as a social center in Malmö in southern Sweden. But after just 22 hours, the national anti-terrorist force evicted the squatters with drawned guns.

The squatters, who have given the house the Name “Melonia”, after a cartoon, came back the next day in a spontanious demonstration with about 90 persons. The police, who wasn’t aware of the demo, rushed to the house with dogs and riotgear to protect the empty house.

Some of the squatters then went to the owners office to have a picnic and to listen to loud disturbing music. [Read More]

Demonstrations against police brutality and against evictions, in Paris and Grenoble (France)

In Paris, it’s gonna be on saturday march 15th, at 12 (noon), place de la République, you can read more in french there :

In Grenoble (south-east of france), it’s gonna be on saturady march 29th, at 3pm, place Félix Poulat, during the Fraka festival (festival of resistance and alternatives, against capitalism). After the demo, there’s gonna be a big meal at the 400 couverts squat. If you want to know more, contact zanzara [at] squat [dot] net

Zanzara athée


Torino (Italy): 29/6 Street party against repression


  TORINO: 29/6 Street party against repression


One month of repression in our city: 3 times new squats has been evicted, and a historical squat, la Cascina also has been evicted.After this lots of actions in the town, molotov, demonstrations, parties. The police and judges try to stop the hot situation with arrestations and menaces. After the next saturday action, the central place of Turin squatted by the people of the squats, in a big football match, surrounded by cops but with no fight. A new squat should be opened in the next weeks, but the most important public action should be the STREET PARTY at the end of June, the 29 Saturday along the center of the town. Everybody is invited, alone, or with his sound system… For info mailto: tutto [at] squat [dot] net




Dijon : 3 days of autonomy and freedom of movements against control and racist politics

— 21, 22 & 23rd of June 2002 —
smash patriarchy, crush capitalism !

— What’s this all about ?

This fest is generally organized to promote the squat and its different activities/aspects. This year, we decided to focus on the No Border Camp in Strasbourg. [Read More]