Australian Museum of Squatting

Established 2011

A celebration and documentation of Australians putting abandoned and disused property to good use.
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Sydney Squattocracy

Squattocracy is Housing Democracy. When there’s a gap between affordability and need Squattocracy fulfils that need.

A succession of failed Government policies ostensibly to address homelessness and culminating with the current failure “The Road Home”: Government programs are widely viewed with derision as opportunistic Government / NGO constructs to monetise the marginalised.
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France: Baliff’s visit on occupied land in the ZAD

For some time already, the expropriation judge has been coming under military escort to evaluate the agrigultural land which AGO-Vinci still have to expropriate.

This morning (5th of april), a new step has been taken in their attempt to empty the zone.
A bailiff passed by almost all of the pieces of land occupied by people in cabins, tents, vans and caravans, under the distant but vigilant eyes of at least 5 or 6 vans of riot pigs.
He stayed at the entrance of most of the terrains he visited, he entered into some others, took photos sometime, sometimes asked for the name of the people living there (which were never given), sometimes asked nothing. All this under the pretexte of working for land registry, verifying if the land is occupied, evaluating the « sanitary conditions », of the living space, all the while playing the role of the simple worker who happily carries out his filthy job… [Read More]

Rome: Accusations against housing movements in Rome demolished by Tribunal

In September 2009, hundreds of Carabinieri stormed a school in the Magliana area of Rome and arrested dozens of people who were occupying it. The charges made against them were super harsh: organised crime, extortion, possession of weapons, theft, assaulting police officers, and more. The arrests took place during a relentless propaganda campaign orchestrated against the occupations by the local media.
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UK: Demonstrations in support of squatting

As the move towards the criminalisation of squatting continues in the UK with the House of Lords waving through the legislation, there have been demonstrations in support of squatting and autonomous spaces.

See below for reports from Brighton (today) and Bristol (yesterday).
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UK: Squatting in residential properties to be criminalised in months

What a joke! All of it, the whole process. Last night the House of Lords passed a clause hidden in the legal aid bill to criminalise squatting in residential properties essentially making thousands of homeless people criminals overnight. A whole section of the very poorest and most vulnerable in society have been made criminals and again the debate took place extremely late in the day.
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Helsinki: Elba lives! Elba stays! Stora Enso burn away!

“Elba lives! Elba stays! Stora Enso burn away!”
– report from the solidarity demonstration

A demonstration was organized in Helsinki, Finland on Thursday 22th of March against the destructive business of Stora Enso, and in solidarity with the squatters in Poland.
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UK: Protestor Offered Money to ‘Disrupt Occupy’

Bryn Phillips, who is a British political prisoner, writes the following:

“Next week I’ll be sentenced in Wood Green Crown Court for my limited involvement in last summers riot in Hackney. I threw a Muller light yoghurt at a Police officer in full body armour and pushed over an empty milk trolley.”
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Elba (Warsaw): Demonstration Call, 23.03.2012


Enough of turning lodgers and independent culture into the street!

It seems so natural. A corporation buys a ground and can do whatever it wants on it. Build a work, an office or a golf course. Nobody and nothing can stop that process…

But what if there is a cultural centre used by thousands of people and known all over Europe placed on that premises? What if social welfare is in conflict with company’s egoistic plans? A company, which piously advertises itself as “producing in conditions safe for the society and conducting dialogues with every side concerned”. Where is that dialogue? There’s no dialogue, there is, still, the rule of money. Stora Enso corporation is known for its uncompromised profit policy at the cost of people and the environment. [Read More]

Warsaw: Press release Elba squat

On the 16th of March around 11am a group of workers from “Skrzecz” security agency entered unlawfully the premises of Elba, an alternative social centre in Warsaw. The security was hired by the landlord, the Finnish company Stora Enso. At this time there were several people on the ground who were beaten and forced out of the buildings. The security agents left a path of destruction inside the buildings and took away belongings of the residents of the squat. In the course of actions of the secutity agents money disappeared. This unlawful raid and illegal actions were actively supported by a group of police officers. As a matter of fact they made it impossible to defend against the agression of the security agents and did not react on countless incidents of breaking the law.

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Warsaw: Elba squat violent eviction

Today/now.., without warning, Elba squat in Warsaw is being violently evicted. Elba is the longest running and largest independent cultural center in Warsaw.

This is a part of a Polish live report, translated with g00gl, source:
Please share info if you know more!

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France: 3 busy days on the ZAD

In the afternoon of monday March 5th the tenants of a house at les Ardillières moved out and left the house to the Conseil général (the owner). Two hours later the CG had a company board up the house. A few squatters came by and decided to have a word with the workers. Three cops show up and the squatters decide to call their mates. About twenty people show up and decide to squat the house. The workers and cops move out and call backup. The police had their tires stabbed.

At 7 PM 5 sections of riot cops arrived (from the direction of la Paquelais) who escorted the local gendarmes who first beat everyone out the garden and next evicted the house violently. A physiongnomist called several people by their supposed names. Several people got injured. [Read More]