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Darmstadt, Germany: Solidarity demo for anarchists and squatters in Greece

For many people in Greece the living conditions are dramatic, with high unemployment rate, massive austerity measures, cuts in pensions, forced evictions, along with the privatization of important infrastructure. The social and healthcare system has collapsed, while many people can no longer afford to buy food, let alone essential medicines.

On the Eve of Our Repression: Communiqué on The Squatting Struggle in Oakland 2/10/13

In our time squatting we’ve learned unconventional methods of survival. A blurring of means and ends. Not least of these is the ability to adapt, to disappear from one circumstances and hold our ground in others. To understand the difference between defensive and offensive actions. And once again, the need for action and for offense […]

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Catalonia: For the extension of the Black February campaign to Barcelona

To all who desire to stand in solidarity in a coordinated or spontaneous fashion when combative squatting and its self-organized methods are in danger; to all who see clearly the parallels of repressive logic between what is happening in Greece and what is happening here in the same historic moment; to all who see the […]

Paris (France): Solidarity action with the squats attacked by the Greek State

On Monday, January 28th, 2013 around 50 people went to the Hellenic Foundation (Jourdain Boulevard, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris) to give a talk at the beginning of an evening dedicated to ‘the destiny of modern Greece.’ They unfurled a banner before the public which read: ‘In Greece like elsewhere, solidarity with squats, down […]

Köln (Germany): Solidarity with Villa Amalias, Skaramaga, radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil)

dear beloved friends of all squats and self-organised spaces, we are absolutely impressed by the 10000+ people that have been on the streets last saturday in athens and other cities[1], showing their solidarity with all squats and self-organised spaces, with the 92 prisoners of the evicted and re-squatted Villa Amalias[2], the evicted Skaramanga squat[3] and […]

Greece : Communique by the squat Lelas Karagianni 37 about the reoccupation of Villa Amalias

Repression can’t bend the militants We are experiencing historical moments. Let’s act accordingly. A swarm of political lackeys of the local and international capital, consisted of fascists, thieves and impostors of all sorts, from the extreme right to the so-called democratic left – assisted by the controlled mass media and the parastate gangs -, has […]

Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat / Αλληλεγγύη στην Κατάληψη Βίλα Αμαλίας

Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat – Let us Resist the Social Cannibalism All of us signing this declaration of solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat are aware of the fierce attack unleashed by the Greek state on free spaces and every other expression of social/political resistance. Villa Amalias is one of the oldest and most historical […]

Greece: Police leak plan “to evict 40 squats across the country”

Mainstream media report: The police are putting into action a plan to evict about 40 buildings that have been occupied by various groups across the country. After the intervention in the squats of Villa Amalias and Skaramanga, the ministry of public order is planning to take more action in the following days. According to the […]

Greece: Villa Amalias re-squatted and re-evicted – biggest number of anarchists detained in 15 years

At approximately 07:30 on January 9, dozens of people re-squatted Villa Amalias this morning, hanging a banner writing: “Squat for Ever – Villa Amalias”. Almost immediately, riot police that encircled the building threw tear gas inside. At approximately 09:20, the police’s special forces (EKAM) smashed the building’s windows and raided it anew, detaining 101 people […]

Greece, Australia & India: Solidarity actions with Villa Amalias

Solidarity actions with Villa Amalias recently happened in different Greek cities, and in Goa (India) and Sydney (Australia): – Athens: Paint bomb attack against the old city hall, in solidarity with Villa Amalias squat On the night of December 24th, comrades wanted to add a bit of colour to the miserable Christmas decoration that the […]

Thessaloniki: Delta squat evicted

At approximately 7.30am on Wednesday, September 12th, in Thessaloniki, at least five MAT anti-riot police squadrons and two jeeps with EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist units lined up outside the anarchist squat Delta and stormed the building soon thereafter. Ten people were arrested inside the building and others who arrived in solidarity were detained on the […]

Thessaloniki (Greece): Texts about the Public Power Corporation’s attempts to cut off Delta squat’s electricity supply

Since late July, Delta squat is being actively repressed by DEI (Public Power Corporation, PPC) that attempts to cut off the space’s electricity supply. The electric power company got the green light from the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki, which is the legal owner of the building (squatted for 5 years already). This […]