Hamburg: Rote Flora prepares for house search

The Rote Flora squat in Hamburg published a message on their website that they have information that it looks like police authorities want to search the building in the coming weeks.

In a statement, the Rote Flora writes: “At present there is coming more and more information that the Rote Flora could be searched. We are calling to come to a general assembly in the Flora on day X at 08:00pm (20.00). Keep your eyes and ears open. Solidarity against their repression!” [Read More]

Amsterdam: Urgent appeal from ADM

Send your opinion to the municipality about the ADM and the threat of eviction !
The deadline is on tomorrow 02.08.2017 @ 16:30 !

Last week we received a letter of the municipality of Amsterdam in which they summoned us to ‘stop making infringements against the zoning plan’.Like living in an industrial area. If we do not comply with this request before August 5, the municipality ‘will end the violations by means of administrative enforcement’. We protest against this decision and we submit a well-founded view. They are obliged to reply it .We ask all of you to do the same. Hit the link below, explain in some sentences why the ADM is important to you and than just hit send !

Act NOW / SHARE this message !!!

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Athens: Announcement from Gare squat. Call for vigilance against the mafia branch of repression

Gare_squat_Kallidromiou_74_AthensYesterday, Wednesday, May 24th, Gare squat was the target of organized thugs. At midday, during clashes with MAT forces around Exarchia Square, there was a confrontation of protesters with a shopkeeper who tried to prevent a barricade-defense being set up against cops. This particular shopkeeper is known in the neighborhood of Exarchia as being connected with circles of protection rackets, prostitution and drugs, and with state security. A group from an adjacent movement space rushed to defend him. The incident with a portion of those present athte barricade, with this group has been the reason for GARE to attribute responsibility for these events as a whole.

This particular group has been denounced in open movement processes in the recent past by a multitude of collectives, for authoritarian attempts and military-style enforcement against self-organized efforts. The group supposedly acts on behalf of movement spaces and forms. But these, although they have been called upon to denounce the actions of this group, are silent instead.

Immediately after the incident, this specific group along with another bunch of thugs gathered menacingly outside the GARE squat. This larger collection included members of gangs who sell protection to the area’s shops, and who have been involved in attacks and injuries against radicals in the past. After they all had gone, later some of the original problematic group came to our assembly and said they would turn against our squat if we do not identify and deliver to them within 24 hours the people who confronted them at the events earlier in the square. [Read More]

Squatters of London Action Paper 7

Squatters of London Action Paper number 7 is out now – pdf

Trespass Journal

We are pleased to present issue one of Trespass Journal. Trespass is self-managed, open access, and unfunded. It is multidisciplinary and publishes work in different languages. It is an online journal which also publishes selected works in print. [2022 –]

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Maastricht: Landbouwbelang 15 Years Cultural freezone

Throughout the years, the Landbouwbelang has been an experience for many people. A diverse group of artists, designers, producers, organisers, performers, artisans, students and many others made it their social place, their workspace and even their home.
Trough their ideas, ideals, creations, constructions and energy they created the Landbouwbelang in its current form. By organising, creating and sharing experiences together a big community has formed itself around this place. In April 2017 the Landbouwbelang will celebrate it´s 15th birthday.
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Taking Up Space

TAKING UP SPACE – Zine Callout
DEADLINE – Wednesday 15th March 2017

This is a callout for submissions relating to the theme of ‘space’ or ‘taking up space’. The subject is flexible and could relate to autonomous spaces, gentrification, gender, bodies, identity, performance, squats, incarceration or mental health.
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London: SLAP! #5

Heads-up for the long-awaited Issue 5 of your friendly, local squatters’ paper.

SLAP! is a squatter’s freesheet first printed in early 2016. After a quick half-year of squat-hopping, sitting around and organising elsewhere, some of us involved in the previous four issues teamed up with others and knocked-together a fifth. SLAP! is back to support the flow of counter-info between London squats and act as a semi-regular message-board for squat happenings, updates and unapologetic ideas.
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