Rampage in Hamburg

Hamburg:On late monday night around 30 people vandalised in the area of the Hamburger Schanzenviertel. In the course of the evening a police car was set on fire.The police later informed the public that the car had burned out compleately. Nobody was hurt and the suspects escaped and remain unknown.

8 Oct. 1997 TAZ


Berlin: Rigaerstrasse burned out


In the ex squatted house in the Rigaerstrasse 80 in Friedrichshain a fire started at around 5.30pm on 20th October 1997! The house was squatted for 7 years and evicted on the 29.july 1997. The owner had yesterday done some cleanup work. The reason for the fire was not yet established! Witnesses spoke about lots of smoke and traffic chaos on the nearby main road!

Cologne (Germany): New squat in Spichernstrasse!


The following text is copied from a flyer:

Today, 8.november 1997 SPICHERNSTRASSE 25 (close to U-bahn Hans-boeckler-str. in the Stadtgarten) SQUATTED
We give a home to our future
Everybody welcome!

Cologne is expecting the oppening of new squatts! Why? [Read More]

Berlin: Fire and flames…

October 3, 1997, the seventh anniversary of the annexation of East Germany by the West, the reunification of “Great” Germany. A day of “celebration” for the political and social elite, October 3rd has become an annual day of protest for Germany’s radical-left. Although there were no major demonstrations or clashes this year as there have been in years past, there were outbursts of militancy in Berlin. The night before the October 3rd celebrations in Germany’s former and soon-to-be-again capital city, small riots broke out in the neighborhoods of Kreuzberg and Mitte. And on October 3rd itself, a group of militants carried out a well-planned action against the German capitalist establishment and in solidarity with refugees and immigrants living in Germany. [Read More]

Berlin: News on evictions

On July 29, 1997, three squats in East Berlin were evicted during a massive police operation. The three houses, all of which had been squatted for seven years, were the Rigaerstrasse 80 and the Scharnweberstrasse 28 in Friedrichshain, and the Pfarrstrasse 88 in Lichtenberg. Around 500 riot cops took part in the evictions, which began at 6:30 in the morning when the squatters were all still asleep. Some SEK special police units with machine guns were dropped by helicopter onto the roofs of the houses. You would have thought the squats were home to Red Army Fraction (RAF) or something! Most of the squatters were released from custody after their identities were checked, but 5 people were detained, 3 because they weren’t privileged enough to carry German passports. The houses were all sealed up shortly after the evictions to prevent renewed squatting attempts. [Read More]

Amsterdam: No evictionwarrant for the ‘Kalenderpanden’

Today the court decided not to give permission to the council of Amsterdam to evict the squats at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam. Reason was the procedures started by squatters and people in the neighbourhood for putting the buildings on the list of protected monuments. As long as there is no decision on the status of the monuments the council is not allowed to demolish the buildings [Read More]