Ontario: an appeal for solidarity action in support of OCAP members facing second trial on ‘riot’ charges


On May 11, the trial of Stefan Pilipa, Gaetan Heroux and John Clarke of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, on charges that they organized a ‘planned riot’ by homeless people at the Ontario Legislature on June 15, 2000, came to an abrupt end. A deadlocked jury led to a mistrial being declared.

On June 18, the three men go back to Superior Court to learn whether or not the Crown (prosecution) will be demanding a second trial. If that happens, OCAP and its many supporters will meet the challenge but, at the same time, we want to do all we can to get the charges dropped. The three have already spent three years with this matter hanging over their heads. To this day, the must live with serious bail conditions that limit their movements and massively restrict their civil liberties. The last trial lasted for four months and we would like to avoid another huge outlay of time and resources. We would also like to end the possibility of prison sentences of up to five years that would result from convictions.

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Amsterdam: Help Sjakoo to survive

Help Sjakoo to survive in Amsterdam

The Amsterdam radical Bookshop The Fort van Sjakoo recently had its existence threatened by an extreme rent increase of 900%. Thanks to the persistent dedication of many people this danger has been averted for the time being and there has been talk of a lower, gradual rent increase. Now the only affordable option is to buy the bookshop space. That of course will cost a lot of money. To raise this much money, and with that the continued existence of a political bookshop, the support of sympathisers is indispensable.

Who and What?
The Fort van Sjakoo has been at Jodenbreestraat 24 since 1977. The building was squatted 2 years earlier in protest against the planned demolition for a new office building. The squatters made the building habitable and they started a bookshop on the ground floor. The resistance of the squatters was successful; the building wasn’t demolished. In the 1980’s the municipality bought the property for next to nothing from a speculator and the tenants and the bookshop became renters.

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In Copenhagen, the Blue House organize its one year birthday…

Friday 21st March at 21.00:Birthday show in Ungdomshuset (Jagtvej 69, 2200 CPH N.). Bands: BORA (Lit), PUGET SOUND (Eire) + Surprise and night disc. 30 Kr.

Saturday 22nd March at 16.00: Movie about the squatting movement + Bar (Alcohol free).

Sunday 23rd March from 11.00: Birthday Brunch.

Monday 24th March at 18.00: Debate on Anarchism

Wednesday 26th March at 17.00: DEMO for free housing, from Israels place (near Nørreport station). It all ends in the Blue House with soup kitchen and concert (NED, Fr.)

Thursday 27th March at 18.00: debate on strategies in the political struggle

During all the week: Cafe, art-exhibition and diverse activities

Free sleeping places in the Blue House. Contact: bluehousedk [at] wildmail [dot] com

“Blue house” <bluehousedk [at] wildmail [dot] com>


Demonstrations against police brutality and against evictions, in Paris and Grenoble (France)

In Paris, it’s gonna be on saturday march 15th, at 12 (noon), place de la République, you can read more in french there : http://paris.indymedia.org/article.php3?id_article=542

In Grenoble (south-east of france), it’s gonna be on saturady march 29th, at 3pm, place Félix Poulat, during the Fraka festival (festival of resistance and alternatives, against capitalism). After the demo, there’s gonna be a big meal at the 400 couverts squat. If you want to know more, contact zanzara [at] squat [dot] net

Zanzara athée


Visit the Alternative Oslo

Blitz, which is a non-profit activity centre for 21 years, is facing eviction after the Oslo city council has announced the building for sale on the open market, combining housing with todays activities! Blitz has officially stated that the old house will be formally squatted immediately after the sale to protest this lunacy of right-wing politics. Blitz is in urgent need of support! Check out: www.blitz.no If you’re in a band; contact the booking-group for gigs!

Hausmania, which is a big alternative culture-project in central Oslo, housing lots of different art-groups and activists, has become an important contribution to the cultural diversity in the city in recent years. Hausmania arranges concerts on different sizes of stages, they have their own theater, practice-rooms for bands, Humla Kultur & Revolusjonsverksted (a nice do-it-yourself-based info-shop) and a radical cinema called Spis de rike (Eat the Rich) ++++. Check out: www.humla.2ya.com

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Queeruption Valentine sex(y) party, 14th feb. 2003


At new squatted venue, London. Doors open 7.30pm, last entry 10pm, party goes on ’til 2am or later. Music, games, play, bar and more. Greco-Roman theme (togas, or anything else you wouldn’t wear on the street). 5 quid (3 quid concs) gets you entry, snacks and no-alcoholic drinks all night. Benefit for Queeruption Berlin (May 2003). Phone the Queeruption hotline on 0 (0 44) 794 997 6016 for more info and venue details.



Eviction in San Francisco

The squat that was open in San Francisco for the last few months and housing a number of people was evicted last night. They are mobilising interested people to meet at the

Coalition on Homelessness 468 Turk st (SF)


London: radical dairy not evicted yet

The Radical Dairy in Hackney, London was in court Monday 13th but the case was posponed. The Dairy has been going for over a year and we it was important to us to try to make links with people living locally (doesn’t happen much in London ‘cos everyone is so paranoid and alienated.) We had a lot of successes in this area with loads of flowers outside and tables where we would bring people cups of tea. We were doing well with kids DJ workshops and free computer access for the local bairns but the police soon put a stop to this dangerous activity by getting the electricity cut off. Since then we have been very cold but we have been doing cafes, free cinema and various benefits- for the Zapatistas, people arrested in Strasburg No Border camp, etc etc. We had an anti queens Jubilee street party with everyone dressed as dead princesses. We carried on with our Yoga classes, English classes for immigrants etc as best as we could by candlelight. The locals have been brilliant, coming out in the street and abusing the police whenever they hassle us- this NEVER happens in England (in my lifetime anyway.) So for the moment we’re still here. Anyone passing through London, come and visit us at 47 Kynaston Rd N16.

Good luck to everyone squatting everywhere in the world & keep the crowbar flying.

millie kennedy <bartvanzetti [at] yahoo [dot] com>


Ljubljana: End of court process between AC Molotov and its owner

Autonomna Cona Molotov is a squat in Ljubljana, which it’s owner – Slovenian Railway Company (SRC) wanted to illegally evict at 7.11.02. They used private security company and we were kept 2 weeks in the house. The place itself is very easy to evict, because it’s one floor house, so we took the legal way – court. We got the lawyer from NGO Mirovni Institut and PIC. They also covered the expenses on the court. The goal was to charge the police, G7 (security company) and SRC. But as we all know, court takes lots of money. As we lost media popularity, we also lost our financial supporters. They decided to pay only until new year. This would mean, we would have to defend ourselves alone on the court and would have to pay enormous expenses of the court. And better not to mention that the lawyer was working only for money, he didn’t even answer the phone for us.

So, we decided to stop the court process and to make an agreement with SRC. We signed the contract which says we have to go out until 7.11.03 and have permission to connect water and electricity again. We demanded they cover the expenses of water connection, because they cut off the pipes during the eviction, but they refused. [Read More]

March 15, 2003 – Seventh International Day Against Police Brutality


  March 15, 2003 – Seventh International Day Against Police Brutality


March 15, 2003, marks the seventh year of this international day of protest and solidarity against police brutality. It first began in 1997 as an initiative of the Black Flag collective in Switzerland along with the help of ‘le Collective Opposé à la Brutalité Policière’ (COBP-Montreal).

Since its first year, the International Day Against Police Brutality (IDAPB) has been a success. This date was chosen because on March 15th, two children, aged 11 and 12, were beaten by the Swiss police.

This day is also an opportunity to create and strengthen an indispensable international solidarity against the ever-increasing collaboration amongst global police forces. The IDAPB is one step in ending the isolation of groups and individuals who, engaged in this struggle, are subjected to daily repression.

The police, the right arm of the State, abuse their power on a daily basis and exercise violence with total impunity. Within the police brotherhood, the complicity of silence eradicates the possibility of one police officer’s innocence. Everywhere they continuously violate the very laws that they are supposed to uphold. The police check I.D. without reason, ticket, harass, steal, spy, beat, deport, arrest, imprison, torture and kill. Their primary targets are “the undesirables of society”: the poor, the homeless, Indigenous peoples, people of colour, immigrants and persons with irregular status (“illegal immigrants” and people working under-the-table), sex workers, activists and student activists, the marginalised, organised workers, queer, gender-based and feminist activists and people who question and don’t accept the legitimacy of the authorities.

In response to the breadth and depth of anti-capitalist globalization demonstrations opposing the fortress of capitalism, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the deepening of poverty, the generalised misery and deterioration of living conditions, governments invest in their police forces, in order to maintain, at whatever cost, law and order for ‘social peace’.

The reactionary security craze following the September 11 events in the U.S. gave free reign to world governments to create new fascist anti-terrorist and racist anti-immigration laws. Systematic surveillance of all means of communication, tougher border controls (if not their closure) and total discretionary powers to all police forces directly affect all “undesirables” (the ‘dangerous’ class).

Facing a global police state, we have the responsibility to act and support all victims of State force. We urgently invite you to participate in the International Day Against Police Brutality (IDAPB). Until now, this event has taken place in several forms: street theatre, murals, publications, demonstrations, conferences, postering, workshops, exhibitions, radio and television shows and other cultural events. Some groups have organised more than one activity while others have formed coalitions. All collectives or individuals decide on what type of action, depending on the political climate of their country, the energy and willingness of people to organise an event, the resources available, etc. The key thing is the imagination and the creativity of the people involved.


Some suggestions and needs:
* If you can’t organise for March 15th, try to organise as close to the date as possible.
* If you can’t or don’t want to participate, please spread and forward this message.
* We need more languages, so any translation of the message is very much appreciated. Could you please send the translations to the below email addresses, so that we can publish them on our websites.
* If you organise anything, can you please let us know, in order to strengthen solidarity and to be able to build a publication about this worldwide event.
* For questions, commentaries, or to find out more about COBP-Montréal and COPB-Vancouver please contact us and visit our websites.

Snail mail:
c/o The Alternative Bookshop
2035 St-Laurent, 2nd floor
Montreal, Quebec
H2X 2T3 E-mail: idapb2003 [at] yahoo [dot] ca Websites:
COBP-Montréal:http://www.tao.ca/~cobp/index.html COPB-Vancouver:http://resist.ca/~copb-van

COBP-Montréal and COPB-Van


Two Polish squatters imprisoned in Holland!


  Two Polish squatters imprisoned in Holland!


Write to the prisoners! There’s two people being kept in prison here in Holland since the 30th of November, for (complicity to) ‘attempted manslaughter’ against a copper. Seven others are waiting to be deported to several different countries and one woman got deported to Australia already. In the night of Friday to Saturday the 30th of November the police raided one squat here in Amsterdam and arrested all the inhabitants. The motive for the raid was some kind of fake fair-gun that some residents found in the trash, which some neighbours saw and called the cops for. The cops didn’t want to talk or negotiate but started immediately to arrest and beat up people, so the squatters spontaneously started to defend their house by throwing stuff out of the windows. Some sympathizers who rushed to the spot got also beaten up and arrested. In the heat of all this a small tv was thrown out of a window on the head of a copper. He didn’t get seriously injured, but two people are now being accused of attempted manslaughter and are facing some longer time in prison. You can morally support them by writing letters in Polish or English. Their adresses are: Alicija Kordasz
P.I. Amerswiel
Copernicusstraat 10
1704 SV Heerhugowaard Marcin Kobos
P.I. Grittenborgh – cel 5007
Postbus 607
7900 AP Hoogeveen Both adresses in Holland of course.

“Warhead Info Service” <soja2 [at] poczta [dot] onet [dot] pl>


OCAP Funding Appeal


  OCAP Funding Appeal



2002 placed huge strains on OCAP’s resources. We had to fight to defend dozens of members and supporters in the courts in the face of intensified (and unsuccessful) efforts to criminalize and destroy our organization.

It has never been our intention, however, to let them divert us from the struggle we are engaged in and, this last year saw our fight back taken to new levels. Every day, we opposed evictions, challenged the denial of social benefits, resisted deportations and fought back against other abuses thrown at people in the war on the poor. We also took the fight for housing to a new level with the months’ long “Pope Squat” that shook up the Tories and pointed the way forward for the upcoming year.

As we go into 2003, we face some very major challenges. Three of our members, Stefan Pilipa, John Clarke and Gaetan Heroux face a three month Jury Trial that starts in January. They have been singled out as ‘leaders’ of a ‘planned riot’ on June 15, 2000 at the Ontario Legislature. Prison terms of up to five years are hanging over them. (We know these OCAP members are not guilty because June 15 was a police riot and the cops don’t take their orders from us). We will approach this trial not just as a legal battle but as a political campaign and will mobilize to defeat this latest round in the criminalization of resistance.

During this next year, we intend to deepen our work in poor neighbourhoods and to organize struggles for housing that will be on a much bigger scale than that of the Pope Squat. Coast to coast housing takeovers are being worked for with OCAP spearheading a major mobilization in Toronto.

We are moving forward with all these struggles with a bank account that is down to next to nothing. Now, we know that we are going to have to carry on our work with resources that are but a tiny fraction of what the other side spends on trying to silence us but, if you could help us keep the phone hooked up and the rent paid, that would be nice. We urgently need a round of financial support to take us into the New Year. Please rush any and all donations to:

517 College Street, unit 234,
Toronto, ON
M6G 4A2

Make checks and money orders out to: Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

If you would like to receive an OCAP calendar (cost $12 with postage) please let us know this when you write and be sure to include a return address.


OCAP <ocap [at] tao [dot] ca>


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