London: new squatted social center provides a number of public activities

Below is the transcript of a message from Allan <allanednei [at] riseup [dot] net>

Hello everyone

Our new squat in London is the winner of the flashiest squatted building ever award. It is in an ex-wine bar and is a great space with lots of room. We are getting a lot of interest from the people living near the squat, especially local kids and youngsters. We have been providing things they have asked for, including cheap schooltime lunches. We are trying to provide a variety of events and make the space as pleasant and welcoming as possible for everyone. The squat is easy to find, 156- 158 Fortess Road, next to Tufnell Park underground station. We have a lot of things happening, here is a summary-

Every day- open for coffees and infoshop lunchtime onwards.

Tuesday – Wombles meeting 7:30pm

Wednesday – social centre meeting 7:00pm Free English class 7:00pm

Friday – Cafe 8:00pm short political films 8:30pm current Hollywood blockbuster 9pm

Thursday – DJ workshop 7:00pm

Saturday- Music night

Sunday- screen printing and tshirt making 2pm

Some special events:

Sunday 11th – Queer cafe 6pm

Monday 12th- installation about refugee camps in Nablus (Palestine)

Thursday 15th – Quiz night 7:30pm

The squat has lost its case in court and may be evicted at the end of April so hurry on down!

To get uptodate info go to

Allan <allanednei [at] riseup [dot] net>

Barcelona: “La Hamsa” squat threatened with eviction, not yet evicted

Today, March the 29th, at 9:30 a.m expired the closing date for the inhabitants of l’Hamsa to set out of the house by themselves. At 6 a.m, there were at least 30 people standing beside the front door of the centre, that was also guarded by their inhabitants. People continued coming during the dusk, so they gathered at least 300 in case the police decided to evict early in the morning.

At 9:30 a.m, a civil servant turn up to witness if the volunteer eviction had taken place. What he found was a crowded street pack of people that were supporting the inhabitants, as well as some journalists. he realised that people there were not going to evict by themselves, so, as it’s been usual currently, he decided to paralise the eviction, but without giving any oficial paper that stated this.

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San Francisco: Squatters Demand Government Focus on Housing, not War

Leary of the chaos that consumed Market Street and much of downtown last year, at the dawn of Gulf War II, swarms of police wearing riot helmets and wielding billy clubs were prepared to contain Direct Action to Stop the War’s 7 a.m. gathering at Justin Herman Plaza and subsequent Bechtel Headquarters protest. But when a sub-group that had continued marching up Market turned onto Page Street, the police where caught off-guard. Occupied by keeping people on the sidewalks, distracted police were unable to prevent a group of about 25 squatters’ rights activists from storming through the entrance of an unoccupied building at 47 Page Street. The Autonomous Collective, a local anti-capitalist group, orchestrated the morning-long stand-off in order to draw attention to the affordable housing shortage and rampant homelessness that continue to plague San Francisco.

“Last night was the first time I slept in a bed in a month,” said Purple, a homeless youth, from inside the cavernous squat. “It’s really encouraging to see people unite to demand shelter, because this place is a lot better than Golden Gate Park. That crazy place is full of junkies who want to fight all the time. It’s not safe, plus if I can’t afford a place to sleep, how am I supposed to afford a ticket for sleeping outside?”

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Squat “Pekarnia”

Squat “Pekarnia” still exists, but now with a new name “Klizma”

After the eviction of squat “Pekarnia” at 7th of November 2003 the house was empty and quiet for some time. Just after the eviction it seemed very possible that cops would kick out also the homeless people from the second floor and close the house. But after the eviction the cops left the house undisturbed, so the third floor was squatted again.

A few months squatters renovated the house again, built new heating systems etc, but anyway it still is fucking cold there, sometimes even colder that on the street. In spite of the temperature down to -20 degrees, the anarchist antifa-group “Punk Revival” hold their weekly meetings in the squat and other people also hang around there daily.

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Barcelona 2004: Waiting for the rain

contact mailing list: llistainsostenible [at] sindominio [dot] net

In the year 2004, the subsidies that the European Community grants to its less-developed member countries in the Mediterranean basin will end, as the EC shifts its focus toward financing the development of its new members in Eastern Europe. So the elite leadership of the city of Barcelona decided that, in order to squeeze every last penny out of the EC development fund, they would have to invent a special event to justify an enormous financial investment. The Olympics had already been assigned, and for years the Barcelona City Council had been working to sell a new image of the city to the outside world, using slogans that have been growing in popularity in recent years: “The City of Peace,” “The Multicultural City,” “The Sustainable City”…Even if, among the organizers of the “Universal Forum of Cultures” in 2004, there were a group of cultural promoters that were truly committed to certain of the supposed “contents” to be discussed during the 6-month event, these cultural interests have been totally squashed by the speculative and business interests taking part in the Forum, which since the beginning of the organization of the event have doubtlessly imposed themselves above all other interests. What is left is the rhetoric of the three “axes” that the Forum turns upon, which are nothing more than buzzwords used to call for general consent: “Peace,” “Diversity,” “Sustainability.” …And a huge emphasis on “Participation,” another very popular word.

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Grenoble, France: urgent call to support a tree-squatting action against the destruction of a park (in order to build a stadium)

Urgent call to support the resistance camp and tree-sit against the destruction of the Paul Mistral Park in Grenoble, France (Grenoble is a city in the east of France, near Lyon, in a river basin at the base of the Alps, which already has a big problem with pollution.)


Since November 3 2003, activists have been occupying the trees in Grenoble’s Paul Mistral Park, to prevent the destruction of part of the Park. More than 300 trees of Grenoble\222s “planetary lungs”, including and old, 200-year-old elm tree are slated to disappear, to make room for a giant football stadium. This elitist sports field and walking field represents one public space being privatized…

A protest campaign was launched by the \223SOS Paul Mistral Park\224 association, using lobbying and other traditional political procedures; this campaign was unable to prevent the project. Since it looked like work on the construction project was about to begin, three initial activists were quickly joined by more than twenty others in deciding to turn to direct action and to permanently occupy the terrain to stop the logging machines and bulldozers from coming in. About ten tree-houses, with mattresses and hammocks, living rooms and cooking spaces, linked by hanging bridges to a 20-foot-high platform, now make up a perpetually-evolving village above the ground.

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London : Kitsch party at the Butt Plug Bar

***Please circulate widely***

The last instalment of the Butt Plug Bar will take place on Friday, the 23rd of January. Join us for a night of delicious queer entertainment, vegan food, cheap and glamorous bar and dancing till all hours.

Info: the butt plug bar is at the Chinaman squat, 52 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London E8. Doors open 8pm and close at 1am, but the party will go on till we all want to go home.

This time the theme is kitsch, camp and trashy glamour, with cabaret, performance and video projections. A dress-up corner will let us all glam up or down.

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Squat action in Umeå, in the north of Sweden

At 31/12 the womens house is squatted in Umeå in north Sweden. The building is threatend with demolition. The police wanted to evict the place but a part of the squatters barricaded themselves in on the upper floor.

When the police returned next day the squatters first told them that they’d be gone the following day. However, the next day they decided to stay and put a note on the door for the police saying they consider the house theirs now. [Read More]

Paris: European Communist Parties vs. Squats, European Social Forum Actions

Here is an english translation of the Indymedia Paris article about communist parties evicting squats, which was originally published in French here.

European Communist Parties vs. Squats : European Social Forum Actions

When the various European Communist Parties evict squats: action in support of the Ernst Kirchweger House, the only large squatted social center in Vienna, and the “La Charade” squat in St.-Martin d’Hères, during the ESF.
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New squatted social centre in central Manchester

It’s a non-profit space for hanging out, discussing ideas, reading zines, and stuffing yer face fuck-full of vegan scrummies! Court case was today, and the owners (premier land uk ltd.) won. They seem to be up on getting us out muchos quick too, so get off yer ass and get down to it:

Kickstart C@fe -Timetable of events 13-15 Liverpool Rd – off deansgate

Events this week –

tuesday 2nd – Creative writing workshop 7pm

Wednesday 3rd – Peoples kitchen 7pm

Thursday 4th – Free film night in association with Beyond TV! 7pm

Friday 5th – Gig night, 8pm till late – Featuring/ seth/the dragon rapide/burnst/our beautiful ridiculous plan

Saturday 6th – Stumblefunk sound system 8pm onwards


07811 981760 for more info < !!!!

e-mail: Kickstart [at] shortcutz [dot] org [dot] uk



Council eviction threat The Flying Dog Utrecht [Nl]

Nederlandse versie

Unfortunately we have very very bad news…. the city council decided to force UPC (the owner) to get us out. They do this because they believe we are involved with criminal activities and other reasons like the wagens. Also they claim that this building was build for a company and therefore not suitable to live in…

UPC has to get rid of us before the 1st of december otherwise they will get fined for 15 000 euro’s. We are stunned with this decision because UPC told the council that they didn`t have so much problems with us being there. Nevertheless the council has decided. We choose to fight them in any legal way.

Therefor we are organising an evening with our laywer to gather as much objections possible to keep vlampijpstraat squated. This means we are inviting everyone that has any involvement with our squat ( neightbours, skaters, artists etc… ) We hope we can gather as much as possible support. We believe that we give Utrecht so much on a cultural level and that we are so important for many people but now they threaten to close us down.

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Warsaw, Poland: Grrl punk festival in Fabryka squat

Grrl punk festival at “Fabryka” squat

12-13 december

entrance: very cheap :)))

(first plans:)

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