Florence, April 21, 2016 2017: someone attacked the carabinieri barracks in Rovezzano, the Florentine suburbs, with a molotov.
Florence, January 1, 2017 an explosive device placed outside the bookshop “Il Bargello” near Casa Pound explodes in the hands of a policeman who is severely injured.
Following these two anonymous attacks, on the morning of August 3, 2017, eight comrades are imprisoned. The anarchists: Marina Porcu, Micol Marino, Pierloreto Fallanca (Pasca), Giovanni Ghezzi, Roberto Cropo, Salvatore Vespertino, Sandro Carovac, Nicola Almerigogna.
These comrades have been notified of accusations of attempted murder because of the wounding of the bomb disposal engineer Mario Vece, fabrication, detention and transportation of explosive devices, aggravated damage for the throwing of incendiary bottles against the Carabinieri barracks.
The names of the main inquisitors to have coordinated the investigations are:
Spina Eugenio (senior executive of the State police, head of counter-terrorism).
Pifferi Lucio (head of the D.I.G.O.S. in Florence).
Creazzo Giuseppe (chief prosecutor of Florence).
As anarchists we are not interested in knowing who did these actions, valid, concrete, alive. The Italian State after the continuation of Op. Scripta Manent, again strikes refractory comrades, who believe that direct, non-mediated and destructive action is a fundamental means of anarchist revolutionary struggle. [Read More]