Germany: First Declaration of the Hambach Jungle

The Forest is now squatted!
A part of the Hambach forest has been squatted in order to save it from the excavators send by the gigantic energy corporation RWE to dig up brown-coal. During a cultural festival in the woods, under the slogan „Forest not Coal“, activists pulled up platforms in the trees.
At the festival people from different groups met up, forming a broad coalition to get active in saving the Hambach Forest and stopping the extraction as well as the combustion of the coal beneath it.
According to the plans of RWE, the Hambach forest, near Cologne, shall be completly destroyed to make space for the largest open-cast mine in Europe in the next few years.
During the festivity people got the chance of taking responsibility by godfathering their special tree and protecting it their way(s). By squatting we are also taking over responsibility godfathering our trees, protecting them our own way.
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New squat in Cologne, Germany: Our first statement

On 2nd March 2012 we, a group of leftist people, squatted an abandoned building at Deutz-Mülheimer-Straße, near the old industrial complex of the KHD-Group in Cologne.

We want to develop a collective here. The squat is a place for both, working and living beside the capitalistic enforcement. We want to live with each other without hierarchically structured regulation.

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Berlin: Rigaer 94 attacked

Nearly one year after the eviction of the neighbouring houseproject Liebig 14, our project Rigaer 94 and the squatbar Kadterschmiede got attacked by cops.

On 28th of January 2012, a demo against a police congress and the urban operations-conference in Berlin took place. At night there was an after-demo soliparty in Kadterschmiede which is located in Rigaer 94.

Before the party had even started, the area was already swarming with cops. Soon the usual quarrel with the cops at our gate to the street began. It is not unusual that they try to get into the yard and cause some trouble. At first, they were held back by our outer gate as always.

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Berlin: Arson attack at Georg von Rauch Haus

Yesterday morning (25/12/11) around 7 am two separate fires broke out in the house, one in the basement, another one in the stairway of the house. At that time not only the residents were in the house, but also several party
guests, at the whole around 150 people. The fire left 12 people injured, two of them with multiple broken bones, after they jumped out in panic from the windows of the first floor. Two kids are also among the injured people.
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Cologne: SPD and Pro-Köln polarize against Autonomes Zentrum (AZ)

Autonomes Zentrum Köln

Cologne’s local politic posse is seeking again the conflict with Autonomes Zentrum. After the prevented eviction in April this year, the squat gained a legal use contract for an indefinite period of time with the owner, the Sparkasse Köln-Bonn (a savings bank). Since then, the former canteen located in the KHD industrial complex in Köln Kalk, has been used legally. [Read More]

Hamburg (Germany): No Wave Squatter Punk (Anti)Art Ausstellung at the Rote Flora

Rote Flora solidarity show, Hamburg, Germany

“Nicht das Neue, nicht das Alte, sondern das Notwendige”
No Wave Squatter Punk (Anti)Art Ausstellung
March 21-April 3, 2011

This is an exhibition at the Rote Flora (Red Flower), an occupied theater in Hamburg, Germany on the occasion of their negotiation for renewal of permission to use…

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Germany: Solidarity after the eviction of Liebigstrasse 14 in Berlin on 2nd of february 2011


Riots all over Germany after the eviction of Liebigstrasse 14 in Berlin on 2nd of february.

The Liebig 14 was one of the last and oldest squats in Berlin.

On the 2nd of february, 2.500 cops violently evicted the houseproject. It took them 8 hours to evict the barricated house.

One week before the eviction there was a demonstration with 7.000 people in Berlin against the evictionplans.

In the night following the eviction, there were demonstrations with about 3.000 people and riots in the streets of Berlin with an estimated damage of one million euros and more riots with less people and less damage in the following nights.

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Berlin: Eviction and riot on next february 2nd ?

January 14th, 2011

The police in the german capital Berlin is expecting heavy riots around february 2. The police will evict one of the last squats in Berlin : Liebig 14.
Officials and newspaper say that this may cause heavy riots.


Today, 10 january 2011, the house project in Liebigstraße 14, Berlin-Friedrichshain, received a written eviction notice for all apartments. It will be enforced the 2nd of february at 8:00 AM. The lost legal processes and the failure of politics ! The eviction notice for our house project is the outcome of an almost 4 year-long legal struggle over the termination all apartments contracts, a struggle between the inhabitants of the houseproject and the owner Suitbert Beulker (also owner of the houseproject in Rigaerstr. 94) and Edwin Thöne, manager of the child protection association Unna. The pleaded ground for the terminations was the display of banners and Beulker taking offence with the construction of a door in the stairway.

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Oldenburg (Germany): Notes on the june 26th trailerpark-demonstration

On saturday 26th june 2010, 200 people and 16 trucks, mobile homes and trailers demonstrated against the possible eviction of the trailerpark in Oldenburg.

The trailerpark has been at the premises of the former slaughterhouse „am Stau“ for 16 years now.
Since 2005, the city of Oldenburg plans to build a megalomaniac project at the site, the so called „Wasserstadt“ (Watercity).
A whole new quarter should arise on 10 hectares, with cold architecture, as investors like it and the promise of high income return. A marina and a maritime „competence-center“ should form the character of the new quarter, a four star hotel should bring guests. The vision is a „modern, urban quarter“ with beautiful villas and private jetties on little town canals, surrounded by 10.000 squaremeters of office space and a whole row of luxury restaurants. As the mayor of Oldenburg, Gerd Schwandner, states it, the target group for the whole project is the „big, future elite of Oldenburg“.

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Berlin: A new free shop in Kreuzberg

April 11th, 2010

Gentrification in Berlin continues: after the eviction of Brunnenstr. 183, a house project that was hosting a Free Shop, all inner city areas are becoming posh. This is more visible in Kreuzberg than anywhere – a quarter that was during the time of the divided city an island of alternative live-style, the area is now becoming interesting for investors such as Starbucks and McDonald’s. A nice cafe on Heinrichplatz, just by Oranienstr., had to leave as the rent was doubled. Now the space has been squatted and another Free Shop been established there.

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Berlin: 20years old birthday for the Koepi!

Koepi is gonna get 20y. old in a few days!

here is the party-programm, from 24th to 28th februray 2010, in german. It’ll be mostly concerts, and some movies and vegan meals as well:

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Missing friend since October 2009


My good friend Emil is lost since october 2009… hitchiking from Warzava to Berlin.

Maybe it is possible to post the link to the blog created to help us find him. There is some info and some contacts in some languages: English, Polish, German, Spanish and so on… [Read More]