Long abandoned in 2000 the castle returned to build life as a squatted social center, soon evicted and left alone again into oblivion. Today we have liberated it..we have taken back the castle, and now open to create a meeting space, creation, culture, policy debate and dissent against speculation, and capitalism. We make an open call to come to build with us your passionate projects…
[Read More]
Barcelona: Open call out to support the new international squatted social center
Barcelona: C.S.O. La Papa evicted this morning
In the morning of 5th october, C.S.O. La Papa (Barcellona) was evicted by about 8 vans of the Mossos de esquadra without any advice nor legitimate court order and without any arrest at about 6:00 in the morning and at just 2 weeks from the 5th anniversary of it’s okkupation.
This afternoon we call for a demo in front of the evicted social center at 20:00
No justice, No Peace!
1 eviction, 1000 squattings!
Mobilize and call out! [Read More]
Barcelona: A Combative May Day Regained
Just a decade ago, Barcelona was one of just a couple cities in the world known for maintaining a riotous tradition of combative May Day protests, with a strong anarchist presence. In more recent years, however, the First of May has tended to be as peaceful as Christmas. The events organized by the anarchosyndicalists of the CNT and CGT were more like parades, while the other anarchists were largely trapped in a squatting movement that was losing its ability to take the streets. Already by 2007, anarchists were bemoaning the loss of this tradition and attempting to recover it, organizing a May Day black bloc demonstration that was completely shut down by the police. In 2009, evidently recognizing that it would take more than a single year to reverse their losses, anonymous anticapitalists throughout the city organized a week of sabotage and other actions leading up to May Day. On May Day of 2010, they symbolically squatted a luxury hotel. In 2011, they were ready to reclaim their holiday. [Read More]
Barcelona: Notes on the european squat meeting (17-20 june 2010)
Translation of an article written in french and originally published on squat.net/fr.
From june 17th to 20th, 2010, an european squat meeting took place in Barcelona [1|2].
More than one hundred people participated in the discussions, all of which took place in the Laforsa squatted social centre (41 av. de la Fama, in Cornellà de Llobregat, suburbs of Barcelona). This old factory is squatted for a year now, but it’s famous for having been occupied during several months by its own workers in the late seventies, becoming a symbol of the workers autonomous class struggle.
The discussions happened in the huge Laforsa’s first floor (with plugged simultaneous translations in spanish, english, french and italian) and food was served twice a day in the second floor.
[Read More]
Barcelona: European squat meeting, from june 17th to 20th 2010
Under the motto of “Present, Past and… Future??? of Squatting in Europe”, some squat collectives of Barcelona organize a meeting the 17, 18, 19, and 20 of june to debate about historical, political and legal aspects of this movement in a european perspective.
So this is a calling to all collectives, projects or houses across Europe who are interested in participate to come and give an own view of your experience and situation in your city or country. In the development of the meeting, simultaneous translation equipment will be provided to everyone.
The meeting will be held in the “CSO La Forsa” (Avenida de la Fama 41, Cornella de Llobregat – Barcelona).
Tallin, Vienna, Prague, Barcelona, Berlin: Solidarity actions with Dutch squatters
Solidarity from Berlin to the Nederlands
While the actiondays in the Nederland we attacked in the night to Saturday (30th to 31th October 2009) the Nederland Embassy with colours and stones.
We show solidarity with all the squatters and activists who fight offensive against the new squatter laws in the Nederland. The strike of the Nederland State against selforganized autonomous spaces is an attack on us all and could not be tolerated. Fight for selforganized autonomous spaces – squat the world! Smash capitalism! We stay all!
Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate
Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate against new dutch anti-squat law:
Monday 26 oktober 2009
Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate against new dutch anti- squat law:
today,a group of 60 squatters from Barcelona held a one hour demonstration in front of the dutch consulate to protest the new anti-squatting law
With slogans and banners in Spanish, English and dutch, short speeches and making noise, the barcelona squatters expressed their solidarity with dutch squatters and their stuggle for a dignified existence. [Read More]
Barcelona: CSO El Baco, new social centre and community garden in horta per el Barco
Email: fuspey (nospam) yahoo.co.uk
Telèfon: 662 347 902
Adreça: 26 pere pau, horta, bcn (beside metro stop horta, lisboa exit)
23 feb 2007
CSO EL BARCO (occupied social centre “the boat” )
Opening doors and making gardens in horta
eviction order for 6 days time, time for rethink and re-action of okupa movement…
Barcelona: Solidarity action for Ungdomshuset at the Danish consulate
Account summary of Ungdomshuset support initiatives in Barcelona: infonight & prisoner solidarity on January 11th, action at the Danish consulate on January 12th, 2007.
On January 12th 2007, a group of autonomous Ungdomshuset supporters came together and briefly occupied the danish consulate. Five people entered the building and got the message forwarded to the embassy in Madrid, leaving a solidarity statement addressed to danish authorities. Pictures of the Danish queen and her husband were gifted new faces, and now boldly bear the Ungdomshuset skull!
Meanwhile, a group of some 30 people manifested outside carrying a banner, chanting slogans (“Dinamarca, escucha, ¡Ungeren se queda!” which translates to “Listen, Denmark, Ungeren stays!”), and distributing flyers to passers-by, linking the Ungdomshuset struggle with the broader squat and autonomous movement in Barcelona and the rest of Europe.
Barcelona: Ruben writes a letter…
¡Salud compañeros!
I’m writing from the prison of Can Brians, in the module number one, and i will make a brief summary since that shitty february 9th (the date of our kidnapping) up today (february 15th, 2006).
Everything starts at 8:30 AM when a friend calls us awakening me and my friend telling me that it seems like Ignasi’s house is being evicted in la Clota. We are a bit slow in reacting, but we decide to go to solidarize with him. We take a breakfast and we go down to the street to go there, when all of a sudden, as appearing from nowhere, a undetermined number of masked catalan secret police jumps on us, telling me i’m arrested for terrorism. The impact on me is pretty brusque, we’re searched against a wall and in this moment i lose my friend from sight, i’m taken into a car and they tell me the charges are setting up fire in a Banco Sabadell and in C.I.R.E. (a public-private enterprise that controls prisoners labour in catalonian prisons), and that they’re going to go upstairs to search my house. I tell them i want my lawyer to be there. They ask me his name and when i tell them, they start to laugh and tell me that only happens in movies, but i insist in my “rights” to be respected. They bring me up to my house handcuffed, with the hood down and making me look to the floor. In the street door i can finally raise my eyes up and then i realice the massive operation they set up, i believe about 14 secret police to be there, since there were 3 cars full of them and other 3 anti-riot vans in Drassanes Avenue.
Barcelona: Okupaqueer has been evicted in february 2005
Hi everybody, squatters, queers, and the others
As i still receive lots of mails concerning a queer squat in Barcelone, i have to publish, with 7 months of delay, this news :
In Barcelone, the group called okupaqueer, that finally squatted a big house in Montgat (on the seaside, near to Barcelone) from september 04 to february 05, does not exist anymore, since the eviction.
So don’t send messages to the email box cause you’ll never get any answer.
I used to forward all the messages i get about accomodation, people searching for a place to stay, to queeruption 8, but now that this meeting is over, and that there is not any group that seems to be involved anymore here about queer & squat, i don’t know what to answer.
Bye bye and good luck.
Barcelona: okupaqueer near the beach
Thursday we squatted a huge palace in front of the sea in Montgat. The police came directly but we resited inside the house. We hope to stay at least a few months but an eviction could happen anytime. So we need your support : you’re welcome to come to the house anytime you want. The house is big and we need people to make it lively, to fix it, to organize all kind of queer activities…
This project is not-mixed queer, That wants to say only fag, dyke and trans.
See you soon.
okupaqueer [at] yahoo [dot] es
The okupaqueer group
Barcelona: “La Hamsa” squat threatened with eviction, not yet evicted
Today, March the 29th, at 9:30 a.m expired the closing date for the inhabitants of l’Hamsa to set out of the house by themselves. At 6 a.m, there were at least 30 people standing beside the front door of the centre, that was also guarded by their inhabitants. People continued coming during the dusk, so they gathered at least 300 in case the police decided to evict early in the morning.
At 9:30 a.m, a civil servant turn up to witness if the volunteer eviction had taken place. What he found was a crowded street pack of people that were supporting the inhabitants, as well as some journalists. he realised that people there were not going to evict by themselves, so, as it’s been usual currently, he decided to paralise the eviction, but without giving any oficial paper that stated this.
Radar Online Agenda
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Squats around the planet
Latest News
- Innsbruck: The Palace to be evicted sometime in March
- Amsterdam: Frederiksplein 52 squatted
- Prague: Klinika is alive, the fight continues! Celebrating 10 years
- Cáceres: days of resistance and support in the face of the threat of eviction of the CSOA La Muela
- Berlin: Køpi is in danger!
- Amsterdam: Klokkenhof squatters’ stronghold
- Rotterdam: Catullusweg stays!
- Utrecht: No Border Camp 2024
- Rotterdam: former school squatted on Catullusweg 11
- London: Practical Squatters Evening at a local squat!
- Turin: On the eviction of the occupied Ex-Lavatoio
- Ghent: Wondelmeersen occupied
- Utrecht: two buildings squatted after 10 years of vacancy
- Athens: Call for internationalist solidarity for the Community of Squatted Prosfygika
- Dijon: a look back at the public meeting to present the agri-cultural park of the Maraîchers ecocity
- Amsterdam: Squat on Rokin evicted after celebration of one year of Takland
- Wageningen: Community and eco-squat ‘De Achtertuin’ squats a vacant lot
- Amsterdam: One Year Takland Vrijstraat
- Amsterdam: Achter Oosteinde 16 squatted. Opening of the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh campus
- Utrecht: Biltstraat 31 squatted and evicted