Barcelona : Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions.

Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions

Nou Barris, Barcelona, 30th september 2003

Some 30 persons, from Can Masdeu and from the Miles de Viviendas collective, gathered on tueday 30th of september at 6pm, in the barrio Nou Barris in Barcelona, to denounce housing speculation and evictions. This demonstr-action was part of the Forthnights of action in support to the local okupas, threatened of eviction (Kasa de la Muntanya, l’Hamsa…). The program of the actions days invited everyone to go out for a tour of the empty houses in each district.

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Grenoble, France : A new anarchafeminist squat called “La Flibustière”


Since the octobre 2nd 2003, a new squat opened in Grenoble (France). This place is occuped by anarkafeminist women and lesbian. It’s a living and feminist activities house opening to all women (angry, shy, fast, straight, black, bi, ugly, white, trans, lesbian, pretty…).

We’ve got a lot of ideas: library, infoshop (brochures, keeper, freelax…), discussion and feminist action group, party, debate, workshop…

We really need your support!!!!! Come to visit us!!!!

For the beginning of the squat, we need people and help.

Our adress: La Flibustière, 17, rue des Charmettes, 38600 Fontaine, france

Phone: 0033-06 62 82 74 02

Or contact us by e-mail

Barcelona : Fortnight of Fight against the evictions and in defense of free spaces.

Fortnight of Fight against the evictions and in defense of free spaces.

From the Squatters Assembly of Barcelona we have organized this Fortnight of Fight in the street denunciating all that we have been doing in our daily one from squats, community and diverse collective centers. We have a new big wave of evictions of squats and community centers foreseen for next autumn. So we have the need to organize some days of fight that serve to assemble the maximum number of people around the reality of these squats and to take part, hereby, in the denunciation against the speculation and against the evictions of the free spaces. The spaces like Les Naus, Ateneo de Korneyà, la Kasa de la Muntanya, el Ateneo de Viladecans and La Rovira are under serious threat of eviction.

The journeys are already organized, and they will take place from September 26 to October 10. We attach the programming and the calendar of activities, from wich we want to make attention to the International Demonstration summoned for October 4 trough the streets of Barcelona.

This is basically a call to the mobilization of which we want to make you participate, especially to those of you that want to come to Barcelona and want to be present at the summons.

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Brussels : the 39 rue du Fort’ squat has been evicted

This morning, around 8:00 am, the “39rue du Fort” squat has been evicted, without any justice decision. The cops came in the morning while almost everybody was sleeping. No resistance could have happened.

Concerning the week of actions in Brussels, the meetings are going to happen in another place. Write to unesemaineabruxelles [at] linuxmail [dot] org to know more.

1 eviction = 153 000 new squats



Brussels : Great Squats opening week in october 2003

you, dreaming of freedom, dreaming of space,


let’s open the doors, let’s free the space…

from the 15th of oktober


according to the difficulty to keep a squat a few time, according to the senseless crisis that duplicated the prices of the rents in 5 years, according to the number of buildings at random, according to the fact that the popular Brussels it was, is now a city of business and tourism, according to the pressure of the police to face at the underground parties, we’ve kept the idea of our dutch colleagues who already practised week of opening in 4 cities with good results, thank to all the people who joined for the rejoicings…

(there is an anti squatt law which is proposed for the nexts few days, a law that says that you can make 6 months and get a statute of criminal for beeing squatting…)

SO, JOIN US!! results of the first meeting of july:

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Barcelona: Eviction order against Kasa de la Muntanya for the comíng 2nd of october.

Thursday, July the 17th 2003


Last Friday July the 11th the Ministry of Treasury requested to the 1st Instance Tribunal (section 4) the execution of the sentence of eviction ruled against Kasa de la Muntanya by judge Estrela Radio Barciela. This way culminates the civil process started six years ago by the Ministry of Treasury

The building (classified as historical patrimony) known as Kasa de la Muntanya for 14 years, was built by the Güell family in 1909. Due to the request of the neighbours for more protection for the neighbourhood of “La Salut”, the building was destined to be barracks of the Guardia Civil (police). Eusebi Güell, by means of a public bequest scripture, gave this building in use under the following conditions: the surrender of property of this house is gratuitous, but with the condition that the building is destined to be used as barraks of the Guardia Civil, and in the case that the Guardia Civil stops using the building for the expressed destiny, the property will revert to the original owner or his heirs.

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Save the Blauwe Aanslag (The Hague, NL)

In 1980 the old tax-building in The Hague was squatted. The name ‘BLAUWE AANSLAG’was chosen because of the blue papers everybody gets every year+to pay their tax. After the council became owner it was decided to renovate the building (with money from the governement). The people of the Blauwe Aanslag made an agreement with the council that the Blauwe Aanslag became owner and that the building would be renovated in three stages.

After the first stage in 1993 the council decided to stop the renovation because all of a sudden they had other plans. They want to build a big road in the middle of the centre and the Blauwe Aanslag is standing in the way. In January 1995 the council decided to demolish and evict the Blauwe Aanslag the legal proccedures had begun. By now 8 years and lots of court cases as well have past and as it turns out that the arguments of the council are based on wrong information and false traffic counts they still want to evict. The last 23 years (almost) the Blauwe Aanslag has grown in to a multi-cultural centre with: bookshop, A vegan restaurant, Squatbar, a club, printers, cinema, cater service, metal workshop, wood workshop, voko and more. And a nice place for a lot of people to live in. Now they want to evict and demolish all that has been built up through the years. BASTARDS!!

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Sydney: New squatted social centre in Newton

The people who brought you the Midnight Star are back with ‘The Balloon Factory’. This Social Centre is now open in Newtown for parties, meetings,forums etc. Reclaimed space: Use it or Lose it! A new social centre has been successfully opened in Newtown, for YOU to use!

The space has been decorated by wall artists and will host meetings, parties, film nights, dumpster cafe and more. It is a political space for use by community groups who are unable to afford the high rents charged by commercial venues. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Squat landlord shot

  Bertus Luske is shot dead last night. He was involved in criminal affaires. The   Amsterdam squatters won’t mourn about this loss.

They know Bertus Luske for more than 20 years. He evicted squatters with violence in 1979 and many times after. His last known attempt was at the squatted harbour building the ADM

Bertus Luske became widely known when he evicted the ‘Lucky Luyk’ -Jan luykenstraat- in 1981. The squatters took back the building with force. Many protests followed and his bank withdrew supporting him. Finally he sold the building to the city who turned it into social housing. [Read More]

Sweden: Squat action in Malmö

On the 11th of June, a squat opened its doors as a social center in Malmö in southern Sweden. But after just 22 hours, the national anti-terrorist force evicted the squatters with drawned guns.

The squatters, who have given the house the Name “Melonia”, after a cartoon, came back the next day in a spontanious demonstration with about 90 persons. The police, who wasn’t aware of the demo, rushed to the house with dogs and riotgear to protect the empty house.

Some of the squatters then went to the owners office to have a picnic and to listen to loud disturbing music. [Read More]

Ljubljana: AC Molotov evicted, AC Galicija opened!

Avtonomna Cona Molotov, squat in Ljubljana, was evicted on 11.7. due to the contract between squatters and it’s owner Railway Company. After last summer’s oppression and attempt of eviction, we had no other choice than leave the house. Other possibility was to fight on the court for which we would need lots of money. So, we sadly left the house some days before 11.7. and had found new location some weeks before eviction. Molotov is being destroyed. About 15 people from AC Molotov collective with some new people squatted a nice house in the district called Prule, about 20 minutes walking from the centre. In Molotov we had lots of inner problems with alcohol, that’s why we started with new collective and new plans. In Molotov, we were making mostly gigs and was not possible to make any other activities.

New house, which we temporary named AC Galicija, will be living squat for 15-20 people with info-shop (anarchist library), place for video projections, juggling practicing, meetings and other activities (name Galicija comes from the illegal printing house used by partisans, which was operating in the cellar of the house in the 2nd world war; the house was also the biggest chair factory in Yugoslavia). AC Galicija has 6 owners, who are fighting on the court for the house. When we squatted the house, police came with one of the owners and said we can stay there until we get demand from the court. [Read More]

Bergen Housing Actions pages translated

Welcome to the english version of Bergen Boligaksjonens pages, sorry to say that only the front page is translated so far. But you can always contact us on email: bergen [at] boligaksjonen [dot] no. We hope the site enjoy and inspires you. This information with pictures will soon come on

By the way: The squatted house in Jonsvollskvartalet in Bergen Norway is still squatted and people are having a great time. (27.07.03)

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