London: Grow Heathrow in Court next Week

London_Grow_Heathrow_No_Third_RunwayWe have just been served a court hearing for the backlands at Grow Heathrow. Tuesday 23rd September, 11am, Uxbridge County Court.

Please come along to court to show your support, or come along to the Grow Heathrow site in the day to get involved in cooking some delicious food and all the rest…

We will try and pursue every avenue to prolong our stay on site – keep your eyes peeled for any upcoming news. More information to follow soon. PLEASE PASS IT ON. [Read More]

Madrid: Fierce Resistance as nazi MSR opens ‘white Spanish only’ occupied center.

Series of big anti-nazi demos against fascist squatters…   Anti- fascists seize ‘white Spanish only’ food stall and distribute to all..   Fascist squatters may have owners permission… Squatters movement disowns fascist squat… Police turn blind eye to nazi ”okupas” in Tetuan barrio….   Fascist thugs from MSR squat injure local youths..  Media equates nazi’ Social Home’ with long existing popular and anti racist Squat center ‘La Enrededera’ to demand its eviction.

Thousands of neighbours have come out against the nazi squat.

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Manado, Indonesia: An Attack as Direct Solidarity for Pandang Raya – International Conspiracy for Revenge / Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)


Through fire, we sent our direct solidarity to those fighters and arrested comrades who stood against the eviction of the State in Pandang Raya, Makassar, South Sulawesi. We deeply feel connected with those people, although we haven’t seen each other. But your stories, your spirits and your courage, reached us here who are hiding in the dark and awaiting our momentum to hit back at the enemies. [Read More]

Makassar, Indonesia: Update about the battle for the squatted district of Pandang Raya + videos

Updates: On the poster written about Pandang Raya inhabitants who are now living in the shelter, they need help. It can be read on the poster. The slogan said “Pandang Raya Haven’t Lost!” They need donation such as money, medicines, clothes, bed, etc. Contact person is written on the poster. [Read More]

Makassar, Indonesia: Squatted district Pandang Raya is evicted after clashes

Pandang Raya (Makassar) has been demolished to the ground. Friday 12 September, at 5 o’clock in the morning. Pandang Raya inhabitants and other rebels, build a barricade across the street with wood, tires, and rocks. At 6am, there’s appearance of pigs without uniform watching the blockade. Two of them watching the blockade close by. About an hour more, police vehicles filled with 600 pigs in uniform, including 365 the notorious Brimob (special police–my ass). Not long after that the battle began: Pandang Raya combatants throw molotovs, rocks, and other traditional weapon (such as arrows). [Read More]

Saronno (Varese, Italy): Statement after TeLOS eviction


We want to point it out straight: the eviction of an occupied space, always looking outward rather than inward, always opposing those who would aspire to creating a bedroom/streetlife town, won’t leave us astonished, for sure. Yet we are astonished: at the impressive solidarity we’ve received after just a day.
The reason why we’ve got evicted is political: the owners don’t know what to do of their building, they have no projects on it other than the odd and vague idea of commercial sites, roads, misty and weird projects at all that. [Read More]

Testet (France): Wetland Defenders Buried Into Roadway During Civil Disobedience

While violence has escalated, resistance intensifies in Testet against the proposed construction of the Sivens dam. Five Forest/Wetland defenders have been buried into the roadway with only their heads and shoulders above ground in an effort to halt the destruction of a wetland area of 13 hectares, a jewel of biodiversity where 94 protected species live.

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squat!net downtime / hardware update

Dear squat!net users,

Yesterday, Wednesday September 10th squat!net had a /planned/ downtime from approximately 12 AM until approximately 4 PM or earlier, which allowed us to install new hardware.
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London: Prosecution of Camden squatters collapses

Fuck s144! Another test of section 144 of LASPO has failed for the cops (This law criminalised squatting in residential buildings in 2012 for England and Wales).
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Dortmund, Germany: Summary of the fight for the social center Avanti

Church squatted
In the evening of Friday the 22nd of August 2014, activists occupied the former St. Albertus Magnus church in Dortmund which was unused for over 7 years. Only minutes after the occupation was made public, nearly 40 supporters came to the area and held a gathering in front of the church in solidarity with the project and the squatters. Of course, it didn’t take long before the cops also arrived at the location, but they didn’t attempt to raid the building, and instead controlled the supporters outside. The next day, a priest in charge of matters of the church building spoke to the squatters and stated he will tolerate the occupation for one week. Immediately activists began to form work groups, trying to renovate the building to establish a social center. [Read More]

Kkarkiv (Ukraine): Nazis and Police Attack ‘Autonomia’ Squat

From Ukraine to Greece, one coalition: Nazi and police!

On Sunday evening a band of neo-nazis attacked the Kharkiv-based social/cultural center “Autonomia”, which provides shelter for internally displaced persons from war-torn regions of Eastern Ukraine. Activists and shelter residents successfully repelled the attack, as well as the previous two ones that had happened before. The mere fact of attacks against such an institution which was set up by anarchists from Autonomous Workers’ Union and other groups entirely by themselves on the basis of an abandoned and ruined building, raises a major concern.
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Barcelona: Ateneu Eixample evicted

Ateneu Eixample, a nine year old self-managed social centre, was evicted today in Barcelona.

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