Bath: A new squatted social center has been opened in Frome

July 6th, 2008

New Social Center Opens / Frome Squatters’ Network

The new Social Center in Frome, a short ways south of Bath, is hosting it’s first public event this thursday – the first meeting of the Frome Squatters’ Network!

The Frome Autonomous Zone is a large house on Somerset Road, Frome, which aims to become a fully functioning Social Center as soon we get our acts together. We can offer meeting and arts spaces and are working on a music room.

The center is at 36, Somerset Road, near the junction with Weymouth Road. Just look for the huge banner and the red and black flag fluttering proudly from the roof!

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Leeds: National Squatters Meeting – 9-10 February 2008

So we are inviting people involved in all squatted autonomous spaces around the UK to meet and discuss the squatting situation and some preparation for the days of action in April. The idea for this meeting is inspired by the recent international meeting in Dijon.

Some of the ideas of what could be discussed at this meeting are…
– Building a stronger network between the squats/Autonomous spaces throughout the UK.
– Initial planning for the days of action.
– The repression and resistance facing Autonomous spaces in the UK.
– How we can make better use of Autonomous spaces in terms of connecting them to issues such as increased surveillance, housing problems, gentrification and the fundamental issue of who owns and controls our land, space and lives.
– The impact of non squatted Autonomous spaces on the squatting movement.
– Breaking out of the “squatting scene”.
– The impact of drugs on the movement.

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Preston, England: “Viva Six Fingers”, new squatted social centre

14 Oct. 2006

Viva Six Fingers
6 Garstang road, Preston

A few Anarchists in Preston have set up a squat which at the moment we are in the middle of repairing. The squat will be used as a social centre but help is required.

The squat is to be called ‘Viva Six Fingers’ after an old man in the Spanish revolution who defended his family and home from fascist attack, killing several fascists and saveing two of his family befor his cottage was burnt down.
We are still with out electricity and water, although we now have a generator temporarily, and have made a lot of progress secureing the place. We would like any one who is interested to contact us and get involved.

e-mail:: converge23 [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk phone:: 07868836617

Jonathan Cottam


Addresses of squatters’ cafes etc.


  Addresses of squatters’ cafes etc.


You should find useful stuff at

The problem has been that these things come and go so much it wasn’t worth putting in print. Its even difficult to keep a web page up to date. Main difference is infoshops covers bookshops and stuff as well as cafes/food. Hope you find something there to help, and please let us know the website so’s we can put a link in to it. Also anyone else you know of who should be listed on our one.

savage <savage [at] easynet [dot] co [dot] uk>




Old English booklet on Squat!net

Today we put an old booklet in the squat!net-archive. It is made for the London squatters conference in 1977 by Amsterdam squatters. The text is not perfect yet but we will make it better in the near future.

The url of the archive:

“Houses occupation- Liberation?”:

The introduction:


This text was written for the London squatters conference on 15 may ’77, where groups from Amsterdam were invited. [Read More]

Nottingham: Estate agency for squatters opens for business

Big Issue, August 1999 nr. 346.

*Housing By Max Daly


An estate agency for squatters has been launched as part of a summer action across the coountry to highlight the near 1 million empty homes left to rot without tenants. The squatters’ Estate Agency, which opened its doors to prospective clients last week, expects to have around 30 empty flats and buildings on its list within a month. [Read More]

121 Social Center in Brixton Evicted…

Hello friends and supporters, This morning at 6-30am 150 riot police backed by an armed squad and a helicopter sealed off Railton Rd and adjoining streets before bursting into 121 through the first floor window. Within minutes the 8 occupiers had been removed and the council went about trashing and barricading the building. A van of police continue to guard the building 16 hours later. Another van load have been stationed at the Town Hall building to guard against anti-council action. Protests and other actions against the eviction and planned auction of the building are currently being put together. [Read More]

Surrey (UK): Diggers leave St-Georges Hill

The Diggers left their camp at Saint George’s Hill at 2.30 on Thursday 15 April [1999] after losing a possession order for the site.

The land rights activists took the memorial stone to the original Diggers to Elmbridge Museum, where it will stay until a permanent site has been found for it on Saint George’s Hill. They have left a temporary wooden memorial planted in the earth at their camp on the hill. The High Court master ordered that no eviction could happen before Friday 16 April, so the Diggers left this afternoon to avoid confrontation. They waved banners and were accompanied by musicians as they left. NOTES TO EDITORS Eviction notice — The originating summons was served at 7.15am on Thursday 8th April by agents for the North Surrey Water Company, whose land the Diggers occupied. It was heard in the Chancery Division of the High Court in The Strand on Tuesday 13th April at 10.15am by Master Muncaster. Camp contacts: Tony Gosling or Annie Merry 0961 460171. Background info:

Pictures of the procession are available from photographer Ben White, 0956 141016



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