Friday, February 16, we met up at 19h at the Croix de Chavaux in Montreuil for a demo against rents, evictions and jail.
Some CRS and plain clothes cops are posted at the end of the pedestrian street. We set ourselves up anyway, some music, a few banners and little by little we are about 250 people. Talks are linked (why this demo, the Bara collective, a short account of the story of A., on the occupation at the University of Paris-8, the Gambetta collective, …). [Read More]
Montreuil (Paris, France): About the demonstration “Let’s occupy the houses, destroy the prisons”
Bure (France) – Forest Occupation Eviction
Tuesday 22th, since 6:15 am, 15 gendarmes’ vans have entered the Bois Lejuc, near to Bure, and are proceeding to its expelling. Many arrests are still ongoing.
Call for gathering at 6:00 pm (18h) in front of prefectures, and a call to converge in Bure for those who can!
See for ticker:
Montreuil/Paris (France): Occupy houses, destroy prisons! Demo next February 16th
Demonstration, Friday February 16th, 2018, at 7pm.
Meeting point at the entrance of the pedestrian street, metro Croix-de-Chavaux, in Montreuil.
Housing problems in Montreuil?
Obviously yeah! Here it’s a pain to find a place to stay when you don’t have the good papers, the good guarantors, the good payslip or problems with the CAF (French social welfare). A pain for those who don’t want to, or can’t, bend themselves to all the conditions asked by the owner, wait for years for social housing, bite the bullet at each financial aid for housing reform. [Read More]
Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Letter to the local committees, the supporters of this movement, and to all those who recognize themselves in the movement against the airport and its world
We are witnessing these last weeks a stream of media statements about the zad in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France, and its future – airport or not, evictions or not, new Larzac or not, blah blah. Suffice to say that we do not necessarily find ourselves in these statements, or not at all, or our ideas are on the contrary. Some feedback lead us to believe that it is not always very clear, for the members of the local committees, the supports and the sympathizers, especially those who are far away, geographically, from the zone. This letter is addressed to you, because we want to explain what we understand about the situation, and also to carry a different voice than those most heard in the media. [Read More]
Calais (France): Another illegal expulsion
Communication received by people in solidarity who live in this city.
A communiqué from people in solidarity with the inhabitants of 63 rue Georges Maquer in Calais
More and more regularly living spaces in Calais are being illegally evicted.
The manipulation and non-respect of the law here in Calais is leading to abuses and regular and intolerable violence. Such violations of the law in a state where law are supposed to be respected are particularly inadmissible when they are carried out by the law enforcement authorities. They are all the more intolerable when they target people already in situations of high vulnerability. [Read More]
France: Common press release from the anti-airport movement following the government’s announcement
Common press release from the anti-airport movement following the government’s announcement
At lunchtime today, the government finally announced that the airport project located in Notre-Dame-des-Landes has been abandoned.
We do note that the “DUP” will not be extended. The project will definitely be null and void by February the 8th.
This is an historical victory against a destructive project. This was made possible thanks to a long mobilisation that has been both diverse and determined.
First of all, we’d like to sincerely thank everyone that mobilised against this airport project over the past 50 years. [Read More]
Paris (France): squatter sentenced to 1 year in prison for attempted burglary
On Tuesday 24th October 2017, several comrades tried to enter an empty house to make it their home, but the property was equipped with an alarm system. All the comrades managed to flee except one, who was arrested and detained. The cops launched a burglary investigation, even though the house was unoccupied and the owners themselves later acknowledged that nothing had been taken. [Read More]
Montreuil/Paris (France): Solidarity with the 3 Anarchist Women Prisoners Awaiting Trial for ‘Attempted Burglary’ of an Unoccupied House
Three women were arrested, detained and imprisoned at Fleury-Mérogis Prison, accused of ‘meeting for the purposes of attempted burglary’ after they were seen near an unoccupied house. A rally has been called for them at 18:00hrs in Montreuil.
On the night of Tuesday 14 to Wednesday, November 15, three women were arrested on a street in Montreuil and taken to the police station. A ‘vigilant neighbour’ saw them near an unoccupied house and called the cops. They were then placed in custody for ‘meeting for the purposes of attempted burglary’. They did not say anything during their interrogation and refused to give their fingerprints and photos, which is why they are also accused of ‘refusal of identification’. [Read More]
Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Week of actions against speciesism
From 30 October to 5 November is called for week of actions against speciesism.
In memory of Barry Horne and of all human and non-human animals victim of specism and domination. [Read More]
Fay-de-Bretagne (France): L’Ancre Noire
L’Ancre Noire (the Black Anchor) is the new name of an old farm and reintegration center, CHRS Le Val – squated in the summer of 2016 halfway between the village of Fay-de-Bretagne and the ZAD of Notre-damme-des-Landes.
Here we live in a day-to-day struggle for the autonomy of the self against the institutional integration – either of our bodies, of our heads as for our common and living places.
We do not recognize any document legitimating – or not – someone of living where he is, neither in a logic of nationality, housing or any property or social organization form.
Here we take possession of our lives and capacities, in an urge for our individual and collective aspirations, taking for goal, our Joy – without papers, without property, without politic nor authority to divide us in this emancipatory quest. [Read More]
France: The State Attacks Indymedia-Grenoble and Indymedia-Nantes… Solidarity!
Following the publication of a communiqué claiming responsibility for a fire in a garage at a Grenoble police depot (gendarmerie) during the night of September 20th/21st, Indymedia Grenoble and Indymedia Nantes have been threatened by the French police. The administrators of these sites have received emails from the Central Office for the Fight Against Crime Linked to Information Technology and Communication (OCLCTIC) demanding that the concerned articles be removed from the sites under (in) 24 hours, otherwise rendering the sites liable to blocking and dereferencing.
[Read More]
Saint-Denis (France): Social centre l’Attiéké evicted
Today, at 6:30 am on August 17, 2017, l’Attiéké, the self-organized and inhabited social centre in Saint-Denis [in Paris northern suburbs], was evicted with the help of cops of all kinds, bailiffs, president and manager of the Fédération Française de Triathlon (owner of the building). The inhabitants were able to leave without arrest and recover some stuff. The rest of the belongings left for storage in another city in the Paris region and will likely be recovered in the days to come. [Read More]