Zagreb: Džabac, new squatted social center in town

Džabac offers food, clothes, trinkets, and solidarity every friday, coinciding with the general boycott.

After toying with the idea of occupying one of the many dusty abandoned storefronts to turn it into a more central, open and accessible free shop for quite a few months, we were suddenly spurred to just fucking do it. With the boycott of supermarkets and other spending, and the people’s rising awareness of capitalism’s unquenchable greed the timing felt right – and so we spontaneously cleaned and set up the free shop in two weeks.

On valentine’s day we had our opening, cooking a giant pot of vegan stew and encouraging each other to keep self-organizing. Lots of people showed up to take a curious look and some free goodies, and, to our ecstatic joy, showed interest to start similar things in their neighbourhoods and cities. A few rounds of dumpstering are enough to feed many with bread and pastries, fresh fruit and veggies, random this and that, from chocolate to dish soap. the dumpsters in the city are plentiful and the people are hungry for some tricks and treats! Occasionally some workers organize to give away goods that are about to expire and others are happy to bring in their surplus stuff to trade. And so many people were ready to roll up their sleeves and join our informal Džabac collective right away. [Read More]

Innsbruck: The Palace to be evicted sometime in March

The ‘Palace’ of Innsbruck has been told it will be evicted sometime in March. If anyone wants to come and enjoy this place, you’re very welcome! They said they would come in January and that didn’t happen, so maybe there’s more to enjoy. The Palace is not the first squat in Innsbruck, nor will it be the last, as property speculation keeps holding homes hostage.

The houses belong to those that need them! [Read More]

Amsterdam: Frederiksplein 52 squatted

On December 30th, 2024, Frederiksplein 52 was squatted. Since then, people have been living here and a social centre has been established. We envision a place for people to come together, learn from each other and create together. We are very open for initiatives and ideas, so please feel free to come by!
It will be a space to organize in an autonomous and social way instead of a profit driven one. Spaces like this have become increasingly scarce in Amsterdam, even though they are desperately needed right now.

Once this monumental building still had a social and cultural function, in the 1990s as a ROC school and then as IDFA headquarters, but since then it has been vacant. There are plans to transition the offices into apartments. And while residential spaces are desperately needed, it remains the question whether the apartments will be affordable. [Read More]

Prague: Klinika is alive, the fight continues! Celebrating 10 years

On November 30, it will be 10 years since the occupation of Klinika, an autonomous space that we have fought for from state institutions and capitalist market logic, and which for almost five years provided a place for everyday meetings and the establishment of unpredictable friendships, a place for non-commercial cultural activities and radical emancipatory politics from below. But the clinic was also a place where the slogans of freedom, solidarity and mutual aid were put into practice.

It’s been almost five years since the Klinika squat was evicted, but the need for spaces where we can be more human than just consumers and human resources persists and may even grow, along with the rising price of real estate and the cost of living. The proof is in the newly emerging autonomous spaces. In one of these, we will meet at the “Klinika party” to not only reminisce, but also to sing, dance, feast, and recharge our batteries for the next fights. And to be in solidarity, so the event will be a benefit for another autonomous space, the Infoshop Trhlina. [Read More]

Cáceres: days of resistance and support in the face of the threat of eviction of the CSOA La Muela

Days of resistance from 21 to 25 November. We will have debates, workshops, open mic, jam session, reflections on the future of space, as well as the collaboration of sister spaces such as the CSOA La Algarroba Negra. We encourage you all to participate and show support for CSOA La Muela!

The rehabilitated space that is now the CSOA La Muela began to be self-managed at the beginning of 2024, although the collective project had begun a year earlier. After an exhaustive search we found a plot in the Ribera del Marco, a place that, like many other plots in the area, was expropriated by the City Council of Cáceres more than a decade ago. [Read More]

Berlin: Køpi is in danger!

The “owners” of Køpi project, Startezia GmbH (a shell company of Sanus AG), will take Køpi to court on 6 November 2024 , 10:15, at the Moabit Criminal Court (Turmstraße 91, 10559 Berlin). This is the same postbox company that evicted Køpi Wagenplatz in 2021.
Unfortunately we cannot give any more information on the situation as the project is in talks with our legal team, but we can tell you that the future of Køpi as we know it is under threat. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Klokkenhof squatters’ stronghold

September 28, the OCCII is hosting a benefit event to help the Klokkenhof squatters prepare for a court case and other expenses:

Towering over Surinameplein stands the monumental Klokkenhof flat. Originally built in 1962 with the purpose of housing single working women, now its current owner, property investor Vesteda, plans to renovate the building and charge returning renters higher rent, and is continuing the longstanding trend of investors driving low income workers, students and elderly people further out of the city. Where there used to be 144 social housing apartments, there will be very few left after the renovation.

Vesteda has for years been trampling on renters’ rights and creating a lot of uncertainty amongst them. Renters are being asked to find alternative housing in a market that’s in the worst shape it has ever been in, and then return to their homes which will cost them hundreds of euros more to live in. [Read More]

Rotterdam: Catullusweg stays!

We are really grateful to everyone that has helped out and stood by us, it truly means a lot!!
On the 22nd of august we got a letter for a speed court case for the eviction of Catullusweg 11.
In the morning of august 23rd we went to court, and we’re happy to announce that we won!!!
Even though we don’t have anything nice to say about the judicial system, we feel a weight taken off our shoulders knowing that in the coming time there won’t be any attempts of eviction by the state and its servants.
Now that this squat has more stability, we will put even more time into setting up a social space including a library, free shop, cinema/theater, community kitchen etc.

This is a callout to gather and organise together. Come by share your ideas and don’t don’t hesitate to join in on the fun! We’re looking forward to your ideas and initiatives. [Read More]

Utrecht: No Border Camp 2024

Update from August 20, 2024:

This morning, No Border Camp 2024 started with the occupation of a terrain in Utrecht (a meadow on the Mercatorlaan (directly opposite P&R Papendorp), next to the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal at the Prins Claus Bridge). Until Sunday, several hundred people from the Netherlands and abroad will gather on this terrain to resist the current migration policy through actions, workshops and culture.
Saturday 24 August, there will be a demonstration, starting at the No Border Camp towards the city centre of Utrecht.
Tomorrow afternoon, from 5 p.m., a noise demonstration against the detention and deportation of refugees will take place from the camp at the Judicial Complex Zeist (Kamp Zeist, Richelleweg 13, Soesterberg), where refugee families with children, among others, are locked up.

Kamp Zeist has been a location for many years where refugees are locked up, awaiting deportation or being thrown back on the streets. The site includes a special prison for families with minor children. This is where children such as the recently in the news Mikael (11 years old) and his mother Gohar, who are at risk of being deported to Armenia, are locked up. “Kamp Zeist has been the target of actions against the inhumane refugee policy for years,” says Sasha, spokesperson for the No Border Camp organization, “and tomorrow we will be there again to support imprisoned people and to make a clear voice for the abolition of borders and for freedom of movement for everyone.”

The No Border Camp targets both the increasingly repressive Dutch migration policy and developments at European level, where militarization of borders, pushbacks and other human rights violations are the order of the day. The new Schoof cabinet is adding plans to lock up more refugees, deport more people, make asylum applications more difficult and severely restrict the right to legal assistance.
MiGreat, the Bond Precaire Woonvormen, SOS Humanity, the Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel are among those contributing to the camp with workshops. Connections with climate change, racism and women’s and trans struggles are also on the programme.

Previous No Border Camps were held in Rotterdam (2013 and 2022), Wassenaar (2019) and Groningen (2023). [Read More]

Rotterdam: former school squatted on Catullusweg 11

We are not gone, we are still here! After the many threats and an attempt at eviction by the police, they decided to leave because we were ready to resist the eviction with a lot of people. We are still here the next day, and we are not planning on leaving.

Join us in the struggle against capitalism, the state, and all forms of oppression!
Yesterday, we revealed that we have been living at the unused school on Catullusweg 11.

Aside from being a living space, it will also be a space to gather, meet each other, share and sharpen skills, and host events. It will be a place to learn outside of institutionalised education.
We want to create a space where everybody can feel safe, no matter the colour of your skin, sexual orientation, gender, class, or any such characteristic. Our house and common spaces are vegan, because we are also against the oppression of other species.

This is an invitation to come by and organise! [Read More]

London: Practical Squatters Evening at a local squat!

By squatters for squatters!

Join us for evenings of practical squatting knowledge, skillshares, and meeting squatters new and old. Whether you’re looking to join a crew, looking for more people to join your crew, or just coming along to skill up, we hope that Practical Squatters Evenings can provide something for everyone, and bring together people in the squat scene in London.

After a recent meeting, the Practical Squatters Network has decided on some changes to make the network and monthly sessions more useful to people looking to know more about squatting or to share and improve their skills in many of the aspects of squatting life.

The Practical Squatters Network has been operating for countless years running regular sessions to introduce people to squatting, and to help those already squatting to meet others and share skills. The frequency of meetups along with the content has changed over years according to the changing landscape of squatting in the UK, but currently runs once a month on the 3rd Monday. It fluctuates between being hosted at Decentre, above Freedom Bookshop, and on alternate months in a local squat. [Read More]

Turin: On the eviction of the occupied Ex-Lavatoio

At dawn this morning – July 9, 2024 – the former occupied wash-house in Corso Benedetto Brin 21 in Turin was evicted and subjected to a search. During the eviction, various materials were seized for investigative purposes.

Bombastic media fanfares communicate the eviction of the “den of violent anarchists” and the politicians on duty congratulate themselves on the umpteenth eviction, while workers at the service of the police and the municipality wall up and smash the building, giving it back to abandonment and oblivion.

The Ex Lavatoio was occupied on December 9, 2022 as part of a citizen mobilization in response to the eviction of the Edera Squat. In those months, many considered it essential to claim and practice the instrument of occupation – certainly not that of municipal bargaining and co-planning tables – so, in solidarity with the comrades of the Edera, three occupations were born one after the other (Ex-Lavatoio occupato, Polisportiva Occupata Iris Versari, Circolo Occupato La Crepa). [Read More]