Tuesday 20 april 2021, 9:00
Meeting point: in front of the Audiencia Provincial, Passeig de Lluís Companys 14-16, Barcelona
For more than 50 days 7 of the 8 comrades arrested last February 27th in the center of Barcelona have been imprisoned. They were arrested during one of the last demonstrations that began in the name of freedom of expression and that continued for 15 days assuming more and more the voice of the general dissent towards the situation we are living. An suffocating reality characterized by an institutional violence that does not stop increasing every day, that leaves the majority of the population without a future and that absolves and defends those who are really responsible: police, institutions, politicians and the royal family. It is a disturbing authoritarian drift that is taking place today throughout the world and that is concealed under a strictly formal subsistence of the democratic institutional framework that serves as an alibi for a despotic government.
Following the arrests, violent police searches took place in 2 squatted houses in Maresme, with the intention of demonstrating an alleged non-existent criminal organization. [Read More]