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Greece: Major crackdown in Thessaloniki

On July 2nd, 2012, an extensive police operation was launched across the city of Thessaloniki, with raids in two squats, house searches and massive preemptive detentions (people were caught even in their private residences, and on several streets, and after few hours were released from police departments), as well as arrests. There are reportedly 25 […]

Thessaloniki (Greece): Banner drop by the anarchist Radio Revolt in solidarity with squatted spaces

“On Thursday, August 2nd, we dropped a solidarity banner in solidarity with occupied spaces, in the context of ten anti-repression days declared by the translation counter-information network Contra Info. In the same context of propaganda actions, late in the evening of Sunday, August 5th, at 22.00 (GMT+2) the anarchist radio-revolt will broadcast a thematic radio show […]

Kavala (Greece): Communiqué by anarchists/anti-authoritarians regarding the recent attack on the Autonomous Hangout

We would like to ‘thank’ those who planned and participated in the smashing of our place’s facade, be it the official police or parastatal ‘patriots’. In this way, they confirmed once again that we are annoying for the current regime of poverty, impoverishment and acceleration of fascism. We have seen an attack such as breaking […]

Greece: The ‘Metapolitefsi’ has legally ended

On Wednesday noon, August 24th [2011], Container squat in the University campus in Zografou, Ilissia district, has been invaded and evicted. The occupied container was smashed, and all items were removed and confiscated. Students from the occupied Refectory building at the Propylaea in downtown Athens called for a discussion–briefing at 9 pm regarding these developments. […]


Vienna (Austria): Have you ever squatted the heart of the beast?

July 10th, 2011 In the past couple of days, a group of people in Vienna, fed up of the increasing daily repression of life and the lack of free social space, have taken over an abandoned building in the Ottakring part of the city. Ottrakring is ground zero of Real Estate speculation in Vienna. […]

Keratsini (Greece): March for Resalto

More than a thousand march in Keratsini in solidarity to the 21 comrades arrested during the police raid on Resalto, the anarchist social centre of the proletarian suburb of Peiraeus. More than a thousand protesters marched on Saturday afternoon [December 19th, 2009] in the industrial proletarian suburb of Peiraeus, Keratsini, against state terror and the […]

Thessaloniki: Arson attempt against Fabricka Yfanet squat

Fabricka Yfanet is a former 19,500 m² factory in Thessaloniki (Greece) that has been occupied by people demanding their freedom from political and economic oppression since 20 March 2004. On Saturday morning, 25 July 2009 at 5.05, arsonists attempted to put our squat on fire by lighting barbecue tanks at the main iron gate. They […]

Larissa (Greece): IKA squat evicted and demolished

April 25th, 2008 Heavy police forces raided the recently squatted building of IKA On Wednesday morning (april 23rd), IKA squat in Larissa was evicted and partially demolished. At 6am the criminality suppresion police raided the building and attacked those who were inside. They were violently taken to the police department. Part of the building was […]

Global summary of april2008-related actions throughout the world

May 1st, 2008   Last year, a call to decentralized actions in support of squats and autonomous spaces was issued, proposing to join forces in April, 2008, for a few days of direct actions, public demonstrations, building occupations, open celebrations of our struggles and counter-cultures… in a desire to bridge our energies, and use a […]


Berlin: One Struggle – One Fight (December 8th 2007)

Police arrested 60 activists at random in a chaotic night for the Berlin police. The demo, 1000 strong, was somewhat delayed by the huge police presence and was at a quick pace before the police surrounded the demo claiming that bottles and paint bombs were thrown at them. The police then randomly attacked demonstrators with […]

Some informations from Greece

Villa Varvara was closed some time ago. But there are now two squats in Athens Villa Amalia is squatted since 1993 Lelas-Karagianni since 1988. The squats have a different character – the first is a punk squat (with main focus on organizing partys and concerts – non commercial always) – the second is a squat […]

Amsterdam: Squatters from Entrepotdok squat part of the City Hall

Today, about 60 people squatted a part of the City Hall in Amsterdam. This part used to be a police office. The squatters are going to use it as an informationpoint about the ‘Kalenderpanden’ at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam. The council threathens to evict the squatters and sell the site to a project developer. More […]