Barcelona: Eviction order against Kasa de la Muntanya for the comíng 2nd of october.

Thursday, July the 17th 2003


Last Friday July the 11th the Ministry of Treasury requested to the 1st Instance Tribunal (section 4) the execution of the sentence of eviction ruled against Kasa de la Muntanya by judge Estrela Radio Barciela. This way culminates the civil process started six years ago by the Ministry of Treasury

The building (classified as historical patrimony) known as Kasa de la Muntanya for 14 years, was built by the Güell family in 1909. Due to the request of the neighbours for more protection for the neighbourhood of “La Salut”, the building was destined to be barracks of the Guardia Civil (police). Eusebi Güell, by means of a public bequest scripture, gave this building in use under the following conditions: the surrender of property of this house is gratuitous, but with the condition that the building is destined to be used as barraks of the Guardia Civil, and in the case that the Guardia Civil stops using the building for the expressed destiny, the property will revert to the original owner or his heirs.

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Sweden: Squat action in Malmö

On the 11th of June, a squat opened its doors as a social center in Malmö in southern Sweden. But after just 22 hours, the national anti-terrorist force evicted the squatters with drawned guns.

The squatters, who have given the house the Name “Melonia”, after a cartoon, came back the next day in a spontanious demonstration with about 90 persons. The police, who wasn’t aware of the demo, rushed to the house with dogs and riotgear to protect the empty house.

Some of the squatters then went to the owners office to have a picnic and to listen to loud disturbing music. [Read More]

Ljubljana: AC Molotov evicted, AC Galicija opened!

Avtonomna Cona Molotov, squat in Ljubljana, was evicted on 11.7. due to the contract between squatters and it’s owner Railway Company. After last summer’s oppression and attempt of eviction, we had no other choice than leave the house. Other possibility was to fight on the court for which we would need lots of money. So, we sadly left the house some days before 11.7. and had found new location some weeks before eviction. Molotov is being destroyed. About 15 people from AC Molotov collective with some new people squatted a nice house in the district called Prule, about 20 minutes walking from the centre. In Molotov we had lots of inner problems with alcohol, that’s why we started with new collective and new plans. In Molotov, we were making mostly gigs and was not possible to make any other activities.

New house, which we temporary named AC Galicija, will be living squat for 15-20 people with info-shop (anarchist library), place for video projections, juggling practicing, meetings and other activities (name Galicija comes from the illegal printing house used by partisans, which was operating in the cellar of the house in the 2nd world war; the house was also the biggest chair factory in Yugoslavia). AC Galicija has 6 owners, who are fighting on the court for the house. When we squatted the house, police came with one of the owners and said we can stay there until we get demand from the court. [Read More]

Update from Montreals Tent City: Riot police evict Tent City; several reported arrests

MONTREAL, July 6, 2003 (2:57am) Riot police evicted hundreds of participants at Montreals Tent City inside Parc Lafontaine shortly after 12:30am this morning. At least 40 riot police were already placed inside the large park, and using floodlights in the dark, they proceeded to push back Tent City participants with shields and batons. Many people scrambled to gather their belongings, including their tents and tarps, while others maintained a line in front of the riot police, chanting defiant slogans in defence of the Tent City. At least four people were arrested inside the park. According to one legal team member, at least 12 people were arrested in total.

In one reported incident, two members of an activist video collective were arrested as they intervened as police attempted to arrest a mother sleeping in a car with her sleeping young child.

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Squats Cracked and Evicted in Eastern Canada

y KW Youth Collective

On Wednesday July 2nd, the KW Youth Collective announced at the City Council meeting that they liberated the Robbie Guest Squat. The squat, an abandoned building on the corner of Cortland and Benton was held for approximately one hour before youth were kicked out. Named after Robbie Guest who died in the custody of Family and Children Services this latest action serves to show that we will not give up our struggle for housing, shelter and against gentrification even under severe repression from the state. The action started at 7pm with Youth Collective members Mark Corbiere and Romeo Montague announcing that youth have occupied the Arrow Factory stating:

Given that housing is a right, given that people are sleeping on the street while many buildings are abandoned – we are taking it upon ourselves to solve the housing problem.. At this time we have taken a squat at the Arrow Factory. This building has been abandoned for over a year and is an eyesore. We will fix it this building – We are tired of these buildings being torn down and not used for affordable housing – we hope the city will support us in our task to solve the housing crisis and serve the interests of all people as opposed to corporate and business interests – We are going to continue taking squats, if you don’t give them you better guard them.

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Grenoble, France : La Charade has been evicted

La Charade has been opened in october 2002 and did lots of activities : debates, film projections, free zone, feminist space, free library, etc.

The owner of the building is the “communist” mayor of Saint-Martin-d’Hères. Soooooo communist is this eviction….

If you read french, check “actualités” on or

The struggle continues !

An evicted squatter of la Charade

Finland: Töölönkatu 51B evicted

10/06/2003 – Töölönkatu 51B evicted

The latest attempt at a squatted place for young people in Helsinki ended today in the eviction of Töölönkatu 51B.

It had only been squatted since Saturday night and already a sleep-in occupation had been arranged, and local bands and DJs invited to play this week. However, seven police vans arrived around ten o’clock this morning. Without warning, police wearing riot gear smashed through the glass door entrance to the squat. A short statement was made claiming that the occupation was illegal and that the local council had asked the police to remove the occupants. We were asked to leave, and when nobody complied, the 30 or so of us left in the building were systematically frog-marched out one by one. Outside, police checked i.d.’s and took mug-shot photos, and released everyone except three who had chained themselves in the attic. They were removed and arrested.

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Eviction in San Francisco

The squat that was open in San Francisco for the last few months and housing a number of people was evicted last night. They are mobilising interested people to meet at the

Coalition on Homelessness 468 Turk st (SF)


Sydney: Midnight Star Squatted Social Centre Evicted :on 7th of december 2002

On Saturday 7 December 2002 the Midnight Star Social Centre was evicted. Around 25 OSG riot police forced their way in just after 7a.m, searched those inside for knives etc, tried to take down names, and gave them just a few minutes to get out. Within hours, the owners had enclosed the site with barbwire fencing and were refusing to allow people in to get their equipment. There were no injuries and no arrests were made.

The Midnight Star had been occupied since February 2002. From the outset, the Social Centre was an experiment in autonomous direct action – it was a non-residential space focused on creating a space outside the control of the state and market. The Midnight Star was an important space for gigs – many doof, punk, hip-hop, and jazz benefit gigs were held there, introducing many people to the possibilities of occupied and autonomous spaces. A pirate cinema – oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe – screened unusual and rare films and served free food every week, including Hindi films for the local Indian community. A number of different people and crews with computer skills set-up a computer workspace/infoshop with discarded and donated computer equipment. The Midnight Star was also the meeting space for a number of different groups – from local wireless technology networking groups to copwatch and other autonomous/activists crews. [Read More]

Brazil: Update about the 2.000 families from Osasco

City Hall from Guarulhos (PT) block the homeless from get their land

The two thousand families from MTST in Osasco was first deceived by the State Government that had promised a slow and pacific removal but it promoted a violent and hasty eviction. Then they had been forbidden by the Municipal Government of Guarulhos (PT) to enter in the land that the State had assigned to them. [Read More]

Brazil: Two thousand families were evicted in Osasco

About two a thousand families who squatted a land in Osasco (near the city of São Paulo) had been evicted this thursday, December 5th. The land, of fifty hectares, was used as rubbish deposit and clandestine cemetary and it is located in a noble region of the city, to the side of a golf field. After months of negotiation, the coordination of the homeless and the government of the state of São Paulo had agreed with a pacific withdrawal, with the removal of the squatters to a land that belongs to the state located in the city of Guarulhos (also near São Paulo). In the last thursday during the morning, the homeless complained of the absence of trucks and buses that would carried them to the land. Tractors had passed over their houses (that they builded in the squatted land) before belongings of the inhabitants could be removed. [Read More]

Valencia : squatters jailed after eviction of a social center

  Valencia : squatters jailed after eviction of a social center

Last week, 4 anarchists and squatters from Valencia (CSO Malas Pulgas), were arrested after an action against especulation after the eviction of their house, the anti-terrorist law was applied with them and after 5 incomunicated days, when the people await them, they were taken to prison and accused of terrorist organization !! (and the TV says that they are middle-vinculated with ETA, only for one panphlet about basque prisonners !). The 4 are now in prison and the attorney says that it is a 15 years accusation…

We need solidarity now !

Fuck the spanish state !

carlinhusbrown [at] yahoo [dot] es