FOREST ANTI-SPE DAYS #3 CHAOS AND RAGE, SMASH EVERY CAGE BORDERLESS CALL: JOIN US IN THE HAMBACHER FOREST FOR A GATHERING FOR ANIMAL LIBERATION! In the factory farms and vivisection labs, our nonhuman comrades are already fighting back. The time is ripe – let’s share skills and perspectives on how to support their resistance! By […]
Search Results
Hambach Forest (Germany): Summer Event, 21-24 July 2022
Hambacher Forest: Information on the arson attack against the vigil of the occupation
Right at the beginning, it should be pointed out that the brief information about the arson attack unfortunately has to rely, in terms of content, primarily on reports from the blogging service “Twitter”. A format unsuitable for serious reporting, which does not nearly meet the criteria for independent media. There, of course, the typical sneering […]
Hambach Forest: Skillsharing camp in September
The second Skillsharing Camp of this year will take place from September 15th to 25th. Details will follow soon. We, the orga team, are currently very understaffed. If you are currently in the forest and / or in the meadow and you can imagine helping, then write to skillsharing [dot] hambacherforst [at] riseup [dot] net. […]
Germany: Hambacher Forest Solidarity
In the course of militarized assault on the meadow on August 28, an activist from the forest was taken down off the kitchen roof after updating the outside on the situation in the meadow and arrested He was taken to the police HQ in Aachen, where he was identified. It was found that there is […]
Hambach Forest (Germany): 400 people in December 10th Demonstration
Today’s walk in the Forest has attracted over 400 people reflecting a wave of popular support sweeping not just the region but all of Germany and from around the world. This is happening at the time when the rulling parties are no longer able or willing to hold an argument on exiting from coal and […]
Hambach Forest (Germany): One Hundred Cops Spend 11 Hours Evicting a Tripod
On September 19th at 8 o’clock in the morning approx 100 cops entered the millenarian Hambacher Forest [previously on S!N], occupied for last six years blocking the expansion of RWE’s open cast lignite mine, to remove the “The Tripod”, a live-in barricade. The official state line was that it was to keep the roads open […]
Call for defending the occupation of the Hambach Forest
The Hambach Forest has been occupied for five years. For five years people have been building and defending tree houses in order to protect the trees they are living on. For five years diggers, cops, and secus have kept coming closer. Officially, the forest is owned by RWE, a multinational energy company that does not […]
Hambach Forest: Eviction Alert!
Anti-Coal Mining Fight continues in the Rhineland in the Hambacher Forest (previously on S!N)for the 4th consecutive year with direct action, forest barricades, and three treesits/treehouse occupations: Oaktown, Beechtown, F*ck Off, and Death Trap. Sending a message to those engaging in exploitation of natural resources in the form of brown coal and other fossil fools […]
Hambach Forest (Germany): Another comrade in freakin jail
Only days after our comrade Jus was released from prison, after spending nearly three months locked up, another comrade has been kidnapped by the police. On Wednesday 7th October, a person blockaded one of the conveyor belts in the Hambach mine. [Previously on S!N] When this belt stops, the diggers stop moving and the trains […]
Germany: Defend the Hambach Forest! Freedom for Jus!
On the 22nd of July the tower – to this date the only remaining living barricade – got evicted. The tower blocked an important access way to the Hambach Forest [previously on S!N]and its occupation.
London: Grow Heathrow shows solidarity with Hambacher Forest in Germany
Responding to a recent call out, Grow Heathrow sent wishes of solidarity to Hambacher Forest on Thursday. Hambacher Forest is a camp comprising four occupations in the Rhineland of Germany, which is protesting against the expansion of one of the largest opencast brown coal mines. The mine is a disaster, not only in terms of […]
Germany: Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest
Since April 2012, activists in Germany have occupied the Hambach forest to prevent the expansion of Europe’s largest open-cast coal mine. The mine expansion project would mean the clearcutting of the forest and the eviction of thousands of local residents. On March 27, 2014, the forest occupation was evicted by police and today, on April […]