Madrid: Police academy & gear shop attacked in solidarity with La Gatonera

Translation of communique from Contra Info:

Early on Thursday, November 6th, a police and Guardia Civil academy was attacked with stones in the area of Legazpi (Madrid). A message was written: “No eviction unanswered. La Gato resists.”

Death to the State and long live anarchy! [Read More]

London: Enough is enough, #stopMIPIM, deliver the housing we need

Diverse housing action groups in London have called for protests against the real estate fair “MIPIM UK”. Hashtag for the campaign is #stopMIPIM. Here is a flyer from the the “radical housing network“.

MIPIM, the world’s biggest property fair, is coming to London, October 15-17th.

MIPIM proudly describes itself as the world’s largest property fair, attracting around 20,000 investors, developers, local authorities, and banks each year.

It usually takes place annually in Cannes, France. This year will see the first MIPIM UK, to be held at London’s Olympia 15-17 October. Billed as ‘the 1st UK property trade show gathering all professionals looking to close deals in the UK property market’ – a gathering of professionals and elites looking to profiteer from UK land and property.

Join affected communities, the Radical Housing Network, the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and the City, Defend Council Housing, trade unions and a range of other groups to demand a City for People, not for Profit. [Read More]

UK: Come to London in October! Say No to MIPIM and AUSTERITY, Yes to Housing Rights!

The “London Radical Housing Network” supported by international activists who try to build a “European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing an the City” have called for transnational action and meetings at the occasion of the real estate fair “MIPIM UK” in October (17th – 2oth). Here is their call in it’s 29th August version.

This is a call to housing activists across Europe to come to London this October 17th-20th to oppose austerity policies and the financialisation of our homes and cities, and to create the networks of resistance necessary to defeat it. From the 15th-17th MIPIM, one of Europe’s biggest real estate fairs, will be taking place in London. Landlords, real estate speculators and politicians are meeting to discuss how to make more profit out of the misery of housing and other urban consequences of the global crisis. [Read More]

Seattle (USA): Condo Excavator Sabotaged

About a little over week ago we snuck into a condo development in Seattle and poured a gallon of bleach into the gas tank of an excavator. This was a small but easily reproducible attack against the expansion of gentrification in Seattle. [Read More]

Brighton: 3 days stand-off at a squatted church


Just over a week ago, an interim possession order was served on a squatted church in Brighton. Deciding to resist the IPO, the squatters barricaded the building, and took to the roof in protest and a large group of people gathered outside.

A Banner was hung from the roof stating “The meek shall squat the earth” in reference to some religious nonsense found within the church, and a black flag was flown whilst the squatters maintained a presence on the roof for 3 consecutive days.

Out of the numerous police patrols that passed, one cocky sergeant decided to parade around the church and threatened that the police would return at 5am in the morning to evict the squatters. [Read More]

Catalonia: For the extension of the Black February campaign to Barcelona

To all who desire to stand in solidarity in a coordinated or spontaneous fashion when combative squatting and its self-organized methods are in danger; to all who see clearly the parallels of repressive logic between what is happening in Greece and what is happening here in the same historic moment; to all who see the clear escalation and coordination of the current offensive by the eurofascist States against all subversive attitudes that don’t conform to their democratic lines – through immediate, violent intervention against our spaces, our people, our daily routines of activity, and the survival of our own self-organization and struggle.

It has become obvious that although this offensive on the part of different States is perpetual and ongoing, it is clearly coordinated and directed in this precise moment in order to encircle, divide, and destroy all of the physical praxis of squatting, from Barcelona to Greece. This praxis is necessary for our activities and survival, and the actions of many. [Read More]

Buenos Aires (Argentina): Solidarity mural for a Black February

In Buenos Aires streets, we painted a mural in solidarity with the squats in Greece and the world, in the context of the call for a Black February.

This action is symbolic; we do not believe that by painting a wall we put the Greek government into checkmate for its attack on squatted spaces that defy Power. However, we do see in it the potential of what it could mean – that is, not to turn a deaf ear to a cry for international solidarity. [Read More]

Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide

“We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.

But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world.

Even though the recent onslaught of the Greek State against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian spectrum was the initial spark for writing this call, several examples around the globe show us that the police and municipal authorities along with giant corporations are cooperating excellently with each other, attacking solidarian structures and pacifying societies at a transnational level. During the past few weeks and months, in parts of the world, where people suffer from the systematic impoverishment and extended gentrification plans, it increasingly came to State/Capital’s attacks on radical movements, including repression against concrete forms of resistance such as land occupations, autonomous projects, company headquarters’ occupations, or strike actions. It thus deems important that we also connect our struggles worldwide, and fight back in the here and now. Action in response to attacks on squatted spaces at your location could be the spark for you. Take action on the streets and let your imagination run wild to spread the message of active resistance. [Read More]

Squat attempt in Sweden

There was a unsuccessful squat attempt in the swedish town of Linköping. 23 youths now are in jail awaiting trial that could lead to four years imprisonment. 7 have been released pending charges as they are under the age of 18.

The squat occurred in the town of Linköping on the night between the 17th and 18th of March. On the evening of the 18th the special anti-terrorist unit of the national police force stormed the building. one occupant was injured and hospitalized. [Read More]