Amsterdam: No eviction Entrepotdok!

At 29-1-00 there will be a squatters demonstration in Amsterdam.The demonstration will start at 14.00 at the Westermarkt.

Reason for this demonstration is the threath from the citycouncil of Amsterdam to evict the ‘Kalenderpanden’at the Entrepotdok. The council wants to sell the building to a project developer who wants to build luxury apartments. Research has shown before that plans for social housing in these buildings are well possible.

At this moment there are 15 people living in the squats and there is a concert hall, cinema, theatre, bar, gallery, voku, etc.

More information (for the moment only in Dutch but this will change) at

entrepotdok [at] squat [dot] net
Please come and spread this information. More information will follow.


Infos about the german squatter scene

By A. Clay Thompson

POTSDAM, GERMANY — As a socially alienated punk rocker coming of age in the ’80s — you remember the ’80s: nuclear war looked imminent and nuclear families combusted constantly — I looked to Europe to reassure myself I wasn’t alone.

I watched from afar as European punkers “squatted” abandoned buildings creating an alternative universe in which their communal ideas and anti-society ethos could flourish. The squatters spread across the continent like a tribe of pirates washed ashore with utopian ideals. They generally opposed global capitalism and authoritarianism; they ran illegal nightclubs, restaurants, bars, bookstores, movie theaters, and radio stations that helped sustain their communal lifestyles. The squatters, who often called themselves autonomists, demanded freedom “to create better lives for ourselves today,” as one Danish squatter, put it. [Read More]

Anti-Betuweline Campaign Update 12/12/99

Anti-Betuweline Campaign Update 12/12/99

Here’s some info on the main direct action campaign in the Netherlands. Please publish! The English stuff is a synopsis as not to bore you… Please reply to groenfr [at] dds [dot] nl.

Last Wednesday there’s been the third occupation of the largest Betuweline buildingsite near Dordrecht (in the west of the Netherlands). Two weeks after the first (in the September Actionweek), the second took place on 29/9 and seven people were arrested. [Read More]

5 buildings re-squatted in innercity of Amsterdam

In 1991 a big complex of old and rotten monuments were squatted between the Dam-square and Central Station. The squatters were thrown out in december 1993. ABN-AMRO-bank wanted to build a huge shoppingcenter, luxury appartments, parking, officebuilding and Hotel. They needed thousand riot-cops in two eviction-‘sessions’ to get the squatters out.

Although there was strong resistance against the plans from people in the neighbourhood and the squatters the bank wanted to continue with their ridiculous project.

As to be expected the shoppingcenter became a failure. Nowadays everything is empty including some renovated monuments. Also three not renovated monuments were empty because archeologists found an old castlewall under them. The council took over these houses and is preparing plans for a museum under the buildings. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Council wants squatters to leave

Last week the squats at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam got a letter from the council of Amsterdam saying that they have to leave. The council is preparing a courtcase against the squatters. This case will be expected at the beginning of 2000.

The council wants to sell the squats to the building company ‘B.A.M.’. The BAM wants to build luxury appartments.

More info about the Entrepotdok and pictures at

Seattle: Squatters’ week of success ends with impasse

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After a successful building take-over on Sunday November 28th by anarchists, “The Squat” at 914 Virginia Ave, housed activists all week who were in town to protest the WTO. After six days a deal was made with the owner and all the squatters left without incidence. [Read More]

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Squatting in Seattle

Two articles from the Seattle Times, from 3 and 5 december 1999:

Anarchists: They play by different rules
by Jim Brunner, Seattle Times staff reporter

These are the anarchists’ house rules: no graffiti, no drugs or alcohol, smoking allowed only on the roof. And no violence – at least not inside the Seattle building occupied by dozens of them since Sunday.

Outside is another matter. Authorities say the hooded youths who seized two floors of a building at Virginia Street and Ninth Avenue may be among those responsible for the spree of smashed windows and slashed tires that marred what many protesters hoped would be a week of peaceful demonstrations against the World Trade Organization. [Read More]


Zaandam (NL): A squat illegally evicted and resquatted

Werkhuis 2b-squat illegally evicted

Buildingcompany ‘De Wit’ tried to evict ‘Vrankrijk’ before. Then their company-building burnt down and they withdrew their actions. We are surprised that they want another confrontation with squatters, just at the moment they become active in Amsterdam again. Here a report about the squat in Zaandam (north-west of Amsterdam): [Read More]

Anti-WTO actions reports in France

November 30th, anti-WTO actions reports in France

In Toulouse (4th biggest french city), small groups of people invaded the main commercial street of the town with a sound-system and hung big anti WTO cardboards on christmas decorations with long sticks as subversive christmas fathers were busy giving capitalist rotten fruits to passer-by. We’re now waiting for other french action reports on N30.

In Dijon : 40 activists occupied the Dijon Industry and Business institute (chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie) and one bank agency ‘place du théâtre’ in the financial center of Dijon in order to close down these 2 key-structure of capitalism. [Read More]

Squat ‘Het Paard’ in Amsterdam will be expropriated

The ‘Paard van Amstel’ is a squat opposite the councilhouse in Amsterdam. It has been squatted several times the last twenty years. The last eviction took place in july this year (see also older news at This eviction was ordered by the council. Four people were arrested and finally sentenced to one month in prison. The gable of the building was severely damaged by the container which carried the riotcops to the roof of the heavily barricaded building. A few days after the eviction the Amsterdam squattersmovement reacted with a renewed squat-action. This time we wouldn’t let them kick us out anymore! [Read More]


Unknown suspects ravaged departmentstore in Leipzig

Unknown suspects tried to set a departmentstore on fire during saturday night.The police told the public on sunday of broken windows and afew attepts to start fires inside the building. Following investigations there where no signs of looting. The amount of damadge was not known to the police. The youth also broke 13 windows on a nearby bank building.

The police was called by neighbours that noticed the 15-30 youth. Nobody could be arrested, as the suspects had disappeared by the time the police arrieved. The department store is located in Leipzig-Connewitz, Where the left orientated scene is based.

Wether or not there might be a connection between the incident and a peaceful demonstration of around 500 left-orientated youth that happened saturday evening in leipzig could not be told yet.The demonstration that was against the ban on demonstrations in Saalfeld in Thueringen proceeded peacefully!

12/10/1997 Berliner Zeitung


Old English booklet on Squat!net

Today we put an old booklet in the squat!net-archive. It is made for the London squatters conference in 1977 by Amsterdam squatters. The text is not perfect yet but we will make it better in the near future.

The url of the archive:

“Houses occupation- Liberation?”:

The introduction:


This text was written for the London squatters conference on 15 may ’77, where groups from Amsterdam were invited. [Read More]