Notre-Dame-des-Landes/Nantes (France): Truncheon beatings on the Rollfield

>Press release – July 27th, 2011

Truncheon beatings on the Rollfield

Today at the airport Nantes Atlantique, the opponents to the construction of the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes met up for a peacefully protest at the terminal. They wanted to raise their voice against the construction of the second airport in Nantes. [Read More]

Vienna (Austria): Have you ever squatted the heart of the beast?

July 10th, 2011

In the past couple of days, a group of people in Vienna, fed up of the increasing daily repression of life and the lack of free social space, have taken over an abandoned building in the Ottakring part of the city.
Ottrakring is ground zero of Real Estate speculation in Vienna. The people are also fed up of rising rents and abusive landlords in Vienna. We are also fed up with how the city government not only unconditionally supports the landlords but also how the city is doing less and less to help tenants and other social layers who find life in Vienna more and more unbearable. We’re comprised of Austrians, immigrants, women, men, youth, middle aged, students, workers and unemployed. We are artists, intellectuals, and free thinkers. We represent a true microcosm of Vienna and Austria.

[Read More]

New York city: Organizing for Occupation

Hi people,

NYC Organizing for Occupation – O4O – having an inaugural event…

Flyer’s here.

info at commonlawnyc dot org

Notre-Dame-des-Landes / Nantes (France): A land occupation to make an autonomous village

The ZAD, July 9, 2011,

We are a hundred, we just occupied the land in order to make a autonomous village, to overcome the fight against G8 we gathered together to start to build up a concrete moment of alternatives and struggles.

It’s been a while that we think about the idea to change the way of protest against G8 summits, against pressure, the expected appointment, police traps and event hopping.
By preparing this long term “Camp” which we want to call village, here on La ZAD (Zone to defend) we want to expand this mobilization, take our time for reflection and exchange, linking the global and local struggle…. Our rage is intact: our energy too! [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes / Nantes (France): News from the No G camp

July 8th, 2011

A lot of energy right now !

If there are not much news from our side actually, it means that we are up to running after material instead of computers…

Things take shape, apart a mix of problems which always appear last minute, there are much more nice “last minute” surprises, the pleasure of being more and more numerous every day since our arrival here on La ZAD (“Lasad”) and the amazing shelter from our friends from the squat l’InterMinables and our neighbours on “Lasad”.

Final preparations are underway, the land will be invested this Saturday the 9 July, the more we will be the better it is ! [Read More]

Paris: Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8


Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8

Thursday, May 26, the activists occupy Standard & Poor’s

While the financial crisis hits a nearly bancrupt Europe, things have yet to change. The problem remains the same: Faced with private financial crisis, the only proposed solution is a policy of public austerity. It ensures that the cost of economic irresponsibility is assumed by the majority of the population, including the most vulnerable. Globalizing austerity for the people, expanding the playground of multinationals, thus the project of the G8 and G20 could be summarized. In response to this logic, at the time when the powerful gather at the G8 meeting in Deauville, we decided to occupy the Standard & Poor’s rating agency. [Read More]

Slovenia: Ljubljana Community Gardens & Seed Swap

On the second day of our stay in Ljubljana PEDAL jumped on bikes with spades and forks and trowels for a working tour of four community gardens in the city. The group organising and looking after these gardens ‘Zadruga Urbana Collective Vrt’ have just started another garden in the autonomous free space Metelkova where together we built a bike fence and a compost system, and began work on a permaculture design for the land.

As we went in the sunshine to build more beds on an community allotment, our new friends explained that the growing spaces are on land set to be developed in to park space. The people who grow here have not gone through a council to gain a small plot but effectively have squatted the land- choosing an area and simply starting to work the land with little or no problem from authorities. This contrasts our restricted growing spaces in the UK where in some parts of London you are put on a 20-30 year waiting list. [Read More]

Athens (Greece): Joint fascist/police attack against the Skaramanga squat

Joint fascist/police attack against the Skaramanga squat in Athens is fought back by people defending the building At approximately 00.15 GMT+2 (around 45 minutes ago) fascists aided by police tried to attack the Skaramanga squat, in Athens. The squatters resisted the tear gas and the fascist attack, turning Patision avenue in a battlefield – soon after, the fascists were forced to retreat to Ipirou street.

Published on Occupied London:

Barcelona: A Combative May Day Regained

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Just a decade ago, Barcelona was one of just a couple cities in the world known for maintaining a riotous tradition of combative May Day protests, with a strong anarchist presence. In more recent years, however, the First of May has tended to be as peaceful as Christmas. The events organized by the anarchosyndicalists of the CNT and CGT were more like parades, while the other anarchists were largely trapped in a squatting movement that was losing its ability to take the streets. Already by 2007, anarchists were bemoaning the loss of this tradition and attempting to recover it, organizing a May Day black bloc demonstration that was completely shut down by the police. In 2009, evidently recognizing that it would take more than a single year to reverse their losses, anonymous anticapitalists throughout the city organized a week of sabotage and other actions leading up to May Day. On May Day of 2010, they symbolically squatted a luxury hotel. In 2011, they were ready to reclaim their holiday. [Read More]

Copenhagen: Squat The Naval Mine!

May 4th, 2011

Occupy, share and enjoy the free space of The Naval Mine (Søminen) in Copenhagen. An action to occupy and liberate the area of an old storage facility for Naval Mines and turn it into a social centre. The area is located right next to the Freetown Christiania by the lake in beautiful green surroundings. It’s been open for several years and is used daily by picnicking cityfolks, graffiti artists, dog walkers, bird watchers and everyone else. We’re gonna keep on using it and open it up in style. [Read More]

UK: Why did the Bristol Stokes Croft Riot Happen? A Community-Based View of Events

Why did the Bristol Stokes Croft Riot Happen? A Community-Based View of Events (April Bank Holiday, 2011)
We attempt to tell the story of what happened through the eyes of local people building up a picture of the chain of events which led to a riot close to the centre of Bristol. As well as testament filmed over the subsequent days we also include footage from the unrest. We also hope this will help in the understanding of why it happened.

Bristol riots: Police tactics questioned after second night of violence in Stokes Croft

Questions are being asked as to why a peaceful protest descended into violence on Thursday night in Stokes Croft.

From around 9pm onwards crowds had gathered for a previously-cancelled protest against alleged police brutality during the riots a week earlier before violence broke out at around 1am.

Protesters stood outside the Telepathic Heights squat – the scene of a police raid which sparked last week’s violence – playing music while several police vans waited cautiously nearby.

According to police reports, mounted officers and riot police moved in at around 1am after a small group began throwing bottles at officers. [Read More]