Zagreb: Džabac, new squatted social center in town

Džabac offers food, clothes, trinkets, and solidarity every friday, coinciding with the general boycott.

After toying with the idea of occupying one of the many dusty abandoned storefronts to turn it into a more central, open and accessible free shop for quite a few months, we were suddenly spurred to just fucking do it. With the boycott of supermarkets and other spending, and the people’s rising awareness of capitalism’s unquenchable greed the timing felt right – and so we spontaneously cleaned and set up the free shop in two weeks.

On valentine’s day we had our opening, cooking a giant pot of vegan stew and encouraging each other to keep self-organizing. Lots of people showed up to take a curious look and some free goodies, and, to our ecstatic joy, showed interest to start similar things in their neighbourhoods and cities. A few rounds of dumpstering are enough to feed many with bread and pastries, fresh fruit and veggies, random this and that, from chocolate to dish soap. the dumpsters in the city are plentiful and the people are hungry for some tricks and treats! Occasionally some workers organize to give away goods that are about to expire and others are happy to bring in their surplus stuff to trade. And so many people were ready to roll up their sleeves and join our informal Džabac collective right away. [Read More]

Zadar (Croatia): Nigdjezemska roof appeal

We invite you to support us in rebuilding the decayed roof of “Nigdjezemska” (“Nowhereland”),which despite our efforts and attempts continues to leak rain while destroying inventory and activities in the concert and performance space of “Nigdjezemska”. The socio-cultural center “Nigdjezemska”is a project of the civic initiative “Nigdjezemska” gathered around a former boiler room and canteen in the military complex Stjepan Radić in Zadar.

At the end of 2012,the initiative had renovated the dilapidated boiler room building with the intention of gathering in an autonomous socio-cultural scene to act and cooperate on the horizontal “Do It Yourself” principles of cooperation and solidarity, while striving for self-sustainability. Nigdjezemska has opened its doors and started the program in the spring of 2015 and began activities such as concerts, discussions and workshops, a free shop, a communal garden, and infoshop library, film screenings and the provision of space, human and technical support to individuals and associations in the field of cultural production.

In this context, we invite you to support us once again, this time in the renovation of the decayed roof of the building of “Nigdjezemska”ie the concert and performance space of “Nigdjezemska” which despite our efforts and attempts continues to leak rain and destroy inventory and activities in the space. After having seeked expert advice, we came to the conclusion that the most optimal solution is to re-raise and replace bitumen-tar strips and metal sheets along the edges of the roof, i.e. a partial restoration of the upper part of the roof.


Zagreb: Social center BEK, new call for volunteers

Dear everyone, a year has passed already since BEK collective opened a new squat and social center in Zagreb, Croatia. It was a year of different struggles and challenges, some things changed and some didn’t, and we are still in process of learning and developing our social space. The basic ideas of a drug-free, free entrance and socially aware space are still on and will be on. Recently our old facebook page and riseup email had been hacked and a lot off misinformation sent around, so we apologize for confusion that was maybe made by that and are trying to fix it. Please note that the internet drama was made by people who are not part of the collective and heavy accusations and dramatic information in the text is all made up with purpose to discredit us, and here is everything in its ordinary function. As spring arrived, we are continuing to upgrade our gardens around the house, as well as other old projects like public kitchen, movie nights, rehearsals space and art studio, library, freeshop… [Read More]

Zagreb: Presentation about squatting in Croatia. Call for support by the BEK collective

Presentation and discussion about squatting in Croatia, during the Van sistema DIY fest, on 6 October 2018 at the BEK squat in Zagreb: “Our colleague squatter Damir Batarelo will have a presentation about squatting in Croatia, as well as about the squatting scene, its history and context. After his presentation, there will be an open-table discussion so – squatters of the world unite! Come and let us emerge in sharing experiences and let’s talk about the foundations of the squatter solidarity network not only in this area, but wider.” The festival program:

Call for support by the BEK collective, autonomous space for free social and cultural activities.

When talking about our story, first of all, we want to emphasize that one day, hopefully soon, this will really become OUR story. A story of all included, anyone who wants to participate, a story of a community that builds it’s own part of a creative and self-sustainable space, a story of no one left aside. We want to make a new spot for all of us who don’t have a place to create and invest their time into, and for us who don’t have money or access to social and cultural programs that we can be a part of.
We are BEK collective, a group of enthusiastic young people, emerged from the “Food not Bombs” collective, who squatted an old abandoned school at the beginning of 2018. The building is located in the heart of Croatia’s capital city Zagreb. It was built in the 1940’s and it has 2500m2 on three floors. [Read More]

Zagreb: BEK collective opens new squat-social center

International call for volunteers

On April 15, a new squat-social center in Zagreb was opened! Some members of Food not bombs Zagreb and other activists formed BEK collective which occupied an abandoned school for blind and visually impaired children. Building was closed for three years and not maintained properly for years before so we started working on smaller repairs to turn it slowly into a completely functional and different place. Our collective is organised on anarchist principles and main idea is to have a social and cultural center which is connected with people in real need and vulnerable social groups, in contrast to bourgeois squatting which takes not a small role in the movement, and is focused mainly on parties, drugs and empty theoretical discussions. This means we stand clearly against drug use, laziness, making profit from squatting and want to have a well organised place with hygiene standard. The projects we are starting right now are: public kitchen few times a week, free-shop, library, open artist studios, free music and rehearsals room, free cinema, donation based or free coffee bar, roof and vertical garden and various workshops. Our long term plan is to make place self-sustainable as possible by producing our own food and minimal waste, recycling and using solar energy. We already had few gigs, workshops, exhibition, movie nights and public kitchen a lot of times. [Read More]

Zagreb: ReciKlaonica celebrating 5th year of existence

20160213_Zagreb_5_godina_otpora_Birthday_party_ReciklaonicaThese are the times when squats and autonomous spaces all around the world are experiencing a big fall due to governmental oppression, strict housing laws, fascist attacks, lower and lower number of people who still have the passion and interest for this form of the struggle – so it’s of a huge importance to participate and support on your local level!

Reciklaonica is a political squat and collective based in Zagreb. Aside from it being a home for dozens of people, dogs and cats, it also gave birth to projects such as a bar/club, rehearsal room, tool workshop, bike workshop, Free shop, anarcha infoshop, antifa gym, diy screeen printing lab, a permacultural garden etc. which all function on principals of solidarity without which this (or any) squat/project wouldn’t exist.

On February 11th we’ll be celebrating the 5th year of our existence:) and it wouldn’t be possible without our friends from all around the world who helped in keeping this place alive! *the part when we get all emotional haha*

We want to invite you to participate in Reciklaonica with your heart, with your skills, with your ideas… the same as we want to motivate you to squat & create something in your area. [Read More]

Zagreb: the only squat in Croatia endangered because of an ”anarchist”?

ReciklaonicaWe are writing this short announcement with a bit of delay because we are technically unable and, because of all worries and obligations, short with time. We are looking back at a disaster that has befallen us as also the entire movement. A disaster in the shape of a huge poison of this society which stings even more when the executor of the same are big ”anarchists” and ”antifascists”.. or better, ”comrades”. The poison is indifference (which implies to not-giving-a-shit, parasitism, insensitivity, malice) which allows an individual to do all sorts of abominations without any real reason. [Read More]

Zagreb (Croatia): Squat solidarity action on The square of victims of fascism

Zagreb_AntiFa_Solidarnost_Atena-77 Saturday January 19th 2013, Solidarity action took place in Zagreb in support of these spaces: Villa Amalias, Skaramanga, Radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil). Wagenburg Atlantide.
Stop threats, fascist attacks and evictions!

ReciKLAONICA squat, Zagreb, Croatia,

Zagreb (Croatia): ReciKLAONICA squat threatened with eviction

reciklaonicaReciKLAONICA squat, located on 66, Heinzelova Street in Zagreb, is threatened with eviction. The informal collective of artists and social activists that develops its activities in the spaces of the old abandoned Zagrepčanka factory, owned by Zagrebački Holding, is addressing a call-out for solidarity against the eviction of the squat by the city’s authorities, who have already cut off the power supply.

The building is one of around 300 abandoned and neglected spaces in the city of Zagreb, and for the last 19 months has served both as a housing project and a space that hosts various cultural and resistance activities. Free workshops, sharing food, free flea market, live concerts, free library, a music studio and rehearsal space, a free store ‘take it or leave it’, all available to anyone who shows interest in acquiring or sharing skills, cooperation and mutual assistance, and non-institutional organizing. [Read More]