Athens (Greece): Statement by the Skaramanga squat about a recent arrest

“The state knows it, we know it, its time for society to learn it as well”

On Friday, 13th November Antigoni, a 22-year old comrade was arrested only meters away from the Patission and Skaramanga squat in Athens. Accused with participation to the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”, she was released on bail only days later – a solid proof of the state’s non-existent evidence against her. The following text on her arrest was published by the Patission and Skaramanga squat’s assembly on 16 November:

The state knows it, we know it, its time for society to learn it as well

Friday 13/11 after midnight: a group of security policemen lie and wait at the junction of Patission and Ipeirou St. In our squat (just 50 m from the aforementioned spot), a birthday party with hundreds of people is going on. Four of them leave the party to go back home in the early hours; they are kidnapped by the security policemen as they reach the junction and are stuffed into cars by hooded blokes of the “anti”-terrorist service. Three of the kidnapped are released the next day, in the afternoon, whilst one comrade, Antigone, is taken into custody due to an arrest warrant which had been issued against her on Thursday 12/11 for being a member of the “Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire”.

The incriminating evidence against her is a fingerprint on a movable object found in the notorious “criminal meeting place” in Halandri (northern suburb of Athens). A “meeting place” which is nothing more than the house of one of the 3 held in pre-trial detention since the end of September on the accusation of being members of this particular group. In other words, a house which was renamed “meeting place” in order to be able to incriminate every visitor as “member of a terrorist group” according to the anti-terrorist law.

After all, this was the framework of the repression planning from the very beginning; starting from the 4 initial arrests, the detention of 3 of them and the immediate issue of 6 arrest warrants, to the recent issue of another 5 warrants and Antigone’s arrest. The plan is to criminalize interpersonal, social and comradely relationships and to hold more and more “hostages” in order to show off the “anti”-terrorist operations by dragging the detained in front of the TV cameras as if they were a trophy of an imaginary police success.

The choice to arrest the comrade outside the squat and not somewhere else (e.g. at her house or at the local police station – she was under restrictive orders and was obliged to go there on the 1st and 15th every month after the 2006/7 student rallies) is anything but coincidence. The scenario we’ve heard of before and also hear now – although in a milder version – is that that liberated squats provide refuge for the pSkaramangaersecuted and are bases for incendiary and armed operations. A scenario, which along many others, is used in the war against the anarchist-antiauthoritarian movement and other broader social fragments, who resist and do not accept the predominant ideology’s orders. All this is a preventive war/expedition against the people that revolted last December and continue either via collective groups either individually to consist a threat against the formation of a social consensus on the state’s and the capital’s plans to preserve social peace and exploitative relations.

We promise to introduce an all-embracing position on the developing repression planning and its broader aims in the near future, taking into account the new government’s repressive strategy; and also make an appointment at the Evelpidon tribunal, where Antigone will be questioned by the investigating judge, with all those in solidarity.

Solidarity is our weapon

The state is the sole terroris