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Athens: Several places raided by the police…

May 6th, 2010 Names of the dead announced; bank workers strike today in memory; police launch unprecedented attacks in Athens   The names of the three bank workers who died in the Marfin bank branch that was set alight have been announced. They are Paraskeui Zoulia, 35; Aggeliki Papathanasopoulou, 32 and Epameinondas Tsakalis, […]


Athens: Statement by the Skaramanga squat regarding today’s events – The murderers “mourn” their victims

May 5th, 2010 The statement below was issued a few hours ago by the anarchist squat of Skaramanga and Patision in Athens: The murderers “mourn” their victims (Regarding today’s tragic death of 3 people) The enormous strike demonstration which took place today, 5th of May turned into a social outflow of rage. At least 200,000 […]

Athens (Greece): Welcome in a new squat!

Athens seems to be going through exceptionally tough times: austerity measures that make society kneel under great pressure are put to practice, police units are stationed in every single block downtown, the big unions (GSEE, ADEDY) are completely silent, while demonstrations are weak, with little participation and even less passion. And yet, although society seems […]

Athens (Greece): From Lelas Karagianni 37 squat, solidarity with Rozbrat squat in Poznan, Poland

SOLIDARITY WITH ROZBRAT SQUAT -IN POLAND- THREATENED WITH REPRESSION Rozbrat squat, active for 16 years now in the city of Poznan, the longest occupied space in Poland, houses social, political and cultural activities that oppose the world of Authority and profit, of social and class divisions. Today it is one more of the self-organized spaces […]

Athens (Greece): Statement by the Skaramanga squat about a recent arrest

“The state knows it, we know it, its time for society to learn it as well” On Friday, 13th November Antigoni, a 22-year old comrade was arrested only meters away from the Patission and Skaramanga squat in Athens. Accused with participation to the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”, she was released on bail only days […]

Athens (Greece): Failed trespass attempt against Pikrodáfni free space!

Announcement by the Pikrodáfni free space in Athens, Greece: While lately our free space is under constant surveillance by undercover cops, a few nights ago two persons approached Pikrodáfni free space and tried to trespass, but their plan failed as we noticed them almost immediately. We consider this strange visit part of the general climate […]

Athens (Greece): Exarcheia self-organised park under police attack, 5 arrested

In the early hours of Friday 4. 9. 2009 the self-organised park in Exarcheia once again came under attack by the police. Earlier, police jeeps tried to cross through Messologiou Street: the very same street where Alexis Grigoropoulos was assassinated in December. People present tried to resist the shameless police provocation; only moments later a […]

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Athens suburbs (Greece): Prapopoulou squat attacked, one immigrant beaten

August 2nd 2009 Fascist attack against a squat in Greece. On 1st of August 2009 at 02:00 AM two thugs in helmets stopped with their motorcycle by the Prapopoulou squat and using iron bars they tried (unsuccessfully) to break doors and windows. By pure chance at that moment a homeless immigrant, friend of the squat, […]

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Athens (Greece): Fascists attack Villa Amalias squat

July 11th 2009 Fascists under the cover of cops attacked the oldest anarchist squat in Greece with molotov cocktails and beaten a youth. Our comrades successfully driven away the fascists. The squat, Villa Amalias, suffered no damage. From Wikipedia: “Villa Amalia is one of the first anarchist squats in Athens, Greece. It was first […]

Athens: You can´t bring us down!

Some informations about all the information-events, donation-shirts and other donation-s.t.u.f.f. for the squat Villla Amalias in Athens, which is squatted since 18 years. Two fire bomb attacks in May 2008 destroyed a part of the house. The reconstruction has begun. Following a statement of the Villa Amalias squatters: You can´t bring us down! About the […]

Athens, Greece: LK37 squat attacked by fascists

On the 19th of April, before the beginning of a film show in Lelas Karayanni squat that was celebrating its 17th anniversary with a 2-days festival, a gang of fascists, armed with knives, attacked and tried to invade, throwing petrol bombs to cause fire to the building. The attack was repelled. During the scuffles outside […]

Athens (Greece): Lelas Karayanni 37 Squat under repression

    ATHENS – LELAS KARAYANNI 37 SQUAT UNDER REPRESSION   Since the end of July, the squat of L.K. 37 is confronted with a repressive project that, not accidentally, is taking place in the middle of the summer and within a period of intensified state terrorism and guided “anti”terrorist hysteria cultivated by the media. […]