Poznan (Poland): Solidarity demonstration with Dutch squatters facing the Squat-ban

On 27.11.09 at 1 p.m. around fifteen people, including members of Anarchist Federation and Rozbrat squat collective, gathered under Honorary Consulate of the Netherlands in Poznan to protest against anti-squatters bill according to which from 1st of January 2010 squatting in Holland would be a crime. Consul accepted our statement, the content of which is published below.

The aim of the picket was to show international solidarity to Dutch squatters, that soon may be defined by law as a criminals. Similar action is to be held in Gdansk and in many other European cities.



We, squatters and anarchists of Poznan, are deeply concerned with the anti-squatters bill. Squatters movement in The Netherlands is wide-known and accepted by the society. It has several decades of tradition and expanded its own infrastructure and counterculture, which provides shelter and enables tens of thousands people to freely develop themselves. Authorities want to introduce anti-squatters bill virtually without any public debate, what make us even more outrageous. We notice that the proposed act is a part of wide, European plan of making society dependant of big-business. Privatization of higher education, health service and other public services so in this case, attempts to limit the choice of residence by forcing the expensive rent. Almost every week we are noticed with information from all-over Europe about evicting squats, often lasting for several decades and gathering hundreds of people around them. In every state the governments want the same- pacification of grassroots movements that refuse their “freedom” and “democracy”.

If the Dutch government adopts this bill, from 1.01.2009 the act of squatting a house will lead to imprisonment. Is it rational to regard satisfying one of the basic human needs that is a shelter as a crime? We consider, that Dutch politicians has only one aim- identify libertarians with criminals, thus justifying imprisonment of people who loudly talk about infirmities of capitalism. The authorities want to steal places in which the critical and independent thought is created, places that allow to prepare actions against social injustice, racism, propaganda of consumption and all other forms of domination.

The anti-squatters bill will hit not only the squatters movement itself, but also the poorest class, workers, immigrants, and everyone who is forced to squat due to lack of money for high rent. In the name of the media model of law-abiding citizen who works eight hours to pay half of his salary to a landlord or a bank that gave him a loan they will be pushed to the role of criminals and idlers that steal someones house.

We do not agree with the proposed reform, as we are threatened with eviction ourselves, although we have run our social and cultural centre for over fifteen years without taking a buck from the authorities. We know what thousands of people would feel when after new year bailiffs and cops will start to knock on their doors. We know that as we fight for our squat, Dutch squatters will fight for their houses. We are sure that if only Dutch authorities will strike squatters, hearts and streets will ignite just like two years Copenhagen has flared!



Source Indy NL

Minsk (Belarus): Solidarity from belarussian squatters

Struggle comes from our hearts!

Here is a group of anarcho-punks, and squatters from Minsk city in Belarus. We are watching the situation in Netherlands and are excited of all this time – because for us a right for the living, autonomous spaces and creation independent culture is very important. We had a squat also like social centre in 2008 year, now we are making house-project to try to keep collective and less alienate way of living, also a space for some activities. From some political cases all places like these here are closed to wide public, but we develop inside the movement and make public events somewhere else.

Also for solidarity to Netherlands squatting movement we choose to make something, which is coming directly from our hearts as we don’t have any embassy of Netherlands or another official institution – we put our feelings in picture on the wall of one’s house on 28th november 2009. We want to support you in this way, and though it is not public protests, for us it’s message to all squatters in Netherlands, for all people who resist this antikraak law over the world. We are with you! Keep on fighting!


Source Indy NL


Amsterdam (Netherlands): Fight for your right to housing! Stop the squat-ban!

In about one month Queen Beatrix will sign the new law to illegalize squatting in NL. To prevent homelessness we should squat her little apartment at Dam Square in Amsterdam. The Palace is big enough, so if you face eviction, come squatting!

The ban of squatting (kraakverbod) is a consequence of long term lobbying by rich landlords and real estate agents. Their friends in parliament have a majority now, which makes the ban of squatting likely to happen. On December 1st, the first chamber of Dutch parliament will have to decide, if the proposed law is passed on to Beatrix, or if adjustments or required. We attack that day to start our resistance!

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Berlin: Brunnenstraße 183 evicted this afternoon!


Video: http://indymedia.nl/media/2009/11//63600.flv

24th November 2009 Show your solidarity, galvanize and engage in DECENTRALIZED ACTIONS all over the city! Express your anger in various and creative ways!

REPOST THIS MESSAGE, spread it over your mailing list, wake up your flat mates and call your friends !

The cops shouldn’t have any rest the next nights and days, keep them on the go! Organize demos / parties / riots!!!

Solidarity IS a weapon! Let hell break loose in Berlin!

Burn down your local german embassy!!!

The ownwer of the house: Dr. Kronawitter,Prinz-Eugen-Straße 3 · 94034 Passau (Germany), phone:+49 851 49 349-0 , fax:49 851 49 349-49 Give him what he needs.


Belgium: Re-occupation of the Lappersfort forest! Call out for support

In the dark chilly woods, a new wind is stirring; winter is moving in, and with the cold nights come a new band of pirates and elves tiptoeing their way between the trees.

After 14 months of okupation, and a pointless pact with the devil signed by 3 previous okupants stating that the forest should be voluntarily packed up by November the 30th 2009, it seemed that the struggle to save the Lappersfort was coming to an end…

But all ends are new beginnings in disguise, and a new seed of mutiny has been sewn in the fertile soil of the forest.As long as it stands threatened, the Lappersfort will be okupied by humans to defend it.

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Torino (Italy): Demonstration in solidarity with the squatters, 19 dec. 2009

Solidarietà… Solidarity… Solidaridad… Solidarité…


Torino city council, with the “leftist” Chiamparino at its head, has decided last november 16th to evict every squat in Torino. The anarchist squats are especially threatened: l’Asilo, the Barocchio, El Paso, Mezcal, Lostilo, la Boccia squat, etc.


This a sort of declaration of war against the squat movement. The Torino’s anarchist and autonomous squats call to mobilization and resistance.


The anarchist squat movement in Torino is an important reality for near than 30 years. Every solidarity action is welcome, send messages to squat at squat.net and to the websites Tutto Squat and Indymedia-Piemonte. You also can demonstrate in front of italian embassies and consulates, and other italian representations.

Welcome in Torino also.

Spread the info.



Demonstration against repression and squats evictions
Saturday 19 december 2009 – 2pm
in front of Porta Susa train station – Torino

10.. 100.. 500.. 1 000.. 5 000.. 10 000 occupazioni !




Call out from the Netherlands

21.11.2009 23:47

We are squatters from the Netherlands. We are asking you to organize a protest (for example by dutch embassy) in your country against squatting prohibition in the Netherlands. We suggest to organize your protests between 26 and 28 of November, because Eerste Kamer (First Chamber of dutch parliament) will vote about squatting prohibition beginnig of December.

To all the people who are against squatting prohibition,
to all the squatters,
to all ex-squatters,
to all young people who would like to become squatters in the future,
to all the friends of the squatters,
to all political activists,
to all antifascist activists,
to all artists who create art and/or perform in the squats,
to all bandmembers and DJ’s that play in the squats,
to all people who enjoy parties and concerts in the squats,
to all travellers who visit and stay in the squats,
to all of you who are not mentioned above.

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Almada (Portugal): An anarchist centre under eviction threat

International solidarity | 9 november 2009

The court decreted the eviction of the oldest anarchist center in Portugal. We shall fightback!!!

CCL is an anarchist centre that exists in Cacilhas, Portugal, since 1974. It was started by old anarchists that fought against dictatorship and since then it stands in the same place. Along the years it has been an important place for anarchism in Portugal and it has been the house of several generations of anarchist. It has an unique library and archive in Portugal, with anarchist books that were edited in the last hundred years as well as its own distro. [Read More]

Athens (Greece): Statement by the Skaramanga squat about a recent arrest

“The state knows it, we know it, its time for society to learn it as well”

On Friday, 13th November Antigoni, a 22-year old comrade was arrested only meters away from the Patission and Skaramanga squat in Athens. Accused with participation to the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”, she was released on bail only days later – a solid proof of the state’s non-existent evidence against her. The following text on her arrest was published by the Patission and Skaramanga squat’s assembly on 16 November:

The state knows it, we know it, its time for society to learn it as well

Friday 13/11 after midnight: a group of security policemen lie and wait at the junction of Patission and Ipeirou St. In our squat (just 50 m from the aforementioned spot), a birthday party with hundreds of people is going on. [Read More]

Bath (UK): Free film night at Black Cat Occupied Social Centre, november 13th 2009

Friday the 13th sees Baths newest occupied social centre, The Black Cat open its doors for a free film nite.

This Friday (13th), starting at around 7, the Black Cat social centre in Bath will open its doors for a free film and dinner night (suggested donations on the nosh).
There are a wide range of films on offer, and we will collectively decide what to watch on the night.

You can find the Black cat centre at:
Kelso Court
7-10 Kelso Place
Upper Bristol Rd

It is a massive space with loads of potential, and we are happy for people to crash after the film night.

We also run regular self-defence workshops, a samba dancing class, a radical library, a freeshop and much more.

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Grenoble (France): Action in solidarity with squatters from Netherlands and all around the world

Fast translation from a communiqué written in french:

Banner and fire, in solidarity with the squats

During the night of november 1st to november 2nd, party of the dead, we did awake !
We’ve put a banner on the wall of an ex-squat, on Phalanstère street, in Grenoble city-center. This building is empty for years, its owner is Actis, who is “managing” business with “social housing” and so on (owning a lot of empty spaces). This building has been squatted in 2005-2006 (Parad is Yack) and in 2007 (La Poulie / Parad is Back).
Everytime, it has been evicted by the Justice & Police crew… The second floor has been burnt a few weeks after the last eviction, to impeach the squatters to come back. The building is still empty.
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Tallin, Vienna, Prague, Barcelona, Berlin: Solidarity actions with Dutch squatters

Solidarity from Berlin to the Nederlands

While the actiondays in the Nederland we attacked in the night to Saturday (30th to 31th October 2009) the Nederland Embassy with colours and stones.

We show solidarity with all the squatters and activists who fight offensive against the new squatter laws in the Nederland. The strike of the Nederland State against selforganized autonomous spaces is an attack on us all and could not be tolerated. Fight for selforganized autonomous spaces – squat the world! Smash capitalism! We stay all!

Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate

Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate against new dutch anti-squat law:

Monday 26 oktober 2009

Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate against new dutch anti- squat law:

today,a group of 60 squatters from Barcelona held a one hour demonstration in front of the dutch consulate to protest the new anti-squatting law

With slogans and banners in Spanish, English and dutch, short speeches and making noise, the barcelona squatters expressed their solidarity with dutch squatters and their stuggle for a dignified existence. [Read More]