Brighton: Police and security firm evict people onto the streets in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic

Police and security guards have evicted a squatted homeless shelter, throwing people onto the streets as the coronavirus pandemic takes over the UK. The unbelievable eviction came one day after the government announced that people will be fined for not observing orders to stay at home.

The eviction also took place just before the government announced that it has asked all local authorities to house rough sleepers.
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Brighton: Squatted Night Shelter update

Hello friends,
We’re sorry for being so quiet lately. In case you were wondering, we wanted to let you know that this project is still going. We currently have a building where people are being housed, although, for now at least, we are keeping its location private for the safety of those of us who live there and in the hope of keeping the building for longer.
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Porto (Portugal): Call for April of Action

APRIL OF ACTION Porto, Portugal 2020

International call for action

This call is born out of the refusal to conform and stand passively watching as States and Governments turn the world into an machine of oppression imposed by rulers that don’t even hide the disrespect they have towards whole populations.

We have been witnessing an escalation of events which demand that we re-think our posture in the world and the way we want to lead our lives and the future of the planet.

Low salaries, unreasonable rents, gentrification that purposely pushes the lower classes out of the cities, out of their local communities to give space to the rich, not only alienating them from their roots and history but also not providing alternative resources for a dignified life. A consequence of real estate speculation and only in benefit of the upper class and capitalist economic interests. The exploitation of resources like Shale Gas, and Lithium without respect for the will and well being of the citizens living nearby. Illegal toll systems. New constructions that destroy entire ecosystems, like the project of a new airport in Montijo, or fracking extraction platforms that pollute soil layers and contaminates water plaques (same contaminated water that goes into the houses of nearby citizens).
Human exploitation, the mass destruction of nature, the killing of indigenous peoples and their habitats, wars…
And the list goes on and on…

All this scenario of insecurity also gives space for neo-fascist political ideologies which are now trying to sneak softly into our lives with the promise of “saving the interests of the nations”

It’s necessary to say ‘’enough’’!!
It’s necessary to take control of our own lives and by our own hands.

We feel its urgent to create structures of collective organization, horizontal, self managed, anti-capitalist, sovereign, that will help us depend less on a State and more on each other, our neighbors, our communities.

We invite @ll for the creation of a squatted autonomous zone on an urban/rural area of Porto starting on the 1st of April. Created by and for @ll.

From the 19th to the 25th of April there will be an international “Gathering of The Struggles”. It will be a meeting point for activism, art and struggles with the theme: Sovereignty. Throughout this period there will be a series of practical actions taking place at the city center related with housing and gentrification issues. This escalation of actions will lead to a final, bigger action on the 25th of April (anniversary date of the Portuguese peaceful revolution that ended dictatorship in the country)

If you have any ideas or proposals for activities/ lectures/ workshops/ concerts/ exhibitions/ workshops/etc for this meeting or if you wish to be involved in the organization, get in touch.

Things to bring:
Tent/sleeping bag/blankets/knives, forks, plates, cups/candles/food donations/all kinds of materials/trust and self esteem.

The meeting on the 1st of April will be at (Jardim de S. Lazaro at 14 o’clock) from where we’ll go together to the place in question.

Follow the white rabbit … abrilaccao [at] protonmail [dot] ch

Dublin: New social centre

Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust – A revival in the Dublin squatter scene

So here we are, in our very own, “Her Lady Margaret Thatcher Memorial Library,” drinking a can and celebrating that the cunt’s still dead.

We’re writing this article as we are happy to finally announce ‘Sandwitch Gaff’ to the world! ( After resisting an illegal eviction attempt when a digger came crashing through our walls in the early hours of the morning we have decided to come out from underground and tell others that Sandwitch Gaff is here to stay.

If your familiar with the Dublin squatting scene and you liked Grangegorman or the Barricade Inn then you’ll hate us! We’ve got a warehouse full of trampolines, tall bikes, zip lines, a whole bunch of dogs, our own bar and a bunch of other mad shit. We’ve had a few events; cabaret, ceilí, scum dine with me, comedy nights, and were ready and open to host more. If you’re a cool band or traveling weirdo looking for a venue for whatever you do, send us an email and keep your eyes out for upcoming events posted on (hippies and oogles need not apply.)

Brexit got you down? Don’t move to Berlin! We’re calling for all talented immigrant squatters to come here and help internationalise this scene. Give us a shout if you’re travelers passing through or locals that wanna get involved.

Our kru email is antifaffhooligans [at] riseup [dot] net

Groningen: Solidarity with 10 squatters

Call for solidarity with the 10 people who were arrested during the eviction of the Heykens-building in the Akerkstraat in Groningen in October 2019. They all are convicted for article 138a.
The judge agreed with the demand of the prosecutor and all have to pay a fine of 300 euro. With legal costs of 150 euro per person op top of that, this amounts to high costs and they could use some support.

Please donate if you can
Solidariteitsfonds Het Zwarte Gat, NL41 TRIO 0391 0365 64, and mention “heykenspand”

Sharing is caring

Local news about the verdict


Brighton: DIY Kodak Update

Apologies for the delayed update – the past couple of days have been busy! For everyone wondering how the eviction went, we just wanted to let you know that we have managed to find some temporary storage solutions and no one has ended up back out in the streets.

As ever, we fully intend intend to keep this project going and will keep you updated about our next steps.

Watch this space…

With love and solidarity,
The DIY Kodak Collective

Brazil: Olive Garden urban occupation under threat of eviction

Activists from the Black Flag anarchist collective report that the squatted site, which houses more than 200 families in the southern Brazilian city of Araquari, is fighting back against threats from the City Hall to send the dogs in.

Jardim das Oliveiras (The Olive Garden) is a self-organised squatted zone near the center of the city which has existed on the site for more than a decade, but received a court repossession order just before Christmas giving them 30 days to leave.
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Brighton: Direct action to prevent deaths on the streets

A squatted night shelter in Brighton is housing homeless people. The Canary visited the squat and spoke to residents about the project.

Back in December 2019, people in Brighton called an emergency meeting to discuss how to act in solidarity with those facing life on the streets. The initiative was taken by Brighton’s Queer AF anti-fascist alliance and other grassroots groups.

Soon, activists took control of an empty Kodak shop on Brighton’s London Road and began using it to house rough sleepers. This week, the group squatted another unused building: the old Poundstretcher building on London Road.
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Amsterdam: Five years since Bungehuis occupation

2019 was the year of the demonstration. 2020 will be the year of the uprising. That’s why we’re not only looking forward to this film night with the Vrije Bond Amsterdam, but also look back on previous protests to see what we can learn from them for the future. We pay special attention to the student protests. We will watch Street Politics 101 and have a discussion with veterans of the student protests, but also with the new generation of demonstrators.

We will hold a somewhat special performance of the film evening to mark the fifth anniversary of the Bungehuis occupation. We will also try to learn from this history and talk about new protests, such as the occupation of the P.C. Hoofthuis in 2018. What can we learn from each other for years to come where an even more repressive state and further deterioration of social services threaten? How can we work together towards more freedom and solidarity?


Germany: Hambi Stays

The news have reached us yesterday that the german government has decided that the Hambacher Forest should not be cut down. This is a statement of the Hambacher Forest Press Team:

This news brings us neither joy nor despair. We interpret this as part of a political strategy aimed at delegitimising the Hambacher forest occupation. In the following points we clarify this as an attack on the climate justice movement.

Mike from the Hambacher Forest says “I can’t accept that Hambacher Forest is used as a smokescreen to hide the ongoing ecocidal and imperialistic policy of the German state”
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SqEK (Squatting Everywhere Kollective) is dead

Well, well, WELL. Here we are, it’s been the best part of a decade and now
SqEK is dead. I have mostly enjoyed my time being part of Squatting
Everywhere Kollective (SqEK) ever since I popped up at the London 2010
meeting, having seen a post on Indymedia UK (RiP). On the whole, being a
member of the collective has been a productive and inspiring time. I have
written a few book chapters and journal articles about squatting, a couple
in collaboration with people, and none of these things would have happened
if I hadn’t got off my arse and taken that train up to London.

The annual conferences have been an amazing opportunity to engage with local
squatter and radical leftwing movements in places like Barcelona, Berlin,
Catania, Copenhagen, Paris, Prague and Rome. Disparagingly described by
someone leaving the collective back then as “just people meeting up to go
visit various squats,” these meetings have actually been amazingly fertile
encounters between us as SqEK and social centre participants in places like
Klinika (Prague, recently evicted), Can Mas Deu (Barcelona), New Yorck im Bethanianen (Berlin), Candy Factory and Trampoline House (Copenhagen), Poortgebouw (Rotterdam), Studentato Occupato (Catania), La Gare XP and Transfo (Paris).
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Brighton: Squatted Night Shelter

As Brighton becomes more glamorous and sparkles in the shop windows cost like gold, the city is only managing to house the rich and the privileged. There are too many buildings on our streets which have been left empty, dilapidating and neglected by selfish landlords who are apparently blind to the hundreds of people sleeping in bags outside of these doorsteps. Brighton has the second worst amount of homeless to London, and the council cannot seem to do anything about it.
We have scrubbed up + loved up one of these empty buildings to make an emergency shelter for people who would otherwise sleep outside. There is room for 10 people to stay at night and downstairs there is a soup kitchen!
Please spread the word about the space to friends seeking shelter.
Any donations will be accepted gratefully, and here are some photos of the accommodation.

Facebook – DIY Kodak Collective: Squatted Night Shelter