Geneva, Switzerland: Burying the airport of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes

In these days of celebrations, we wanted to also extend our wishes to the French government. Death wishes where the Notre-Dame-Des-Landes project is buried once and for all.

Faced with the growing ZAD eviction threats, a small team of artist-apprentices in the night of December 25th to 26th went to decorate the French consulate in Geneva, to thereby also mark down the resistance in Switzerland. [Read More]

October 19th: European Day of Action for Housing

Housing for people, not for profit!

We are confronted with a brutal European austerity regime which continues to transform our livelihoods into financial assets for global speculation, which violates the universal right to housing every day, which destroys democracy at all levels and has no socially acceptable solution for the crisis of capitalism. Not only since the crisis it is the poor and excluded who get hit by this system especially hard: un- and underemployed, homeless, precarious workers, immigrants, Roma, students, single mums, and everybody who is not willing to fit into a capitalist mode of reproduction. This group is now becoming the majority of society.

How the capitalist systems plays out in the diverse housing markets in Europe might be different, but the underlying logic of neoliberal politics, privatization and financialization of our homes is the same.
This is why we aim to stand up, to unite our struggles and to broaden our movements. We will not let us be divided by neoliberal politics.

Join our struggle on October 19th!

Geneva (Switzerland): Squat video

Here’s a video of a symbolic attempt to squat in Geneva.
Since 2 months there were two demos (1000 and 3000 people), and that is the 4th squatting try!

Geneva wakes up! [Read More]

Geneva (Switzerland): On september 18th, the Zoo invites the Medika Squat (based in Zagreb)

On 18th September 2010, the ZOO invites artists and performers from Medika Squat based in Zagreb, Croatia. This kind of exchange is the second one we do (previously we invited the Reitschule from Bern, Switzerland) and it’s a way to promote the different places of “subculture” in Europe, including squat culture.

* * *

As we witness our world, founded on principles of money, has faced a recession and the economy in our city is under collapse, the discourse of culture and its engines (Ministry of Culture and the likes) is being silenced by the logic of a capital driven culture industry and bureaucratic processes of cultural institutions.

Autonomous Cultural Center Medika (AKC Medika) was founded on the principle of open doors, where anybody can develop an artistic discourse, be it cultural, educational, or of any other humanitarian nature, in the hope that our providing of space for such activities will be used accordingly. We offer space without any unified context in order to continually develop diversity among programs and projects that are held in the space. Therefore, if the outcome is entertaining, educational, inspirational, or informative we will have reached our goal.

[Read More]

Geneva (CH): Eradication of alternative culture…

End of July 2007, Geneva: Cave12 is homeless, as are the inhabitants of the squats Rhino and La Tour !

100 people are deprived of their home; three concert venues, one alternative restaurant which was used for debates and meetings, and a day nursery have disappeared within ten days; the squatters are percieved as profit-makers and criminals; the right of private property has become a justification for everything – This is the current situation in Geneva.

Dear friends, who in a way or another have been linked to one of these collective and autonomous spaces – now a rare and endangered species in Geneva’s wildlife.

We ask for your participation in this very simple action. We cannot remain silent observers of the ongoing eradication of Geneva’s alternative culture.

[Read More]


Geneva (CH): Call for mobilization against evictions

Thank you for passing on the message to as many as possible

Evacuation of the Squat, La Tour“
July 10th 2007

On Tuesday morning at 10:00, the police invaded “LA TOUR“ under the pretext of carrying out an identity control!

This, so called, identity verification was followed by the arrival of a bailif who preceeded to proclaim that the house was abandoned (the inhabitants being held at the police station).

[Read More]





2d meeting in order to organise the demonstration and other activities

Thanks to the great participation at our first meeting, we invite everybody to continue:

Tue., 14 of May, 19H00, At Bistr’OK (RHINO, 24 Bd des Philosophes, Geneva)

For your information, this invitation had been addressed as well to:






Geneva: Rue Rousseau 5 is beeing evicted


  Geneva: Rue Rousseau 5 is beeing evicted


5 Rue Rousseau will be evicted in spite of the fact that the Geneva authorities canceled the building permit. The inhabitants received the order to leave the building.

A solidarity and protest breakfast will take place the 6th of May in front of the house.




Geneva: News from Rhino

RHINO (Restons les Habitants des Immeubles que Nous Occupons – lets stay in the house we live in), an alternative and emblematic Genevan squat is threatened by eviction after 14 years of resistance against the Capital. In order to continue, the “contract of trust” with the Genevan authorities needs the support of public opinion.

What is the public opinion? It can be you, me, everybody who dares to think different, people who dare to take side roads instead of the highway of capitalist thinking. Action ! Come and convince yourself on our webside <>,send solidarity letters to rhino [at] freesurf [dot] ch, sign our petition on our website.

Thank you !


Geneva (Switzerland): Eviction of Alesia squat

In the night of Feb.04.00, 1 year after the evacuation of Guillame-Tell after two month occupation (Commercial Building belonging to Credit Suisse), a gathering took place.

The Purpose, condem the 300 000 m2 of Commercial Space left empty in Geneva, Guillame-Tell is still unused…At the same time Alesia (Squat 300m from U.N.) was about to be evicted to make Space for the Multinational ABB (income 2,66 Billion Sfr. for 1999) new Administrative Building.

The Gathering mobelized to Alesia for the last Dinner, once the Food was finished the Games started…Streetpaintings and destruction of Garden-Wall, making our territory much bigger…the neighbouring Haus had been occupied by private Security forces since a couple of weeks (to prevent further Squatting-Resistance), they were forced to leave due to our bottle-throuwing Contest and guerilla-tactical Assaults…No Riot Cops came…

Finally we said goodbye to Alesia, leaving the Street on Flames…the BlackBlock continued walking!!! and making traffic jams…till Ford Barreau (Commercial Squatted Building evicted 4 Years ago)…still no Riot-Pigs…all windows were smashed for the second time this Year… enough for the night…
