Poznan: Eviction of a new squat

News from 22 January 2009

Eviction of a new squat in Poznan

8 squatters from Poznan were arrested today morning during an eviction of a new squat in Poznan city centre (the building was squatted for 2 months). The people arrested were not only the squatters from this squat but also people from Poznan’s oldest squat Rozbrat (www.rozbrat.org), who came to support them. There is a picket in front of the cop station taking place right now. The eviction of the squat was announced by cops few days ago, but it was also illegal, they had no warrant to come into the building. Media were called and they filmed everything.

The cops told the people showing solidarity that if they protest in front of the cop shop then the arrestees will be kept inside longer. Also, there are 10 people demonstrating in front of the police station so they are fully legal, as only gatherings of over 15 ppl can be called illegal in Poland. The cops really want to threaten all the comrades involved, but I don’t think they will succeed.

All of the squatters got charged with a breach of house peace. They should be released soon.

Video from corporate media: http://www.dailymotion.pl/video/x83zju_eksmisja-squotu-przy-ul-ydowskiej_news


Seoul: At least 5 people killed

20th January 2009

A bulding squatted in the Seoul town centre was supposed to be demolished and the area redeveloped, and some 40 protesters were apparently pressing against the redevelopment, because some of them were owners of former shops, that had to close because of the plan.

The police tried to evict the place violently, the squatters threw Molotov Cocktails at them and a fire occured.

5 or 6 people died (one of them probably a cop), around 20 people were injured and there were 20 arrested.




Amsterdam: Kinkerstraat squat

Here is some very incomplete information on problems around a newly squatted building. It is very unclear, what did really happen from these fragments of information:

This afternoon, on the 18th of january 2008, two ground floor spaces in the Vinkzicht building in the Kinkerstraat were squatted. Soon after the squat the police arrived, inspected the buildings and OK’ed the squat action for the time being. Soon after that -the police had not left yet- some thugs showed up, started harassing the squatters and smashed a window of a snackbar next to the squat. One of these thugs got arrested. The whole scene calmed down and a start was made with cleaning up the place. At seven thirty a gang of about 20-25 thugs showed up, who all spoke Russian. They forced their way into the building with brute force and viciously attacked the squatters, injuring three of them. One had to be admitted into hospital with a fractured jaw. The thugs operated in an organized fashion, as if they were used to using violence together. Soon after the police arrived, and the thugs convinced them that they had been sitting inside peacefully, and that the squatters had attacked them. Only after people from the neighborhood had interfered did the police realize their mistake and then decided to enter the building and arrest the thugs that remained there. The building was then handed over to the squatters again, who have started repairing the damage done by the thugs and firmly barricading the place up.

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Poznan: Rozbrat squat communique

Today morning (14th January 2009) a bailiff together with locksmiths, assessor and cops came to Rozbrat squat. After negotiations with a group of squatters the assessor was let in and took photos of the ground but was not allowed into any of the buildings. It turned out the proce estimation made a year ago had to be done again. We found out that the previous price of the ground is 6 million zlotys (1,5 million euro) and the new one is supposed to be higher. Also, we were told that the auction of the ground can take place within 3 months.

We keep our eyes open and will let you know when the mobilization moment comes.


London: RampART 2009 and beyond…

rampART 2009 and beyond…

Despite rumours to the contrary, rampART Social Centre and Creative Space is very much alive, well and ready to connect.

We’ve had our problems over the past year, not least because we’ve been preparing for an eviction that hasn’t happened. Bowl Court was amazing but, ultimately, devastating. In its short life it showed us what a social centre can potentially realise but it also took energy and resources away from rampART and left us with a building in dire need of renovation and an exhausted and dissipated collective.

So much for the past. Now for the future…

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Oaxaca: New oaxacan social centre attacked by the cops…

To the people of Oaxaca

To the people of México

To Section 22

To the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca

To the media

In the early morning of Monday, December 8, 2008, murderer Ulises Ruiz’s Oaxacan state government, through its Preventative and Municipal police, onboard various police pickup trucks and motorcycles, violently attacked those who live and work in the political and cultural space of the house located at 408 Crespo Street in the historic center of Oaxaca, “Oaxacan Autonomous Solidarity House of Self-Sustaining (Autogestive) Work” (Casa Autónoma Solidaria Oaxaqueña de Trabajo Autogestivo – CASOTA).

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Tel Aviv: A call for solidarity from BxA squat

Background: Tel Aviv’s BxA squat was opened in the winter of 2005. For 3 years a group of activists renovated the building, worked on its crappy plumbing and electricity, built 2 kitchens (so that the vegans wouldn’t kill the non-vegans) and did loads of cool stuff with the neighborhood and independently, such as shows, exhibitions, vegan lunches, workshops, movie screenings, activities for the neighborhoods kids etc. All the activities were free, of course. a collective was established, and had tried to amplify the idea of free housing as a natural right here in Israel. the squat was evacuated in the 21/11/07 The Israeli law: The Israeli law says that the police cannot evict a house that has been squatted for 30 days or more without a court order. How come we hadn’t been evicted for 3 years? the building specifically was a Mikve, a Jewish purification bath house that was owned by a religious orthodocs group. There were some illegal eviction attempts, but all of them failed. [Read More]

Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset courtcase

On Monday 22 December 2008 5 womyn and 10 men, who were present in the house at the eviction of the Ungdomshuset, got sentenced to imprisonment. 11 people sentenced to 1 year and three months, 3 people to one year and one (aged under 16) to nine months!

The court case started on 22 August 2008 and it concerned about the objects found in the house, things that were judged as weapons prepared to be used against police. However, those “weapons” were never used.



Amsterdam: Celebesstraat 33-36 facing eviction

27 november 2008 – On this day we will conduct a protest march against the eviction order for our house. Everybody come!

25 november 2008 – We have now hung several banners in front of our windows! https://squat.net/celebes/spandoeken/banners.jpg

8 november 2008 – This letter has been distributed in the neighbourhood. Read the full background story here: https://squat.net/celebes/background8nov.html

Neighbourhood letter and summary of background story

November 6th, 2008

Dear neighbors,

We, the squatters of Celebestraat 33/34 ground floors, are being evicted from our home. The new owner claims that he plans to renovate the social housing apartments and sell them at a high price. The judge has decided to evict us but is her decision just? We disagree and therefore we refuse to leave voluntarily.

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Bristol: 2 weeks of Rooftop Occupation. Public Meeting Called with P4P

On Thursday 27th of November an open public meeting is being held in The St Pauls Learning Centre at 6.30pm to discuss this situation. Supporters of the rooftop protesters will be in attendance to answer questions, respond to local concerns and open a dialogue with PfP.

Places for People are publicly invited to state and openly discuss what their intentions for 87 Ashley Road are. This will help assure everyone that they are in fact going to rehouse people on the housing waiting list.

We hope you can attend. For further information contact: Email: 87AshleyRoad [at] gmail [dot] com Phone:07722 786 379


On November 12th 2008 Places for People (PfP) executed an eviction order on 87 Ashley Road, a squatted building occupied by 20 people who have been made homeless by this action. This building was unused by PfP for four years and left empty until May 2008 when squatters working to house as many people as possible moved in. PfP have refused all attempts to negotiate a mutually benifical agreement, repeatedly submitted incorrect possession claims to Bristol Magistrates courts and threatened illegal eviction. At one stage the sitting magistrate called PfPs representation “a right dog’s breakfast.”

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Bristol: Roof Top Resistance at 1 Week!

Wednesday November 19, 2008

They’ve been up there for a week! To draw attention to the continuing roof top occupation of 87 Ashley Road there will be daily demonstrations outside from 4pm-6pm. All welcome. Spread the word.


Resistance is fertile and on roof tops.



Prague: Police attacked the recently opened space Cibulka

On Friday 14th November 2008, late in the night, police violently – and without any notice given to the owners – entered the building Cibulka in Prague. A part of the large building was inhabited by a group of autonomists, who had a sort of a verbal agreement to occupy the building and recently, they introduced the project to the public as a social and cultural space. Allegedly, the police was searching for a criminal who was supposed to be hidden in the yard. But according to people occupying the house, they haven’t noticed them of anything like that. Three of the squatters, afraid of a nazi attack or an attempted eviction, climbed up the roof. The police started to smash the roofing tiles of the already neglected building and later reported that those on the roof attacked them with tiles and bricks. The situation got even worse when one policeman did a warning shot in the air, this was followed by verbal threatening and made the squatters come down, where other aggressive behavior continued. The supporters arrived quite early, some 30-40 people tried to blockade the police cars. Four other people were arrested. Then, the police left the place and they drove to the police station. When supporters arrived in front of the office to protest against the intervention, riot police was ready and some other police violence occurred without any reason, two people were detained. Some people were released after few hours, one stayed in custody until Sunday and the three squatters were released in the morning after the incident, but charged with an attack upon a public agent.

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