Bordeaux (France): ‘Living from day to day’ in migrant squats

As the western French city of Bordeaux struggles to accommodate its growing migrant population, more and more squats have popped up to keep the city’s legal and illegal migrants off the streets. However, since the region appointed Fabienne Buccio as its prefect, an aggressive evacuation campaign has been set in motion; with over 70 squats having been shut down in the past 6 months alone.

Like most children her age, eight-year-old Samar loves the extracurricular activities that are held on Wednesdays. “Today we painted, and we were even allowed to paint on the wall [of the squat]!,” she exclaims in impeccable French before one of her mates interrupts her for a play fight. “He annoys me a lot, but what is good here is that we’re allowed to disagree,” Samar says and points to the little boy who goes on to pull a face and then bursts out laughing. “There’s respect, but above all there’s no war like in my country,” she says [Read More]

Marseille (France): Demo against the deadly housing crisis

Call for a demo on November 9th, 15AM, Notre Dame du Mont, Collective El Manba and Saint-Just. Everybody in the street against the bad accomodation !

On Saturday, November 9, we will march in memory of the 8 people killed in the collapses of Aubagne Street and Zineb Redouane, murdered by the police. These deaths are not accidents but the result of an urban policy of speculation and profit, which drives out the most vulnerable populations of the city centre.

In Marseille, as elsewhere, the State and its subcontractors in the asylum system (OFII, PADA, 115…) are evading their legal obligations and denying the migrants the housing they are entitled to. Within institutional accommodation, the major funders (ADOMA, Sara Logisol, Forum Réfugiés, Groupe SOS, 3F) zealously apply the State’s directives and support all policies of control, surveillance and deprivation of liberty. [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Transnational Summer Camp ends

More than 500 activists from across Europe, northern and western Africa took part in the Transnational Summer Camp  held between 9th and 14th July at ZAD site located near Nantes in France.

The camp’s callout stated:

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Bure (France): Forest reoccupied

Check the info points on for news, especially before coming on site.

Next to Bure, France, Lejuc forest is reoccupied since the 18th of july at 14h. Many people have moved into the place, on the ground as well as in the trees to reaffirm their opposition to the project of radioactive waste burrying center Cigéo, to nuclear power and the industrial, colonial, military world that goes with it. The police forces that occupied this strategic location until then and protected Andra’s interests were forced to leave. From now on, we call for people to come here in Lejuc forest, as well as in Bure and Mandres-en-Barrois, two villages located two kilometers from the forest

Lejuc forest is in the area of the nuclear dumpster project. Andra plans to clear it to perform archeological digs and drillings, before covering it with concrete to build ventilation shafts. The forest was already occupied twice before, in july 2016 and then from the 15th august 2016 to the 22nd february 2018, date when 500 cops evicted the forest and destroyed the houses of the people who were occupying it.

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Montreuil (Paris-banlieue): eviction of l’Écharde

07:25am, Wednesday 27th of March 2019:

Eviction of l’Écharde, 19 rue Garibaldi, in Montreuil (Paris, métro Robespierre). Come now to support the squatters!

Gathering tonight against all evictions, at 07:00pm , at the end of avenue de la Résistance, in Montreuil (métro Croix-de-Chavaux).

Montreuil (Paris-banlieue): opening of l’Écharde

Monday October 1st, 2018, while Jardin d’Alice‘s docile artists were giving back their building’s keys (at 19 rue Garibaldi, in Montreuil), about thirty people came to disrupt their plans, occupying the building. After three years of caretaking, this space was about to be given back to Nexity, French “master” of property business, who is managing the building on behalf of the EPFIF (Public Land Office of the Paris region). While the state is trying to empty the meaning of housing struggles by signing precarious occupancy agreements to artists (like Jardin d’Alice) and zadists, while the left-wing mayors talk about requisitioning to scrounge a few ballot papers, we, like many others, are squatting. [Read More]

Dijon (France): Large refugee squat evicted

Yesterday (10/7/18) early morning French police, with assistance from border police evicted the XXL Squat in Dijon, where about hundred asylum seekers lived. During the eviction, twenty-four people were detained by the border police. The eviction was enforced despite of the ongoing negotiations with the property owner.

The building have been occupied since August 2016. Apart for providing home to many people, it also hosted a number of projects, including French language classes and legal assistance group, medical and social spaces.
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Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): The Movement is Dead, Long Live… Reform!

This text was written during fall 2017 on the ZAD of Notre-Dame- des-Landes, France. Since then, the situation drastically changed when the government announced on January 17 th , 2018 that they are abandoning the airport project. It may seem obsolete to publish this after the “victory”. But, despite the importance this struggle has for me, I didn’t celebrate this victory. I am probably too suspicious and critical about what’s at stake and what’s hiding behind the decision.
In this difficult period for social struggles, the fight against the airport has become a kind of symbol against the capitalist onslaught, as the struggle to not lose in an ocean of defeats. So, trying a critical approach means often being confronted by a defensive reflex to protect an idealized vision. Oh well, here goes… [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Intergalactic Week returns!

After the long awaited victory against the airport project, we are trying to lift ourselves out of the brutal spring, a season marked by two phases of evictions in which the government made sure to avenge the affront that the zad had represented for so many years. The massive police operations caused many injuries, the destruction of a part of the living spaces of the zad and a long military presence. But the state was forced to give up going any further and entirely eradicating our presence in this bocage. Resistance on the ground, solidarity elsewhere and the negotiation process resulted in a status quo that maintained of dozens of homes, common spaces and activities on most of the land held by the movement. Nevertheless, what we managed to preserve today could very quickly be attacked again, administratively, politically or militarily. Whilst the zad recovers from its wounds and recomposes itself, the work in the fields and the constructions resumes and we project ourselves towards the struggles of the next months. These however go beyond us and connect with others around the world. They concern the collective and respectful use of the land, the sharing of the commons, the questioning of nation-states and borders, the reappropriation of our habitats, the possibility of producing and exchanging free from the shackles of the market, forms of self-organization on territories in resistance and the right to live there freely …
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Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Mobilizing for the second phase of evictions on the ZAD

The government has announced a second wave of evictions on the zad of Notre-Dame des-Landes. The operation could be launched as soon as May 15th. We have no idea how large or how long it will be. What is certain is that we cannot trust official announcements and that we will mobilise if faced with any new attempt to pick and choose, which living places on the zad they will evict. [Read More]

ZAD: Cat and mouse with the cops

We woke up early [April29], although we had a long day yesterday. We walked to the cop zone, the part of ZAD that was evicted earlier this month. Today people started to restore some of the vegetable gardens that were destroyed during the Evictions. Different groups went into the cop zone to restore damage that was being done by the state action.

Cops again and again tried to prevent some of the groups in the cop zone from returning to the parts of ZAD that are still squatted. At one point our group was not able to cross the road where the cops were positioned. The group wasn’t big enough to fight their way through. We waited for about an hour and tried again but failed.

After that we went to a small lake and suddenly one squad of Riot cops came into the fields near to the lake. We positioned ourself on two sides, ready to defend ourselves if necessary. But the cops retreated after only a few minutes.
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ZAD: L’Ancre Noire Evicted

L’ancre noir (the Black Anchor) was evicted during the truce which the delegation from the assembly of usages (organ of bureaucratic power on the ZAD) begged for at the prefecture last week, in exchange for some legal papers, the same ones as the henchmen of the state were handing to those arrested last week, in the form of a bad joke that becomes more and more reality …”this paper is the price of your liberty.”

The state, we know what it is and what it does to people and spaces that deny its authority, since it began. The rebels, these people and these spaces (some of which also represent new or old states) have a similar historical tendency to confront the offensives of the State until they collapse, or until their disappearance or assimilation.
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