Thonon, France: The train-train will survive on winter

This morning at 9 o’clock on the 14th of september, the trial against the “train-train” (a squat in Thonon) made by the Sncf (national society of railroad) for illegal occupation of buildings, change its date to the 28th of september on demand of the sncf’s lawyer in order to give our lawyer’s conclusion and to prepare his argumentation against it…

Moreover, the delay that we can legally get before the real trial is 2 months, and if we manage to have it, these 2 months will get us until the 28th of november… one month before the begining of the winter.

For people who don’t know the train-train, it’s a squat that began last winter, where some concerts took place, projections, discussions, etc. In a Beautiful town of Haute-Savoie with mountains, a lake, a conservative mayor…

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South London: Use your Loaf social centre is facing eviction

Use your Loaf has been squatted for two and a half years. The building, an old bakery at 227 Deptford High Street, was empty for eight years and falling down until we squatted it and lavished it with tender loving care and serious building work. We have a cafe on Friday nights and many other activities such as a local history group and occasional music and film nights. When we showed Farenheit 911 the place was so packed that people were standing on the pavement trying to watch the film through the door!

Use your Loaf is a very friendly little squat and provides cheap food and socialising space for people in a poor area of London. Many people come in off the street to see what we are doing and come back with their friends. The support we have had from locals now they know we are under eviction threat has been great.

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Tufnell Park social centre evicted (London)

26 Aug 2004

Around forty police along with about 30 bailiffs smashed down the front door of the occupied social centre at 5.30am this morning.

The small number of people inside were searched and police intelligence teams filmed and photographed peoples notebooks and much of the other paper based material they could find.

Some people have since been allowed briefly back inside to recover some of their possessions inside.

Last week a police surveillance and intimidation operation was reported outside the social centre against a meeting for autonomous and self organised spaces for the european social forum due to be held in london in october.

The occupied social centre had proven to be one of the most successful squatted community projects for some time, providing a vibrant mix of workshops and skills share from screen printing to radio training. It had played host to some world renowned musicians and singers and provided a valuable meeting place for many campaigns.

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The Poison Club in Dalston lane was evicted at around 3:00pm 30.07.2004

Dalston junction in Hackney, was closed off for some time today as a huge police operation took place to evict the popular and well-known occupied venue and social centre, the Poison club on Dalston Lane. At aproximatly 3:00pm today the police reportedly axed down the door, roughly handling the occupants, immediatly evicting them from the building, whilst filming the operation. The building was effectivly “raided” and evicted on the basis of a drug search, and then the second excuse was that the building was structurally unsound due to a fire at the place next door to the poison club the night before. No drugs were reported to have been found, and of the 5 occupants that were there at the time, no-one was indicated to have, or charged with any drug offence. Under the heavy boots of the police the building did not fall down either – it was still standing as they left, structurally sound, although kicked in! The Poison Club was home to around nine residents and has been in existance for almost 2 years, this september. Described as a non-commercial D.I.Y meeting point for friends of punk rock, hardcore and grindcore, the residents and users of the Poison Club also regularly facilitaed its use as a venue for benefits for causes such as Zapatista solidarity. The Poison Club was also a strong focal point for the queer punk community.

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Squat Klizma at St Petersburg (Russia) in troubles!

The squat Klizma is at the same house, where at Autumn 2003 was located the squat Pekarnia. From December 2003 the squatters has continuously renovated the building and hold there the weekly meetings of Punk Revival. Through the winter almost each Saturday there took place a concert with local and foreign bands. Also sometimes there was organized a little non-profit-bar. Last 3 months there are permanently living about 5 persons and all the time some quests.

The squat Klizma is famous as the place for activities and hanging around for the anarchist antifascist punk movement “Punk Revival”, who have been actively fighting against fascism at St Petersburg the last 1,5 years and made a huge effect to the rise of the anarchist antifascist community (to speak about movement is yet too loud) in St Petersburg.

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Squatting in Tel-Aviv, Israel

Most people in our world community don’t know this, but also in Israel there are squatters and squats. The most active squats are located in Tel – Aviv. There are two of them, and they are anarchist squats.

What we try to do is mostly live in our way without the police and the house Owners will bug as. [Read More]

Netherlands: No new Anti Squatting Law

New Anti Squatting Law of the agenda

Last week came the answer, from the State Secretary for economic matter, on motion “Ten Hoopen” to prohibit squatting company spaces. According to Van Gennip modification of the legislation is not possible, not necessary and also not desirable. The Anti-squatting law -Kraakverbod- seems with that of the table.

No Kraakverbod for non-residential spaces

Autumn 2003: Jan Ten Hoopen, Christian democrat, proposed anti squatting legislation. A Committee was formed to protest against the plans, a lobby-group was set up and a press offensive started. About 50 squatted non-residential spaces held an open day to show what we would be missing if there was to be an anti-squating law. Many non-squatters were informed and supported the campaign. The squatters managed to display the broader function of squatting in Dutch society, a function beyound that of provideing living spaces for the squatters them selves. The Dutch squatters movement also pointed to the millions of square meters of empty office space available in the Netherlands at this moment.

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Brixton, London: The history of Cooltan Arts Centre

Brixton: Cooltan Arts centre

Anyone that ever made it to the old CoolTan building in Coldharbour Lane will remember its unique and vibrant atmosphere.

It was a true co-operative squat that served the local community, offering art space, a café, office space for campaign groups, rehearsals rooms, darkrooms, and – of course – some of the best techno parties we’ve ever been to!

A history:

CoolTan Arts first formed in June 1991, taking their name from the disused CoolTan Suntan Lotion factory they first squatted in Effra Road, Brixton. [Read More]

London: New social centre opens this Friday 21st…

Just over a week ago an unused building in East London was occupied by a group of international artists and activists with the aim of opening up a new social space. The building has been secured, tided up and some essential repairs made. The rampart was born…

The Rampart will provide a rampant meeting and workshop space, free internet access, info shop, community cinema, vokue/cafe, extensive free shop, art gallery and theatre space… The building contains a cosy hall in which a stage has been built and the whole place decorated.

The Ramparts is really close to LARC, Freedom Book, the Hacklab and a squatted environmental project, and we’ll be avoiding duplicating the stuff they already provide while adding to the diversity of autonomous projects in the area.

This coming friday (21st), there will be an opening event, consisting of screenings performance, live music, poetry slam/open mic in the ramparts hall. If you would like to get involved on the night, please let us know ASAP. We also hope to do food but currently don’t have cooking tat to cater for large numbers (we need big pots, and loads of plates/bowls/mugs and cuttlery).

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Scotland: Faslane Peace Camp 22nd Birthday 7-13th of June

Located near Helensburgh, Scotland, approximately 30 miles from Glasgow Faslane Peace Camp is to celebrate 22 years of non-violent direct action and resistance against the Faslane Naval Base in Scotland, which is home to much of Britain’s nuclear powered, and nuclear armed submarine fleet. For 22 years the Faslane Peace Camp has been a base for non-violent direct action against the British Nuclear weapons program, as well as an alternative, consensus based, community with close links to the environmental, anti-road, anti-nuclear and may other non-hierachical resistance movements. Beginning with only a couple of tents, the peace camp has crown to include two busses, approximately 12 caravans, tree houses, a geodome, a communal building and meeting room, a composting toilet, and even a fort to fight of evitctions. Although safe at the moment there are rumours that the council may be gearing up for another attempt at eviction. To celebrate its birthday Faslane will be hosting a week of workshops, actions, discussions and celebrations to which all are invited. The night of June 12th there will be a party with a number of local and visiting bands. Hope to see you there!

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Vancouver, Canada: New Book on the Woodsquat

“Woodsquat” – a special issue of West Coast Line (240 pages, $12) Info: 604.682.3269 ext. 7567 / free [at] woodsquat [dot] net /

Who popped Woodwards on September 14th 2002? Why? What happened on the inside? Who were The Woodwards 54? How did they defend a street encampment for 92 days & nights in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver? Who stayed? Who left? Who ended it? What happened afterwards? Will Vancouver ever be business-as-usual again? Which buildings are next?

Writing & interviews on daily life at the squat. Poems, speeches, statements & reports by residents, witnesses & supporters. Call-outs from affinity groups & support organizations. Police reports & the confidential city government memo planning the quiet final eviction. Reproductions of video stills, posters, flyers, graffiti, linocuts, photographs & an 11-page comic. Critical essays on squatting as a tool, gentrification & social housing, electoral politics, addiction & class war, media distortion, legal strategies, the use of demands, and the ongoing struggle.

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London: call to the creation of a female-based squat


I am a young woman looking to set up a female based (although not exclusive) squat in London, over the next month.

I am looking for energetic and responsible women to form a practical, active and caring group, in order to empower ourselves individually.

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