Bristol & London: Actiondays for squats and autonomous spaces



Squats and Autonomous Spaces: An afternoon of film screenings, free vegan food, talk and information relating to squatting and Social Centres in London on Saturday 19th September. Location: as yet unannounced. Keep checking email squats-and-autonomous-spaces [at] riseup [dot] net to stay updated.

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Vienna: Hausprojekt Action Week

“Hausprojekt” Action Week VIENNA – from October 2nd to (at least) October 9th 2009!!!

We want to implement our concept and basics for a self-governed project in Vienna and try to create space for projects, critical debates and collective living. Over 80.000 flats in Vienna are empty. Virtually a complete district waiting for self-governance and enough space for emancipatory projects. We need spaces, which are too rare in Vienna – Spaces we can take and form. For this, a full week long, there will be a diversity of program, and space for mutual learning, experimentation, reflection and framing.

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Athens (Greece): Exarcheia self-organised park under police attack, 5 arrested

In the early hours of Friday 4. 9. 2009 the self-organised park in Exarcheia once again came under attack by the police. Earlier, police jeeps tried to cross through Messologiou Street: the very same street where Alexis Grigoropoulos was assassinated in December. People present tried to resist the shameless police provocation; only moments later a full-scale police operation saw riot units surrounding the area, tear-gassing the people present and throwing them a percussion grenade. During the conflict a cop pulled out his gun, threatening to shoot.

From those arrested, one (charged with a “misdemeanor”, that is, graffiti) will be at court on Monday and other four will appear on Tuesday. The four are charged with felonies: molotov cocktails and stone-throwing, except according to eye-witnesses, not a single molotov was thrown in the area last night! They are all held in detention until then and it is possible they might be ordered in pre-trial detention – in Greece this can last up to 18 months.

In an hour or so, an assembly will begin at the park, spontaneously called after last night’s events. More info will follow. A more detailed account of the events is up on Athens IMC:

More info:


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Lesvos (Greece): Roof of Pagani occupied

This morning at 10 o’clock [august 31st, 2009], ten noborder activists from Austria, Sweden, Spain, France, Czech Republik, Portugal, the Netherlands and Germany occupied the roof of the refugee jail in Pagani. With this action, we are increasing the pressure to finally get Pagani closed.
The activist state:

During the noborder camp, we were able to witness the brutal consequences of the European border regime here in Lesvos. A ship employed by the European border agency Frontex is hunting refugee boats, the Greek coast guard and the Navy do the dirty work. Human lifes don’t count.

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Prague (CZ): We all are unadapted!

Media, politicians, neo-Nazis and even “decent people” have united in order to bring to light today’s biggest threat: the unadapted. The abusive characterization has began to live its own life. It is used for denouncing anyone who is not a favorite: Roma, squatters, ravers, the poor…

The unadaptability label seems to point out something about the labeling society itself. It reveals what its principal value really is: to adapt. It want us to be obedient career makers indifferent to our environment, always ready to conform.

“Unadaptability”, in fact, threatens the most important thing we have – freedom. Adaptable freedom is a contradiction in terms, we identify freedom precisely when it does not adapt.

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Prague (Cz): Squat Milada her_story

The story of villa Milada, one of the best known and longest existing czech squat, began 1st May 1998, when was squatted by group of people evicted from another building. Milada is situated in Holešovice district in Prague, north of the city center, near a river. On the place it stands was old villa quarter, which had to fall back on account of new colleges project planned in „communist“ regime. But from the college project are finally realized only three high-rised buildings. Milada also had to be demolished, but finally it was only deleted from the cadastre. Demolition never happened and since the time, Milada didn’t exist in documents. Squatters wanted to make an agreement with Institute for informations in education, the administrator of Milada and surrounding land, all the time, but despite this, unsuccesfull attempt to evict the squat followed soon. Eviction was unsuccesfull, also thanks to support of college students. In Milada took place concerts, annual Resistance feast (reminder of eviction attempt), Food Not Bombs cooking, projections….

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Most (Czech Rep.): Squatters’ protest in the town of Most

On Sunday 2nd of August 2009, an occupation of empty building in Most (northern czech town) took place: “By this direct action, we want to protest against a violent eviction and destruction of the Milada squat, which happened a month ago, when a security agency protected by police destroyed the space. This action is an inspiration and impulse to create new autonomous centers, open to alternative culture and free self-fulfilment.

We want to draw attention to many social problems that include increasing social differences, useless housing politics, gentrification and estranged relationships among people in cities. We understand squatting as a tool of change, ” said the spokesperson Teta Milada (Auntie Milada).

An exhibition of photographs took place as well as the one of many artistic creations. There was a poetry reading and a music gig.

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Brighton squatting action days meeting

Meetings every Monday 6pm at Lewes road community garden Brighton

Meetings to get involved with the squatting action days in Brighton 18th & 19th September

Meetings every Monday 6pm at Lewes road community garden Brighton

Source Indy UK



Athens suburbs (Greece): Prapopoulou squat attacked, one immigrant beaten

August 2nd 2009
Fascist attack against a squat in Greece.

On 1st of August 2009 at 02:00 AM two thugs in helmets stopped with their motorcycle by the Prapopoulou squat and using iron bars they tried (unsuccessfully) to break doors and windows.

By pure chance at that moment a homeless immigrant, friend of the squat, was inside. When the thugs took notice of him, they launched a savage attack with their iron bars, hitting his head and body while engaging in racist hate speech. They then left, leaving behind them a container filled with petrol.

Neighbours heard the attacked man pleading for help and called an ambulance and nursed him. The fascist thugs failed to damage the squat. The general assembly was mobilised immediately, including comrades in solidarity. The fascists managed to injure, fortunately nor seriously, an immigrant.

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Tokyo: Smash Nike!


Urgent call for action, protest and solidarity.

Smash Nike Japan’s plan to take over and privatise a public park in central Tokyo (Miyashita Park in Shibuya ward) by purchasing “naming rights” from the local Shibuya Ward Council and building paid sports facilities including a skate park, rock climbing wall, etc.
Shibuya Ward is estimated to receive approximately 150 million yen over 5 years, and NIKE, the sporting giant infamous for its exploitation in South East Asian sweatshops, will gain yet another prime location for advertisement.

…And the homeless who have no where else to go, are again in danger of losing homes and basic living rights.

Just stop it.

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Berlin: House squatted, burning cars and barricades…

Berlin, 18 of June 2009

Claim on the house squatting:

„House squatting in Friedrichshain” – Actionweeks June 2009

During the action days for freespaces in Berlin we squatted since a few hours a house in Berlin – Friedrichshain.
We want to remain in the empty building located in the Voigtstr. corner Dolzigerstr.

Our squatting action is part of a line of actions which are directed towards the keeping of autonomous freespaces and against a restructuring of the city Berlin, oriented exclusively towards the capitalist logic of usability.
Our goal within the action weeks called by the campaign “We stay all!”. From the 6 to the 20 of June is not only the keeping and raise awareness about the already existing freespaces in Berlin, threatened by gentrification, but also to fight for new ones.

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Thessaloniki: Arson attempt against Fabricka Yfanet squat

Fabricka Yfanet is a former 19,500 m² factory in Thessaloniki (Greece) that has been occupied by people demanding their freedom from political and economic oppression since 20 March 2004.

On Saturday morning, 25 July 2009 at 5.05, arsonists attempted to put our squat on fire by lighting barbecue tanks at the main iron gate. They left a bag containing six gas cans, one 4-litre petrol canister, and a box of fire-starters.

The explosion could not escape the attention of squatters on standby inside the occupation for its protection (such measures were taken after the government threats against free spaces). With the help of neighbours we put down the fire, and fortunately absolutely no damage was done at all.

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