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Amsterdam (The Netherlands): April 2013 Joe’s Garage Program

‘There are still squatted houses in Amsterdam…”, that is the shocking gossip recently reported in the Dutch media. Is the zealous mayor of Amsterdam such an incompetent politician in matters of housing policy and in cracking down on squatters? These last years, the city of Amsterdam did evict numerous squats but failed in eradicating our […]

Thessaloniki: New trial against 6 comrades of Delta squat, that was evicted in September 2012

Delta squat, in Thessaloniki, was violently evicted on the 12th of September 2012. In the subsequent trial-farce, ten arrested comrades received suspended sentences and were ordered to pay fines (7,950 euros in total). One of the arrestees, anarchist immigrant Gustavo Quiroga, remained incarcerated and was even deported to Colombia on the 4th of November. That […]

Czech anarchist, advocate of Romani people’s rights, has passed away

Political scientist Ondřej Slačálek has informed the Czech Press Agency that the famous Czech anarchist and defender of the rights of Romani people, Jakub Polák, passed away yesterday. The activist succumbed to cancer just after turning 60. In the months before his death he was engaged in the case of the evictions of people living […]

Birmingham: New Social Centre

So it’s been a week already! Thanks to everyone who has helped so far and to the owners who have been kind enough to let us stay and carry on with our work. The Pebble Mill Social Centre is looking a lot better already and the building has been repaired up to a great standard. […]

United States: Initial actions in solidarity with Oakland rebels

Several immediate actions that we know about have taken place in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Atlanta, New York City and Seattle in solidarity with the rebels in Oakland, hundreds of whom were arrested and many injured during a long series of clashes with the police on January 28. More actions have been publicly announced, others may […]

Bergen Housing Actions pages translated

Welcome to the english version of Bergen Boligaksjonens pages, sorry to say that only the front page is translated so far. But you can always contact us on email: bergen [at] boligaksjonen [dot] no. We hope the site enjoy and inspires you. This information with pictures will soon come on By the way: The […]