Hamburg (Germany): Statement of the squatters of the former ministry of finance in Altona

At the 23rd of april in 2011, 200 people squatted the former ministry of finance in altona, a district in hamburg and declared the Autonomous Center of Altona (AZ Altona). The action was dedicated to the rise of selforganised spaces, against the ongoing housing misery in hamburg and the parallel existance of massive vacancy of office buildings in the city. After seven hours, the police evicted the building and later started penalty against the 40 squatters. Some weeks ago, the first penalty-letters were sent by prosecutors to demand more than 20000 euro in total!

Surprisingly, the building, which was empty for years, was given a few months after the squatting to be used from artist and economic initiatives again. We see this as our sucess that tenants got the building. Eventhough there is no new selforganised, uncommercial center, at least the building is used again at all. But nontheless it is strange and not acceptable that the people who rised the topic of this misery with this vacancy should now be punished by the states repression! [Read More]

Bristol: Everything Is Not OK Cafe. Rumours of our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated!

As you may be aware, our plans to host a temporary community cafe run on anarchist principles in Bristol this weekend, have been scarpered after Avon & Somerset Police decided to raid Everything Is Not OK Cafe on Friday morning; evicting the building and arresting the five occupiers.

Plans were afoot to host a temporary community cafe run on anarchist principles in Bristol this weekend. On Wednesday night a crew of people entered the unused Preview Bar on Fairfax Street near Broadmead and secured the premises: Everything Is Not OK Cafe was born! [Read More]

Bristol (UK): Update on the Everything Is Not OK Cafe from the Cut the Crap crew

As you may be aware, our plans to host a temporary community cafe run on anarchist principles in Bristol this weekend, have been scarpered after Avon & Somerset Police decided to raid Everything Is Not OK Cafe on Friday morning; evicting the building and arresting the five occupiers.

Plans were afoot to host a temporary community cafe run on anarchist principles in Bristol this weekend. On Wednesday night a crew of people entered the unused Preview Bar on Fairfax Street near Broadmead and secured the premises: Everything Is Not OK Cafe was born! [Read More]

November 11 2012 – Wagenburg Breslau

On 11th November 2012 about 7 pm., after the march of the patriots organized by NOP (National Rebirth of Poland) party, a group of over 100 people invaded the premises of ALTERNA VITA Centre for Green Technologies association for ecology and education. After an unsuccessful attempt to force the entrance gate, they got inside through a neighbouring lot (owned by Gant company). Using stones, flares, bottles and truncheons, they unexpectedly attacked the residents and friends of the Association, 16 people altogether. In the course of the incident two people were brutally beaten (broken arm, head injury). One of them was admitted to hospital in a critical state.

[Read More]


Cardiff (Wales): Squatters & travellers host workshop & skillshare after forming network

Hello, we exist now. A network of squatters, travellers, the unrooted, homeless people, and supporters.

We’re now meeting monthly and are hosting our first event, a Squatters/Travellers Workshop & Skillshare on Thursday 20th December at 3pm, at the Red & Black Umbrella.

This will be an hour discussing the law around squatting, recent changes, and how to still squat legally in commercial  buildings and on land. Followed by another hour skill-sharing how to occupy and secure spaces to live in/on.

We are currently organising events, planning projects, plotting against further criminalisation, setting up a squatters estate agents, and creating a support network for people currently squatting and for others interested in doing so.

Contact us at cardiffsquatters [at] riseup [dot] net to get involved.
Find us at to stay updated.
Love & Rage!

See also: Squatters form city-wide network – South Wales Echo

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Basildon (UK): Travellers celebrate “step in the right direction”

Yesterday evening Basildon Borough Council’s planning committee finally passed a planning application for 15 pitches to accommodate some of the most vulnerable homeless Gypsy and Traveller families in Basildon. This is the first site approved by the Council since official planning needs assessments in 2006 stated the need for between 157 and 163 pitches for Gypsy and Traveller families in Basildon by 2011.[1]
[Read More]

Bristol: Is it just us or is everything not OK?

In light of ongoing austerity measures, due only to get worse, the Cut the Crap Collective introduces a radical discussion space, unashamedly founded on anarchist principles – interested in collective action that works for all. It welcomes anyone who wants to communicate, learn and teach. Hosting workshops, film screenings, discussions and serving hot, tasty meals with the aim of creating a space where people can get together to openly talk and organise for a better future!


Cut The Crap Crew
cutthecrap [at] riseup [dot] net

Weekend of the 15th/16th December – Central Bristol Location. [Read More]

Amsterdam (The Netherlands): Notweg Refugees bring their protest into a squatted church, the Vluchtkerk

A bunch of journalists, activists, churches, squatters and charities gathered last weekend to create a temporary solution for the refugees that have been evicted from the Notweg. The goal is to keep their situation on the political agenda.

In the meanwhile a whole village is being raised in an occupied empty church in Amsterdam West (Erik de Roodestraat 14-16). This will host approximately 83 activists from the ´no paper´ migrant community. People who have no opportunity to stay in our country and have no opportunity to go back. [Read More]

Athens (Greece): Solidarity with squats and self-organized spaces


In a legality that is plundering our lives, we remain clusters of illegality.


Squats and self-organized social centres are parts of the liberated timespace. They are utopian cracks in the midst of a process of social desolation that the dominators are trying to impose. They are social bulwarks against fascism. Within them they harbor the seed of subversion. In these spaces we experiment with the structures that we dream about. We try to promote the anti-commercial and self-organized expression through gigs and theatre performances. We create zones of counter-information through radio stations and internet projects. We develop the collective self-education with open-for-all lessons. We develop social solidarity with infirmaries and collective kitchens. In this way we are slowly trying, in every city and neighbourhood, to create and promote the kind of relationships and ideas that will overthrow this reign of slavery that has been imposed upon us. [Read More]

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Amsterdam (The Netherlands): December 2012 Joe’s Garage program

The weather may be cooling down but the conflicts are still heating up:
The French Prime Minister is green in the gills about his Green coalition partners opposition to his private airport, not to mention his private security police cutting out the supports of the platform they stand on like their political masters do. The Mexican government is still un-comradely with the comrades of Guadalajara and the southern mountains of Chiapas. The Belgian government is still not modifying it’s position on Monsanto, the modifier (and seller) of nature.
And closer to home the refugees will have to seek refuge from their nutty village in Osdorp, west Amsterdam where the Labour Party (former housing corporation lawyer) mayor has recently announced a prohibition of protests at the refugee protest camp, and the defeated squatters who wouldn’t need another hot eviction wave haven’t given up even after the latest heated wave of evictions, not to mention the never ending battle between the beleaguered Saint Nikolaas and the American invader Santa.
And here in Joe’s Garage we’ve had inspiring evenings with the visit from two ZADists, the Mexican provinces, the village of the refugees and many more places.
But don’t think we will be sleeping cozy by the yuletide fire because we have many events in store even now, with or without a hoodie!
This month we have various benefits : Anarchist Black Cross Mexico, Mapuche Indian communities from Chile, FLM (Field Liberation Movement), various movie nights with In Time, Standard Operating Procedure, Larks on a String, Mars Attacks!, and even a sneak preview super 8 night on the barricades against Santa Inc. And let us not forget the free freegan sermons every Wednesday. [Read More]

London (UK): News from the Library Street Social Centre

The Library Street Social Centre, is a fairly new autonomous community centre situated on in the Large Colorama Building on Library Street in Elephant and Castle (SE1 0RY) we regularly hold talks, film screenings, and social events. Anyone is welcome to approach us and put something on. Below is a report of the Peoples Kitchen and Film Night we had yesterday (29/11/12) for more infor see our website librarystreetlondon(dot)wordpress(dot)com.

At 2pm members of the Library street collective began preparing our freshly skipped vegetables to create the meal that would be served at the peoples kitchen. We chopped vegetables for a curry, spiced and boiled beans for a bean salad, herbed and garliced nearly 40 potebello mushrooms for grilling, toasted rolls and made a large green salad. [Read More]

Amsterdam (The Netherlands): Mass arrest attempt during the Bellamystraat 135hs squat action, Communique from the new inhabitants

This text was spread during the squatting action of the Bellamystraat 135hs today. There was a lot going on and some confusing messages came out, so just to be clear: the action was succesful and in the end no one got arrested. It was NOT a resquat of the earlier evicted house on number 33 of the same street.

Statement by the new inhabitants of Bellamystraat 135hs

To everyone interested,

As long as there is emptiness and a need for housing, people will squat. The dutch ‘kraken en leegstand’ law, that should be aimed not only at banning squatting but also at fighting emptiness, is only being enforced partly. While the state evicts squats in a law and order fashion, where the law is the law and nobody can get around it, the other part of the same law is treated like it doesn’t even exist. The state once again shows it’s real aim: while repression is constantly rising capital is still being defended. [Read More]